This is a subreddit for clan leaders to post adverts for their clan, describing what they are all about, and how to get an invite.
Likewise, this is also a place for people looking to join a clan to post so leaders can recruit them.
Any images in your posts must use imgur. Others are more commonly blocked by various firewalls and less trusted, thus they will result in post removal.
Thread titles should be of the following format:
Alliance Warlords: [Region][Platform][Alliance] <Alliance Name>
Clans: [Region][Platform][Clan] - <Clan>
Warlords: [Region][Platform][LFA] - <Clan>
Players: [<Region>][Platform][LFC]<IGN>
Use One and ONLY One of each Tag Per Post
For example:
[NA][PC][Clan] - Test Clan Please Ignore Recruiting
[NA][PC][LFC] - Bastulos
In order to make world-wide recruiting easier, there is an [INT] tag as an option for selecting as the region for recruiting.
Please note that this will show your post in all filters for region filtering.
To help people find clans that will be optimal for their timezones and to create optimal connections in game.
In addition to size you aspire to be, this will become more relevant as DE introduces benefits for clan sizes. Also, some players may just want to join a small community, as opposed to a large one.
Some people just want to join a clan to have people to play with, others want to join a clan that they can seriously work towards building a dojo and completing some endgame challenges (i.e. getting to wave 50+ on Outer Terminus.) Including information on how far along into dojo construction may be something consider adding if it is something your clan is working towards.
The IGNs of the clan Leaders should be included so players can get in contact with those that can send them clan invites. You may request to have people post their IGNs as comments.
Feel free to repost after a minimum of a week. Before reposting, please delete your old post. Duplicate posts will result in both being removed.
• Region: More or less the same reasoning as for clan posts. If you're in the same region, you'll have an easier time finding people online and establishing solid connections.
• Playstyle: Are you a casual player or a player looking for a hardcore clan to really push the limits of the game with? Helps you find a home where you will fit in.
• Anything else: Any other relevant information that would help people recruit you. Whether you want to stick with some friends when you join (more than one person looking to join a clan) or you just want to talk about your availability, this is the place to put that information.
^\\\\\ ^WARNING ^/////
We're a lively, hoppin' group of socially unstable and quite possibly mentally deranged individuals. We are not therapists. We are not a good influence. Do not take us home to your mother. Do not ask what the name means.
If you're still reading, then by all means... come seal your fate and join our ragtag band of miscreants and scoundrels! Assuming you're not put off by abusive bots, educational insights into crustacean genitalia, or alcohol-fueled discussions about high explosives, you're welcome to join our family of bullshit. We welcome any brand new Warframe players, and if you stick around longer than 0.87 seconds, we'll help you get on your feet and teach you the game! Long-time players are fine too, I guess (just wipe your feet before you come in).
##^[[ ^18+ ^ONLY ^]]
Come hang out and talk with us about Warframe, semen-based mathematics, My Little Pony (unrelated), and more!
##Please note: Clan membership is only offered once we get to know you, so you've gotta like... actually talk and shit. Awful, I know—we're currently under investigation by the International Criminal Court for cruel and unusual practices.
If you don't want to join our clan itself, that's totally fine—feel free to join our Discord anyway!
##Clan membership is not required to come hang out.
You can still join to chat and use our resources... or you can be one of those creepy lurkers that just sits in the background on mute. We won't judge! >!Except we totally fucking will.!<
Our server is fully operational, offering such amenities as:
General discussion, for shooting the shit (I mean, duh, who doesn't have this? Losers, that's who).
Up-to-date updates on Warframe, paraphrased by me!
> Up-to-date-ness taken with a grain of salt... I'll stop procrastinating one day, I swear!
Getting mental... uh, I mean, Warframe help!
Showcases for your builds or fashionframe!
Ripping off er, Trading with other members! Absolutely nothing shady goes on here. ...Why are you looking at me like that?
Sharing cat gifs! or game deals! or your art! It ain't all about Warframe, even though it mostly is...
And, in case you say anything particularly stupid or embarrassing, don't worry! We got you covered, with a channel specifically for recording every fucked-up thing you say, with next to zero regard for context.
Occasional contests and/or giveaways for active members.
and more!
