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Just seeking a small angel investor ($3k-$5k)
Hi, I'm a 33 year old Syracuse alum seeking a small range angel investor (just 3 to 5k).
I have 2 masters degrees in librarianship and data science and just need a little boost to get myself and my foster brothers back on our feet. With my big brother especially, there's been a sad tragedy of the commons phenomenon where everyone kept asking well why don't you yourself help -- I've helped and am continuing to help to the point of homelessness myself
While I have excellent survival skills and am even finding food in trashcans of such good quality that my brother does not believe it's from the trashcan, it's just not necessary for my life to be like this. I would like to get some glasses, get a basic cheap MacBook, get back in housing, get my siblings back in housing, and move on with our lives.
I can do a Zoom call and show resume and proof of degrees. I take PayPal -- thanks!
Just wondering, given what’s been going on this past week.
Hey folks,
I am flying down to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and have a rental car booked with Budget.
The attached screenshot is mentioned as the pickup location.
My question - Is this close by to the airport? Because I have multiple luggage bags with me.
If it helps I am landing at Terminal 2. If someone can share where can i find it?
Appreciate the help!
If you like blue then someone has a place for you: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2310-1st-St-NW-B-Washington-DC-20001/2075691851_zpid/
For those of you who have bought a home or know about the DC HPAP program, can you help explain something to us? HPAP requires $500 or half of any amount of liquid assets higher than $3,000. Any “gifts” you receive in order to purchase the home is also included in this calculation.
HPAP is meant to assist with downpayment and closing costs.
Our lender keeps trying to ask us for an additional $9,000 in cash to close costs which they are telling us to send to the sellers title company.
If we had $9,000 in assets to give as a cash to close deposit, wouldn’t we also need to have a total amount of liquid assets being $18,000? Because wouldn’t we would need the same amount for HPAP requirement? Since that would require us to pay HPAP half of our liquid assets plus the amount for cash to close?
I have to attend an event held here but I’m currently on a doctor-prescribed meal plan and can ONLY eat what is being delivered to me. Is there a microwave in the food court or in a cafeteria space that’s publicly accessible so I can heat up something I bring from home?
Does anyone know why MPD closes N Street NW between 19th and 20th on weekend nights? This seems to create a huge traffic jam on 20th outside Balos every Friday night.
I can’t help but feel incredibly devastated about the plane crash on Wednesday.
Some are reporting that there was a female solider on the Blackhawk, and I can’t help to think of her family.
She may have parents, siblings, a partner, kids and friends that are not sharing the news in fear of the media retaliation about a “DEI” hire being in charge of this accident. To have the commander in chief of the country you serve to insinuate and push this nonsense is deplorable.
I hope her family knows that no one (with common sense) would believe it is her fault.
Does anyone know of any bars in the area hiring? My bar just closed unexpectedly and I'm struggling to find a decent opening anywhere. Preferably high volume/party bar, but anything will do. Thanks!
Trump has gone insane
If you lost a men’s leather wallet on the corner of First and L St NE, it is with the Ted’s Bulletin host
I figured someone here might have experience with something like this! I was dropping off family at the intercontinental at the wharf tonight and someone turning around in the space around Cafe Del Mar bumped into my car while backing up and then sped down to the light and making a quick right on red onto Maine Ave. Didn’t cause any noticeable damage but I have the plates and wondered if it’s worth filing a police report. Incident happened 30 min ago.
Edit: Left a call with 311 so there is a record of it. Thanks for all those who responded!
CapHill- There has been nothing but a symphony of police/ambulance/firetruck sirens tonight.
Just want to get some opinions on the bars that are there, namely 7th st NW. People in Shaw seem to LOVE and support the bars in their neighborhood.
Hey everyone! Anyone know of some venues in DC that allow smoking marijuana, live music, and have a 25-100 occupancy? Outdoor is okay, but indoor is preferred. Thanks in advance!
(Mods please don’t remove this! This isn’t answerable via Google or wiki and to the best of my knowledge hasn’t been asked here.)
Can anyone share if they have heard any info about a vigil or memorial? I saw someone placing flowers at the titanic memorial, is gravelly point open for people to bring flowers? Also let me know if anyone knows places to donate and help the families affected by the tragedy.
My early 2000s Camry recently stopped playing cassettes (it just auto ejects). I’m honestly not sure where I can take it, does anyone know of a place that would handle out of date car stereos?
The Post just reported that DC's interim US Attorney fired 30 prosecutors at 5pm today, including some who were assigned to prosecute violent crime in DC. They were fired because they previously worked on January 6 cases.
From the Post story:
The cuts amount to about 8 percent of the office’s prosecutors. Combined with a recently announced freeze on hiring and promotions, the openings will have impacts across the office’s civil, appellate, Superior Court and violent crime divisions, where some prosecutors had been previously reassigned.
This is, to be perfectly blunt, fucking crazy. And not just because of politics-- because this will actively make the city less safe!
USAO DC's Superior Court and violent crime divisions are responsible for prosecuting nearly every serious crime committed in DC. (The AG's office prosecutes juvenile crime and some low-level misdemeanors, but USAO prosecutes everything else.)
The cuts will particularly affect the office’s shorthanded appellate and Superior Court divisions, slashing ranks of prosecutors who handle misdemeanor cases and having a domino affect as vacancies require backfilling, a former government official familiar with the office said.
“If you get rid of those people, there’s no one to replace them. That’s a lot of cases you’re not going to be able to bring in Superior Court,” said that person.
USAO already has a pretty miserable prosecution rate and this is going to make things worse. And these people claim to be "tough on crime."
I grew up going to max’ kosher cafe in wheaton, and have been missing it ever since it closed a couple years back. The falafel and shawarma was delicious, but the toppings were the best part. There were at least 10-15 different salad and pickled veggie options. Any recs for places that serve falafel or shawarma that have toppings to that level somewhere in the dc area?
Basically, I was given my renewal offer 63 days before the end of my lease, and my property manager is pressuring me to let him know my intention by the 60 day mark, or it will be automatically assumed that I am renewing month-to-month.
My rent was increased significantly and unexpectedly. I was planning on renewing but no longer can afford to.
Is this allowed? Do I actually have just 3 days to decide? Why does my landlord get to hand me an offer with 3 days to decide, yet I have to have the courtesy to let them know my decision at least two months in advance?
I'm 21M going to an EDM show at Culture (2002 Fenway Street) at 10PM on Saturday (gonna be by myself actually). My parents got my location and stuff unfortunately, so they're on my ass about its safety. In general would you say it is a relatively safe area?
I live in SW and have noticed an unusual amount of helicopters passing over the area in the last hour or so. Anyone know if they’re now being told to fly over DC rather than along the Potomac due to Wednesday’s events?