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WTW for thinking everyone is similar to you?

Is there a word in psychology for the tendency for people to assume everyone else is about as intelligent and capable as they are? Thanks

1 Comment
13:10 UTC


ITAW for someone who inspires you to do the opposite of their behavior/suggestion?

10:08 UTC


WTW for when a theory or plan is fundamentally wrong

An example is accusing a classmate of stealing of something out of your locker, but they weren’t even at school that day. It’s close to fallacy but more of a false basis.

07:18 UTC


WTW for the adjective form of "color palette"?

Adjective for "the range of colors in a given work or item or body of work."
As in, "The architectural and ______ homogeneity of the neighborhood."

05:09 UTC


WTP for when you say something objectively true but follow it with a false rationalization

I think it’s a type of fallacy like illusory truth fallacy but it’s called something specific.

Example: Men are often intimidated by women more successful than them (fact) — so that means women should not have careers because it emasculates men (untrue statement that supports antifeminism).

I’m pretty sure this type of manipulation tactic has a term but I can’t remember what it’s called. I thought it was a type of fallacy but maybe not.

04:11 UTC


ITAP for the enjoyment of seeing things "cleaned"?

Idk how else to describe it. But stuff like deep ear cleaning videos, watching rusty corroded pipes replaced, dusty surfaces wiped shiny clean, plastic covers peeled off glass, seeing someone with a big afro have it trimmed low and then have their hair washed and conditioned. Or something to that effect.

ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENES IN MARVEL MOVIES and the inspiration for this question is the scene in Iron Man 2 when Tony is switching out the Palladium cartridges and you see him pull out a burned rusted out looking cartridge and replace it with a new shiny one. It tickles my brain, and I'm not sure why.

Is there a word or phrase for this sensation?

03:50 UTC


WTW for or ITAP for when someone uses ageism to patronize someone else?

I notice some people do the following, and can't think of what this is called. I don't know if it's a word or a phrase, or a psychological description. But if anyone can help, I'd like to know what this is:

It's when someone is barely that much older than you, but says things like, "When you get to be my age..." or "you're just a young'un", and you're thinking, "What are you talking about? You're only a year older than me."

Then there are people who ache to be perceived as older, by mislabeling themselves as the generation name before, or even lie about their age. Ie.: "I'll be turning 40." (When in actual fact, they are in their early 30s.)

I'm not talking about people who manipulate words to seem younger, but rather, they do it to seem older. They minimize the perception of age to those older than them so they can competitively seem they are the same age, and/or keep those who are younger than they are to view them as 'wise old owls', when they really aren't much older.

03:31 UTC


WTW for a situation where an explanation is correct but conceptually incomprehensible to the other party?

The explanation should be true from the explainer's perspective, but impossible or difficult to grasp by the listener. To give some possible examples:

  • Describing the taste of a bitter food to someone who lacks the gene to taste bitterness.

  • Explaining sexuality or gender identity to genderless aliens who reproduce through asexual means

00:55 UTC


ITAP for someone who needs another person to zip or button up a dress for them?

I‘m thinking of something like „Will you do me up?“ as a question for the other person to help zip / button up a dress. Is that correct?

21:33 UTC


WTW for fallacy or manipulation technique where someone uses a pretend “we” to make it seem like their personal opinion is backed by a non-existent collective?

An example of this would be:

“Can you change how you do _____? We usually prefer to do it _____ way here.”

Additional notes:

  • “we” should be “I” because there isn’t actually a group sharing the opinion.
  • I’ve ruled out the Bandwagon Fallacy and False Consensus Effect, because in this example the person is well aware that they’re trying to falsely strengthen their own opinion.
20:50 UTC


WTW for when you have a theory about something

I was having a conversation with my friends about ancient times and my friends were saying things along the lines of "I have a theory that" "I think that" and there is a word (that could replace theory, hypothesis, etc.) that my friend thought of in his head last night but couldn't remember this afternoon. Any help? I hate to ask to basically list synonyms, but it's something in that range.

19:07 UTC


WTW for the sensation of hot water coming in contact with cold skin?

Like when you come back from a long walk in the winter, your hands are freezing cold and you then wash them with hot water? To me, it’s a very specific feeling that I’ve never found the right word for.

18:21 UTC


WTW for someone highly skilled, like a Jedi

WTW for someone who has mastered a unique elite skillset and uses those abilities to serve and do good? For instance, the word "Jedi" (as is Star Wars) is sort of what I am looking for, but I can't use that word. I am looking for a word for someone that is highly capable, educated, skilled, elite and even sort of magic perhaps. Thank you!

16:40 UTC


WTW for when a superior doesn't see the faults of employee because they like them so much

So an example would be like a manager that really enjoys a lower tittled employee but that employee doesn't perform great. It's almost like the manager is blind to said employees bad actions. Not thinking of favoritism or bias.

14:49 UTC


WTW for someone who acts silly/immature but is actually intelligent?

For more context, I need to find a single, relatively complicated, word to name my book. The MC often acts childish, immature, and whiney, but they are also incredibly intelligent in academic/strategy standards. Does such a word exist, and if not, do you have any suggestions I could use instead?

14:07 UTC


WTW for the interaction with people whose job is a type of customer care role, representing the company's public face, but they behave adversarially when actually approached for assistance?

Like they imply you're stupid for even needing to ask. So instead of feeling you get the support and help required, you get...?

Not the emotional elements like dismay, but the practical aspect of not easily discovering the answers requested.

