
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to Weaving. WEAVING!

For discussion regarding weaving, looms, weaving drafts, and um, related subject matter.

Welcome to Weaving. WEAVING!

I've no idea what I'm doing, but I'm pretty sure reddit needs more weaving. Pretty sure.

Keen on basket weaving? Pop on over to /r/Basketry! They'll hook you up. We mostly deal in string and frustration here.


  1. All posts must be directly related to weaving. Your post must be related directly to the craft of weaving. Fibers are preferred, but other mediums are welcome

  2. Self-Promotion is limited to the pinned Self-Promotion thread. All other comments/posts are subject to deletion.

  3. Project posts must be the original work of the poster. Bots, karma-theft, and other stolen works will be deleted. Please report posts that violate this rule.


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Yarn for tapestry weaving in Europe

As many have suggested in other threads I’ve followed a lot of recommendations by Rebecca Mezzof but can’t seem to find good recommendations for (weft) yarn available in Europe. She mentions that it’s important to have decent yarn in the beginning to get a feeling for it and to avoid issues. This convinced me to drop my cotton yarn and order from weavers bazaar (uk). Thing is, I live in continental Europe and I can’t order from them long term or in large quantities (it takes long and it’s not as affordable as pre-brexit). I just ordered to understand what good yarn is so I can actually try to find something similar here but most yarn shops are focused on knitting or embroidery, and I don’t have enough knowledge to pick out a good one among them.

The other European brands she mentions are literally impossible to find where I am (Netherlands/Belgium). I can’t tell you how many attempts I made at finding Faro yarn. Persian yarn, nothing.

I use scheepjes maxi treat as warp but open to suggestions for this too!

19:24 UTC


Not sure how to cover space with weft

What can I do to weave a row that covers the space circles in red with weft?

I wanted to use an under one, over two pattern.


14:23 UTC


Looking for setup guides?

Hi Everyone, I'm very much a newbie and just acquired two looms and accessories from a friend.

It's been suggested that I start with the table loom (I picked up both a table loom and a big floor loom). However, I'm struggling to find instructions on how to attach a warp to the table loom (the back beam/bits look different from the guides online).

The *only* identifying information of the loom is that it's an 8-shaft table loom with a sticker on the front that says: "Robinson (02) 816 4026". It appears that there are Robinson looms, but I'm unable to find any documentation for them. Could anyone point me in the direction of documentation for these looms?


14:18 UTC


New toy

I bought this today on a whim because I've been lookkng for a new craft to add to the rotation. Possibly not the greatest photo but it's all I have at the moment. Is anyone here able to tell me exactly what I have bought? My knowledge only goes as far as the word "loom". 😂

04:39 UTC


Can I use a tapestry crochet/knitting pattern for weaving?


I'm coming primarily from a crochet background, especially crocheting tapestries. I have some experience in weaving but have been hoping to get more into it. When I crochet tapestries, I usually use a graph pattern, where one square is equivalent to one stitch. Could I use those same patterns to weave? Any insight is helpful :)

22:21 UTC


SampleIT loom infinity scarf pattern

Hello. I have a sampleIT loom and would like to make an infinity scarf with yarn I’ve spun. Does anyone know of any patterns? Thanks!

1 Comment
22:09 UTC


Changing weft colors

I’m very new to weaving and I am experimenting with some different patterns. (I think everyone is getting scarves for Christmas this year.) I have a rigid heddle loom and I have warped a 3-color plaid pattern. As I’m changing colors on the weft, is it better to carry the colors up the edges, or cut them and weave the ends in as I go? I am trying to work on cleaner edges, and if I carry the colors up one side that’s going to make the edges very different.

Also, a related question: do I have to start the shuttle from the same side every time? I did a houndstooth pattern, which I love, but since I always started the shuttle on the right side, that side was heavier. (I hope that makes sense.) Is there any reason I couldn’t start one color on the right and the other from the left? Or is that going to cause other problems?

14:41 UTC


Looking for a potholder loom pattern for the word “Irish”

I saw a pattern on Pinterest for weaving the word “Irish” on an 18 peg loom, but I have not been able to find it since. Does anybody have the pattern or know of a tutorial for weaving words on a potholder loom. So far I have “MOM” and “BOO”. Thanks.

02:35 UTC


Need bit of advice

Hi, all stores are closed. Can someone help? I'm a brand new weaver. Weaving a plain weave blanket, 402 ends, 12 epi. Floor loom, Macomber. Instructions say to use 2 or 4 shafts. Should I actually put 100 heddles on each shaft? That just seems like a lot. Right now they have 50. It just seems so weird to have to reconfigure my heddles for every weave. Just need some simple advice, thanks!

02:30 UTC


Saori WX60 vs Baby Wolf

Does anyone have or has anyone used both these looms? I’m trying to decide between the 2 but keep flip flopping. Have never used a floor loom before and have only used a rigid heddle but am keen to try multi shaft.

