
Photograph via snooOG

Warhammer Underworlds is an action-packed combat games for two players. Gather your warband, enhance your warriors with unique skills and upgrades, and lead them to victory against your foes.

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‘Subsequent’ query

I dislike the use of the term subsequent within underworlds as it has no definition within either of the two rule book/ magazines.

Does ‘subsequent’ mean immediately after the first instance, is it simply the next action you do after that he first regardless of your opponent or is it related to the same fighter doing the action the same time within say a round or phase.

Please help as the term is used frequently without clear explanation.

14:11 UTC


What’s next boys?

What’s next boys?

Got these started for approx 40 shipped each, got the barns and Nobel one with a gift card (fuck yah) I had lurking around for months, the other on Amazon. I noticed some of the other boxes are like 60 or 70 dollars. I’ve read that some boxes are easier for new players, that would be best. I also read one of the starters has newer rules, does the Barnes and Nobel one have the newer rules? Or do I have to buy another starter?

22:54 UTC


Starting out questions

So I got this for a steal off of Amazon. Me and a buddy plan on learning on this from the rules included. I've also got Wintermaw on order and a couple of warbands separately that I wanted to paint.

I'm aware the rules have been updated, but would we be making a mistake learning on this starter set and then trying to adjust to the new rules with Wintermaw?

I'm also assuming the cards in this set will still be relevant for these warbands to play the updated version?

22:51 UTC


What's with people on Youtube constantly talking about how Underworlds is dying and gonna get the axe?

Idk if this has been discussed before. I'm a big fan of Underworlds, it's the only AoS related game I've played (Haven't finished painting a full 2k points AOS army yet) and it's been a ton of fun, but I swear every time I watch vids about AoS, reveals, updates, rules, model changes etc. there's this constant thread of "Underworlds is gonna get squatted" or "Underworlds is a dead game" stuff like that.

But it really seems like every new Underworlds box near me sells out instantly. I had to go to 3 different stores to get my hands on the rivals of the mirrored city box, and there's super high churn on warbands at my main local game store.

On top of that, literally every major Warhammer reveal in the last year or more has come with either new warbands or a new core box for Underworlds, the general pace of releases for the game seems as high or higher than any of the other side games.

I'm sure there's some regional variability to the popularity of certain games, but I'm just not seeing this lack of popularity people keep talking about. I swear it feels like mainstream AOS content creators are actively rooting for Underworlds to die or something?

I'm not super in-the-know about upcoming releases and like, sales #s and stuff, so maybe people have info I don't, but I guess my question is...is all the fearmongering and stuff just idle speculation? or is there some basis for all these claims I see in online discussion / youtube videos around Underworlds? or are people just hoping Underworlds is gonna fail because it gets all the best model sculpts and it's not "their game"?

19:02 UTC


CRITICAL FOCUS TALK | Interview with an IRL Tabletop Content Creator

17:08 UTC


Some very good boys at your service...

Grotbiter and Ratspike from Hexbanes Hunters (sorry about the blur on grotbiter).

Ratspike posed a fun challenge - how to paint that very specific black fur from a mastiff (and shade it!).

A change of pace - they maybe took about 2hrs each.


  • Grotbiter was Balor brown shaded with 50/50 thondia brown, then deep shade thondia. Ushabti bone & balor 50/50 for the highlight, with a final ushabti bone thin highlight. Ratspike was Corvus black, soft shaded with 50/50 Corvus Abaddon black, then deep shade Abaddon. Highlights were 50/50 Corvus/Skavenblight dinge, then pure skavenblight, then 75/25 Skavenblight with some Mechanicus standard grey for the final line highlight.

https://www.instagram.com/yourhobbybuddy/ if you want to follow my Hexbanes progress :)




1 Comment
11:37 UTC


Zondara/Ferlain inspiration

Is it possible to inspire these fighters using the Countless familiars upgrade (in this case 2 upgrades would be enough for them instead of 4)

09:58 UTC


If you were picking a warband to paint and play in mid 2024?

Looking to pick my next warband to dedicate some time to this year. What would you pick and why?