We also have a metric fuckload of bots that offer server utilities such as:
Alerts/Announcements: sign up for personalized alerts for rare items such as potatoes, forma, wraith/vandal invasions, Cetus Dawn/Sunset, and more, which will ping you in Discord when one of your subscribed items appears... yknow, when it's not broken and our dev for this actually has time to fix it.... Plus, it'll also let you know when the daily server reset happens, when daily missions reset, and when weekly missions reset. We also have announcements for when Baro arrives to bring Primed Disappointment, and when the Steel Path weekly honors switch over (which you can basically just ignore unless it says "Umbra Forma").
> Ours is custom-made for our server specifically, and the notifications look niiiiice. We put a lot of effort into the aesthetic of things around here.
Activity: Being active in Discord and socializing rewards you, with access to DB clan membership, expanded permissions, contests, competitions, giveaways, special channels etc.
> Our activity bot is also custom-made just for us and does what no other bot around will do—unlike most bots that just track your total posts from all time in a linear fashion (i.e. you only ever go up in rank), our bot is adaptive. It tracks your real-time activity over the past 30 days and assigns you an activity tier based on that (in voice and text activity). It can go up or down. It's super fucking cool.
Self-Roles: There are a variety of self-roles you can apply:
> Mastery Rank: Assigning a mastery rank role will announce your promotion in chat so everyone can not give a fuck congratulate you!
> Quest Progression: List where you're at in Warframe so the rest of us know whether or not to gaslight the fuck out of you about Stalker! ...I mean, what Stalker? Plus it also give you access to the #spoiler_chat
channel to keep lore discussion away from Dreamers' eyes.
> Syndicates: Indicate which syndicate(s) you're a part of, so you can easily ping members of that syndicate to trade or run daily missions.
> WF Mission Groups: Add roles for a variety of mission types such as Sorties, Kuva, Fissures, Arbitrations, Index, Onslaught, Eidolons, Profit-Taker, Exploiter, and more, so that you can easily link up with others who want to play those same missions.
> Other Games: Add other games you play (from our list of commonly-shared games) so you can more easily connect with people to play! But why do that when you can just play Warframe? I mean, come on...
> Time Zone: Adding your time zone will let others know what time to expect you to be awake! ...which of course is "never" because sleep is for the weak.
> and more!
Logging: See when new people join the server, or someone leaves, or when they're banned, or get a new role, etc. Now obviously other servers do that too, but do theirs throw vapid insults at users who leave? Yeah, didn't think so.
Autoresponses: "Fun" call-and-response commands, because who doesn't love a bot that wishes you goodnight, and has a smashing sense of humor? I mean, it also does useful shit too, like telling you the drop locations of warframes or resources, or telling you if a certain prime is vaulted. You can even use it to grab wiki links,, subreddits, Urban Dictionary articles, and more. It's been programmed with over 19,000 lines of response code alone. You can even ask it "Who's playing Warframe?" It's like an AI except... not. And therefore better.
Reminders: Set quick reminders for yourself! Want to get a ping when that new warframe is done crafting? You got it!
Oh, and remember that quotes channel I mentioned? Yep, we've even got a bot to pull a random quote back up from the depths to remind you of the dumb shit you said three years ago! Isn't that wonderful?
and more!
We play some other games on the side too:
or whatever the current flavor of the week happens to be...
(Warframe's still our main thing though)
Try DB for 30 days free of charge, after which there are no additional charges either!
Unless you want to buy a shirt.
Yes, we have shirts.
No, it will not help you get laid.
^^Or ^^at ^^least, ^^it ^^hasn't ^^worked ^^for ^^me ^^yet...
The entire population of Earth has left the server
> our bot
okay well ya'll are the most rude and unaccommodating people i've never met. nonsensical chatter and unsupportive to newbies. I've seen enough here peace
> ViperDrake, after sending 5 whole messages
my ears... I was not prepared for 30+ pings immediately!
i'm sobbing so it wasn't false advertising
> Codilicious
This is wonderful.
I want to raise a family here.
> Dash Lambda
####Why wait?! Join DB today! Or don't, y'know, who cares... ^it's ^not ^^really... ^^^a ^^^big ^^^deal... ^^^^or ^^^^anything... ^^^^^k ^^^^^bye...