They have a similar weaving width. They both fold up and can have wheels attached. The price for each being 4 shaft and with wheels is fairly similar too. Saori is a bit cheaper, especially if I include the price of a bobbin winder with the Baby Wolf to make it a more equal comparison.

I like that the Saori has a bobbin winder built in, that you can get pre made warps, and that it looks lighter and is more easily transportable (I’m only about 147cm/4’10” tall). It seems pretty easy to warp without a pre made warp as well. But I also like that the Baby Wolf looks sturdier, and more weavers that I’ve followed have this. Trying to keep things simple and more affordable by not considering the 4 now 4 later option, but it is tempting.

I’ve had a quick go on a Saori but have no access to a Baby Wolf in Melbourne to compare.

Any thoughts or insights?

Edit: The 4 harness attachment for the Saori https://www.dyeingtoweave.com/product/New-SAORI-Spring-System-4-Harness-Attachment/643

23:35 UTC


Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom size?

My mom was given this Ashford Rigid Heddle several years ago, but has since misplaced the heddles. We went to order some, but we’re not sure what size to order? Any ideas?


20:02 UTC


How to keep yarn labels with tubes?

I'm new to weaving! All of the tubes of yarn that I've bought have a little sticker with the brand, size, and colour on the outside of the product. To use the product you have to take the label off to free up the end. Now what? I've tried folding and jamming the label into the tube but they tend to fall out and I've already lost two. Anyone have any tips? I would love to be able to store the tubes with the labels visible somehow.

16:43 UTC


Got tips? Not finding any videos or tutorial information on how to weave a particular pattern. Have you ever figure out how to weave a difficult pattern on your own?

The medium that I use is coconut leaves. I have a picture of the thing that I’m trying to make, but a little difficulty, figuring out how to do it. Curious about what pointers you give yourself, places to start, or any other methodologies when trying to figure out how to weave a particular object or pattern.

00:11 UTC


Question about 'A Weaver's Pattern Book'

Hi everyone! I'm looking at A Weaver's Pattern Book and i can't tell on some of these patterns which colour is the warp and which is the weft. Does she consistently use one colour for the warp (and weft) throughout the whole of the book? I can't find where she specifies this anywhere. Thank you!!

09:57 UTC


WiP tea towel

Half way done, the cloth is 13" and will be 18" long. I am hand picking each stitch since both leaf and flower designs are for 8shaft loom but I only have 4. I may mod my table loom's castle to become a 8-10shaft loom. I got it from someone not realizing at the time it was a diy loom. So no guilt with modding it.

06:35 UTC


[FO] Finally off the loom!

Hot off the loom! My latest project used some beautiful chenille yarn I recieved when I bought the loom. I love the jewel tones in this shawl!

13:08 UTC


Can this be weaved? I know in the picture it is knitted. Via double weaving? Any tips?

21:11 UTC


Any tips/tricks on weaving needlepoint canvas?

I want to make a needlepoint sunglasses case (as the case they came in is dying a death) but hate spending money. Has anyone attempted to weave mono canvas/aida/similar? How did it go - do you have any tips for me? Google is not helping.

I'm intending to use my frame loom or possibly my pin loom and am a pretty new weaver overall. (I also own an inkle loom but that doesn't seem useful here.)

Thank you for any assistance!

17:47 UTC


First weave in 12 years- need help with set-up!

I've got an egregious gap in my warp from tying it onto the rod (yes, I know there are other visible rookie mistakes here too) at this point- can I cut my twine and re-tie the warp? Gap doesn't seem to be closing on its own.

I have a fibers degree but HATED weaving in school- now I'm trying to go back and pick up from memory. ☺️ Any advice is welcome!

(Using a Macomber add-a-harness loom, If that matters)

16:16 UTC


Tracking your weave

Hi All. How do you keep track of where you are on your picks? I am interrupted pretty regularly when I weave and with some drafts, it takes me way too long to figure out where I left off. Am I the only one who hasn’t found a smooth, simple method for avoiding this irritation?

Edit: These are all fabulous options. I love the span from paper clips to page turning jewelry. Ha! Thank you all so very much, and keep ‘em coming - if you’ve got something that works for you, I’m interested.

16:14 UTC


Is this a good idea?

I recently started weaving and I REALLY enjoy it. I’ve been using a simple wooden loom with slots and I’m still very much a beginner. Was already dreaming about a day I could use a table loom and suddenly my neighbour wants rid of hers…is this a decent option to learn more or would this be simply overwhelming?

12:01 UTC


Ashford 20" knitters loom: too big for lap?

Hi! I was watching this video of weaving on an Ashford 16" rigid heddle loom. I like her setup and how she is able to weave with the loom in her lap. I am considering my first RHL and wondering if an Ashford 20" Knitters Loom would be too big for weaving on the couch like this. Is it better to have a 16" if I am thinking about weaving on a couch or in bed?

06:32 UTC


Schacht shipping question

I ordered a Schacht Baby Wolf last week, which says on the website it takes 2-5 weeks to ship but that's kind of a long time frame. Anyone who has gotten a Schacht loom, how long did it take to ship to you?

02:35 UTC

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