Needs to be rewarding to paint and generally acceptable in rivals and (ideally) nemesis format.

I've got a few I'm choosing from, please help me out! :)

View Poll

14:35 UTC


Yltharis Guardians ready to fight

08:43 UTC


Wyrdhollow beginner advice.


I just picked up the Wyrdhollow set to add the Stormcoven to my Stormcast collection and have a team to learn to play with. Do I stick with the pre-con of the Stormcovern deck, use on of the other 2 pre-con ones or butcher them into a custom one?

I'm not going to touch the Pandaemonium one incase my partner wants to learn to play or a friend decides to buy it from me.

20:10 UTC


Skabbik´s Plaguepack Done

1 Comment
16:00 UTC


Im no artist but….

Its my sons 10th birthday today and we always make birthday signs and decorate the house before the birthday day boy gets up.

I had a fun idea to make him a WHU character card for one of his signs. (My two boys and I love playing WHU). Now I’m no artist but I did my best and he loved it! Im going to let him choose a character model (im sure he will choose dromm) to use in a real game! Should be fun.

Thought this sub might find this entertaining.

Since my handwriting is horrible…

Obliterate: if successful enemy fighter explodes, sending bone chucks in all directions causing two damage to enemy fighters within three hexes

Teleport: When making a charge action teleport to any open hex before making the move action.

1 Comment
13:29 UTC


Online source for german card versions?

I've been loking to print out the updated versions of cards for older warbands, but Wunderworlds only seems to have the english versions. Are there any comparable sources for other languages?

11:26 UTC


Finally finished my Sepulchral Guard

Took four months, but I’ve finished the Guard out of the start set. Honestly great fun to paint these models, especially the petitioners. Does this count as half finishing the box or 70%?

04:55 UTC


Revised Warband Character Cards

I am assuming that the new warband cards now count as "errata"ing the old versions (the rivals of the mirrored city) as they have the same name, whereas the decks have different names and can co-exist in Relic format - but has this been stated officially?

I saw a similar post, but not specifically about the identically-named cards, which is the catch...

Thanks, if anyone knows!

22:58 UTC


Turn 1 - what happens?

Hey all, so I started playing when Shadespire came out so I think I’ve got some of the legacy rules left over in my head

On the turn sequence chart on the back of the newer books, it says ‘reaction step, inspire step, surge step’ then the ‘activation step’

That seems new (for me) I always thought it was the activation step.

So my question is, can you play gambits etc straight from the off, coz I don’t think you need resources to spend those.

I’ve only played 5 games in the last few weeks, and we’re using knowledge half remembered from YouTube, and older versions of the rules (we keep forgetting the new ones are online haha)

07:26 UTC


Ephilim’s Pandemonium

I finished these up the other day. I’m just getting back into underworlds after 6 years or so :D

07:22 UTC


Can you still find or buy the rival decks for warband that only exist as models on the GW website?

Basically what the title says, can you buy or find the rival deck for warband like Drepur Wraithcreepers that still exists as models on the GW website but aren't sold in an Underworlds box anymore. Can you order the cards or are you just out of luck?

20:22 UTC


Zondaras Gravebreaker's FULL REVIEW | Warhammer Underworlds

17:30 UTC


Observations on the AOS Legends news

Here's my take. This affects AoS only. Aside from models not being in-print, it doesn't really affect WarCry or Underworlds. We already have that problem with older warbands not being in print. GW retires them after a season and sold AoS branded boxes without the Underworlds cards. Only difference is that the AoS branded boxes are no longer being reprinted.

The only two specific warbands for Underworlds I saw mentioned were:

Hedrakka’s Madmob

Khagra’s Ravagers

Storm of Celestus aka Castigators with Gryph-Hound

We can speculate based on faction that the following are also not going to be in print:

Grashrak’s Despoilers

Ironsoul’s Condemnors

I don't know if any of the others were mentioned? However, all those warbands have rules and are even recent enough to have full Rivals decks. I don't see them being "removed" from WarCry or Underworlds unless there is another version change in either ruleset.

Edited to clarify that Storm of Celestus aka Castigators with Gryph-Hound is the same.

14:12 UTC

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