Be careful what you Wish for......
We've all seen items on Amazon that make us go "WTF????". Luckily, there's a sub for that over at r/wtfamazon and r/amazonWTF! But what about stuff you find on that wonderful Chinese knockoff site, Wish.com? Well, here's the answer for that!!
Wish is the primary site here. Other knockoff sites like Ali Express will be allowed sometimes, but PLEASE keep these to a minimum. Amazon submissions go to r/WTFAmazon or r/Amazonwtf or even r/amazonwtfproducts.
There's a difference in gag gifts and true WTF??? items. This does not mean gag gifts can't be placed here; it just means that they need to be something that isn't seen every day. Plastic dog poop is not WTF; a straight blade razor that plays "Barber of Seville" when you use it is.
18+ items are allowed, but please put [NSFW] at the beginning of your title. Please bear in mind that something being a sex toy/item isn't alone enough to qualify it for this sub; it needs to also be WTF. A dildo that's penis shaped doesn't belong; an Ovipositer does. (If you don't know what that last item is, consider yourself lucky. If you decide to google it, I am not responsible for your therapy bills. You've been warned.) Assume most (if not all) links are NSFW by default. I can't control if people actually tag stuff or not; the best I can do is flag or delete it myself if and when it is brought to my attention. If you find something that should be marked but is not, please flag it so I can take a look at it.
Please post a screenshot that clearly shows the product's picture and the site logo somewhere in the screenshot, or at least the name if it's an ad in another app like Facebook. A picture of the item alone does not count. If you're posting a screenshot, upload it directly to reddit or host it on imgur. No other picture hosting sites will be allowed. If you have a video showcasing weird Wish products, please message the mods FIRST. If you submit a video and you haven't asked first, it's likely to be removed.
Links may be deemed "too normal" and removed at the mods sole discretion.
Don't be a dick.
Dude no nut November is so dumb like what’s the point
"Thigh Muscle Duck Statue," in various sizes. WHY??
Something tells me this might not be a genuine DC jacket.