No, seriously, why?
This subreddit is for videos/gifs where you wonder "Why would a normal person film what was happening (or not happening when the clip starts?" The goal is not to figure out why...
Rule 1: No Security footage or Staged clips
This includes clips from CCTV's, security cams, dash cams, prank channels, IRL Streamers, etc.
Rule 2: Don't police the sub.
If you come across a post that doesn't belong here, just downvote it and move on. If it's really egregious, a mod will remove it. Don't make a "This doesn't belong here" comment. They will be removed.
Rule 3: Flair your posts!
Please flair your post depending on whether it is a GIF or a video. Automod will be introduced soon to allow automatic flairs and filters too.
Rule 4: No spam.
Self explanatory. You spam, you get banned, simple as that.
Rule 5: Don't be a dick.
Come on, let's be nice here. If you're just gonna be an asshole, your comment will be removed.
Rule 6: NSFW and NSFL content must be flaired.
NSFW and NSFL is definitely not for everyone, but we'll allow it. You must flair it with either "NSFW/NSFL Video" or "NSFW/NSFL GIF". Filters to not see NSFW/NSFL content will come shortly.
7: No pets.
Because it's obvious. Everyone records their pets sometimes.