A subreddit for news, pictures, videos, and discussions related to the World Rally Championship.
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ULTIMATE BEGINNER'S GUIDE: World Rally Championship
PJ Tierney Video For Beginners
Wiki: History / Records / Stats
The Grand Tour: Audi Quattro vs. Lancia 037
FLAT OUT: The History of Rally
Madness on Wheels: Rallying's Craziest Years
Group B Classics: Henri Toivonen
I didn’t know what happened to him because the coverage showed the car who was in the ditch but I searched in Rally.tv for the onboard and he was going into a 2 turn and he hit an energy pole in the outside of the turn and went into the ditch. He most likely found loose gravel in the entry and he hit the left-back of the car in the pole and he couldn’t save it and ditched it
Automatic subtitles are pretty okay.
Some keys points from what I watched yesterday.
-Came actually very late into the racing scene and grinded his way up thanks to Peugeot.
-Regrets not winning a WRC event with the 306 maxi. Still his favorite car
-Blames the 1999 Monte-Carlo loss on some random Michelin guy advising him a horrible tyre for the conditions.
-For 2003 the 206 was apparently changed and him and Gronholm struggled to get to grips. Peugeot wouldn't listen and was massively overconfident that they would win the championship easily and focus on the 307.
-Was offered a better deal by Mitsubishi for 2004 (money and duration wise). Told Peugeot he would stay with them he they matched the Mistubishi offer. Says he was crying after the meeting and he knew it was over with Peugeot.
-Mitsubishi and Red bull Skoda were a shit show. No direction, no developpement for the car. Lost confidence and physical ability after the 2004 Germany crash. Was forced on the wrong tyre for that stage.
Hey everyone! I'm an Aussie looking to do some travel through Europe over January and February and was thinking the Monte Carlo rally would be a great event to attend. I'd love any tips or advice from those who’ve been before! Here are a few questions I have:
Thanks a ton in advance for any insights! Looking forward to making the most out of this experience.
I’ve been following the ERC and WRC 2 championships way more recently, rally 1 is just confusing, not enough drivers, complex weekend and only 2 competitive teams.
I was reading an article saying Hyundai hasn’t signed any contracts with a third driver. This seems like a misdirection for Fourmaux’s benefit in my opinion. But if Adrien stays with Ford, who has the highest chance of being Hyundai’s third pick?
I’m almost certain the response not enough people buying, not a super popular sport now a days blah blah blah. I want to buy more merch but the selection for the most part is really poor, thoughts?
I’m going to Monte Carlo 2025 and was wondering if the travel agency rally travels is legit and if anyone’s used them? https://www.rallytravels.se/site/
I know people have used rally travel, without the s, but since they don’t offer monte carlo, I found rally travels.
A couple of years ago, I got the sign showing how far the drivers jumped. How much would it cost to sell to fans?
Which drivers do you think deserved to win but never did