A subreddit for those interested in shooting wildlife...with a camera.
Welcome to /r/WildlifePhotography a subreddit for those interested in shooting wildlife...with a camera.
All content posted must be your own. Violating this rule will result in immediate permanent ban - no warnings.
Content of pets, livestock and captive animals are not allowed to be posted to this subreddit - only animals living in a wild state.
All content posted to the sub must be Wildlife OR Photography related. Related text posts & questions are as much encouraged as photo submissions.
NO commercial exploitation ie. links to a general blog or social media handles, except for in the comments section of your post.
Providing additional info such as camera & lens used is helpful and recommended (but not required).
Photographs using baiting as a technique to capture images are banned from this subreddit. Bird feeders are the one listed exception to this rule.
No more than 2 posts per 24 hour period.
Posts and comments should stay respectful towards other users.
The Moderators reserve the right to act on a case by case basis.
Any Queries? Message the Moderators here
We were trending on 24/04/16 and 02/11/20!
This is one of my first photos I really really like and I wanted to know what people thought of it. Shot on rebel t7 with kit lens 75-300 mm. This is unedited so how would you make it better?
I have soon-ish trip coming up to salvbard (not sure I'll see any wildlife) but then to tanzania safari early next year.
After being to yellowstone last month and seeing those people with camera and lenses that look like scope, I wanted to get into it, or at least give it a go and dip my toes.
What cameras, and I am really bad at making decisions , please just tell me what to buy reasonable, not high end, not the cheapest something that gives good bang for the buck.
What cameras, what lenses what ? please help!
Caught this little guys in my backyard thought I'd share! Follow my photography Instagram page for more @renecphotography
Posting for a friend, I’m not a birder, but we would like to know the species, if possible. Location Eastern WA state, US. Thanks for any assist!
On a gray afternoon, members of a raft of sea lions rise above the water near Juneau, Alaska, to bark and bellow.
Sony A7RV + Sony 200-600 F5.6-6.3 G OSS @ 600mm | ISO 3200 | f/10 | 1,250
It seems like it’s an expensive and technical hobby. I already do lots of street photography because I live in a city. Most of the posts on the subreddit were taken in amazing places that I can’t access for most of the year. Is it worth investing time in wildlife photography? I have a 55-250 IS STM telephoto lens and Canon EOS 2000D. What are some tips for taking wildlife photos in a city?
A White Rhino and her calf grassing. South Africa.
New Zealand Tui's fighting over who gets the nectar from flax flowers
NE Wisconsin