10:02 UTC


WTW for when two words are kinda merged together into a new word that isn't quite right?

I'm specifically referring to a situation in which my friend wrote the name "Cronos" as a Greek God. To which said that I didn't think that was right, and asked if they meant "Chronos" or "Kronus," which are two different gods? Ignoring the fact that Cronos is actually an alt spelling of Kronus and I'm just dumb, WTW for when said combination really is wrong?

03:19 UTC


WTW for when a person does something unkind and/or unlawful or unruly, but not is blatantly malicious or nefarious?

It’s kind of like “malicious intent”, but not quite… like, if a starving person steals and they also take their favorite snack above the basic necessities, or if a person retaliates brutally against their abuser.

There HAS to be a word for this.

01:02 UTC


WTW for someone who enjoys causing themselves pain for the sole purpose of relieving the pain after?

For example, Let's say someone engages in a lot of physical activity without any breaks to make themselves feel sore just so they can enjoy the relief of resting their body afterwards. Or let's say someone purposefully causes themselves pain in a certain area so they can relieve the pain by putting something cool on the area. Basically someone who intentionally causes themselves pain because they like the relief that comes after. What would be the word for someone like that? Hopefully this isn't confusing.

00:45 UTC


WTW for myth being based off of truth? Truth morphs into myth?

There's a word that describes how a myth forms from something real. For example, the myth of Hercules could have been based off of someone who was really strong. Eventually people started to exaggerate how strong he was, and it became myth.

00:06 UTC


ITAW for the reciprocal of fealty? A vassal swears fealty to his lord; the lord swears ___ to his vassal.

Fealty is generally considered a reciprocal arrangement. The vassal promises fidelity and obedience to his lord. The lord, in return, promises his protection to his vassal. The vassal swears fealty; is there a corresponding word for the lord's promise?

23:25 UTC


WTW for the feeling of being limited by only living one life?

I used to know this word, and I just can't remember it!

The word is to describe the feeling that you are trapped by being limited to being only yourself, and people with this feeling have a strong desire to be able to body hop or to experience life as multiple people as they so choose.

20:19 UTC


WTW for when talking about people's money, but the limited amounts against ALL venues

This was a business term, to be be more specific. Like if a monopoly is defined as dominating an industry, this term is used to define people's money --- but not for one thing like food, but the competition for people's TOTAL dollar and only having so much to spend between all the things that can be spent on.

i.e. Despite advertising, needs, and entertainment, people will only have so much money to spend; and companies aren't only competing against like-products, but more practically against the amount that people make as a whole.

Sorry if this is super confusing lol

18:58 UTC


WTW for maliciously using good faith as cover

Let’s say you’re a dick and create a situation where you basically force someone to remain silent and not speak against what you’re doing because they would seem like a dick or suspicious if they did otherwise. The closest word I can think of is something along the lines of malicious compliance,

18:33 UTC


WTW for something which is unintentionally misleading?

Let’s say someone writes something which is technically true, but anyone who reads it will likely draw an incorrect conclusion due to the way it was written, thus the statement is technically misleading.

However, you know that the person who wrote it didn’t intend to mislead (or, at the very least, has no reason to do so). In this case it seems wrong (or at least needlessly accusatory) to describe it as “misleading”, so what would be the best word to use instead?

15:13 UTC


WAW for 'inevitable'

A single word, used to refer to something like:

  • you have to let the story go the way it is meant to go, do not disrupt the plot
  • something is bound to happen, so just embrace it instead of trying to avoid it
  • the plot is already pre-determined, there is no point trying to change it

It can potentially be a rather casual word and/or internet slang.

From memory, the word was used in a conversation about creative writing / storytelling, as well as a conversation about how the second dog is bound to be naughtier than the first one lol.

It is similar to, but not any of the below:

  • inevitable
  • self-fulfilling
  • jinx
  • manifestation
  • karma


11:53 UTC


WTW for word for when a group of people see you as a bad guy.

word for when a group of people see you as a bad guy. your being victimised but I don't want a victim style word more from the side of the aggressor

11:45 UTC


WTW for excluding yourself from others?

I'm having a total brain fog moment right now because it's at the tip of my tongue but I can't figure out what it is.

It's like locking yourself out from socialization, not wanting to know and be known by others

09:11 UTC


WTW for arguing or complaining to make a point, but not to change someone's mind (more in text)

Let's say you have a friend who is always borrowing money and never paying you back. They come asking for money again. You know you're going to give it to them, but you're gonna argue and complain and make a fuss anyway.

Or your boss asks you to work an extra shift, and you insist upon making a big stink about it even though you've already decided to take the shift? You're not trying to get out of it, just trying to let her know you feel put out.

My second oldest brother and his wife live in a one-bedroom apartment, and neither of them cooks. This does not stop them from getting into a big fight every year about how my oldest brother and his wife monopolize hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas. This fight has become a tradition, but its origin was not in trying to change anything, just that they desire some pretense of being consulted. What do you call that sort of fight?

07:30 UTC


WTP for fucking nuts?

As if you are trying to describe a childhood friend to another childhood friend (yes we all knew each other as kids but they have never reconnected). I need a new description not the old sayings ie: loose cannon, cray cray, one fry short of happy meal etc....

I want to say something polite but I really want to say is: She's cray like Brittney but wtf can you blame her he whole world is upside down, Beyonce is signing county?!

02:26 UTC

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