Welcome! Please read the rules before posting and commenting. This is a SFW subreddit for all those asking the one question: Who should I cosplay?
Just a tip - posting a photo tends to help.
Be nice! :)
Would like to avoid a lot of stitching, not opposed to doing some costume work though. Bonus points if I can include a 1 year old baby.
Hi all, I'm new to cosplay
I'm going to a regional comic-con. I'm planning to dress up but don't know what to wear.
I've got a grey suit, and am planning to make use of it.
I'm into Marvel, DC, Majority of the Movies, and Anime. Not much into games.
Please suggest me some characters that wear grey suit.
Attached the suit pic for reference.
My bro wants to make a cosplay for a convention but doesnt know what he would want to make Help this man out
Keep it simple more or less