^^DISCLAIMER: ^^Signing ^^on ^^entitles ^^you ^^no ^^benefits. ^^You ^^hereby ^^sign ^^over ^^your ^^soul, ^^firstborn ^^child, ^^house ^^(where ^^applicable), ^^your ^^cat, ^^and ^^any ^^spare ^^change ^^on ^^the ^^floor ^^of ^^your ^^car. ^^By ^^joining ^^this ^^server, ^^we ^^are ^^hereby ^^legally ^^entitled ^^to ^^harvest ^^and/or ^^resell ^^your ^^organs ^^upon ^^death ^^or ^^departure ^^from ^^the ^^server. ^^Your ^^Orbiter ^^is ^^now ^^officially ^^the ^^property ^^of ^^Duces ^^Benevolens, ^^its ^^affiliates, ^^and ^^possibly ^^the ^^nearest ^^dairy ^^farm. ^^You ^^waive ^^any ^^rights ^^to ^^protest, ^^reform, ^^or ^^otherwise ^^usurp ^^the ^^government ^^of ^^Lithuania. ^^If ^^you ^^leave ^^and ^^wish ^^to ^^rejoin ^^this ^^server ^^at ^^any ^^time, ^^you ^^will ^^be ^^subject ^^to ^^all ^^laws ^^under ^^the ^^statute ^^of ^^Go ^^Fuck ^^Yourself ^^(§8008135, ^^subsection ^^D), ^^as ^^well ^^as ^^a ^^fifteen ^^thousand ^^(15000) ^^Rubles ^^severance ^^fine. ^^Failure ^^to ^^pay ^^the ^^aforementioned ^^fine ^^will ^^result ^^in ^^death ^^or ^^other ^^possible ^^risk ^^of ^^bodily ^^harm. ^^Do ^^not ^^take ^^Duces ^^Benevolens ^^except ^^as ^^recommended ^^by ^^your ^^doctor. ^^If ^^you ^^experience ^^Duces ^^Benevolens ^^for ^^more ^^than ^^four ^^hours, ^^please ^^seek ^^immediate ^^medical ^^attention.
Seven Songs of Solace is an endgame-focused clan that's been around since closed beta. Our core consists of people who have been with the game since its early beginnings, some of us founders, who share a passion for completionism, efficiency, and large red numbers. We are looking for experienced players, returning veterans, and fellow completionists interested in joining us for all varieties of endgame grinds. If you're coming back from a break and are farther behind than us, no worries, we're happy to help you catch up so long as you plan on sticking around!
Our expectations
-There is no hard mastery rank requirement, but we are mostly on the high end (30+) and expect you to be as well. This requirement is waived for friends and family, so if you are looking to join a clan with a friend of yours who is less experienced, we are happy to take you so long as you are both active!
-Discord activity is a must, that is where we organize and plan activities. This can mean organizing/joining runs or general social interaction. If we don't hear from you after the first day or two, expect to be kicked whenever we need to make room. Voice participation is appreciated but not required! If you prefer not to talk we encourage you to join the channel muted and hang out.
-We are LGBTQ friendly, no -isms, etc.
-We are primarily based in North America. Not a requirement, just a heads up for timezone/ping reasons.
-We expect a reasonable degree of maturity. It's fine to get annoyed when dumb things happen (small indie dev), so long as you can move on quickly.
-Laid back atmosphere in general. We like to bully each other on occasion (with love), but we don't tolerate rudeness.
-No egos. Our motto is "Elite, but not elitist".
-Extended periods of inactivity are fine so long as you're generally around for new updates and have an ongoing interest in keeping up with the game. If you're gone for a long time and are kicked for inactivity, you're welcome to rejoin at any time.
While this is primarily a recruitment drive for the clan itself, we're happy to welcome people with prior commitments that want another group to play with every now and then. No experience requirement in this case.
If you're interested or have questions, let me know and I'll try to get back to you ASAP. You can reply to this thread, DM me, or reach out to me on Discord (preferred, same name as here).
We look forward to hearing from you <3
Join the discord by using the link: https://discord.gg/voidbound
Looking for a welcoming, tight-knit, kind, and helpful Warframe clan? Look no further!
The Celestial Voidwalker is a Rank 11 Moon clan with 900+ members featuring 100% completion of research (222/222). We're one of the fastest-growing new clans in the game and hope you'll consider joining us as we make it our quest to be one of the largest and strongest communities here on Warframe.
Who Are We?
We started this clan with the intention of one day growing beyond Warframe to include other games and activities and to become a hub for people to find friends to game with, learn new games, and socialize online. Allgunson, TheWanderingSpiritt, IllegalNoBurrito, and Dein_Schatz_Joji are the founders of the clan/alliance.
Why Join Our Growing Family?
Our Level-3 Community Discord has access to:
- Riven grader and Item Price Check
- Personal Temp VC's (Can make private and customize who joins)
- xelA - a private discord bot with access to levelling, games, GPT-chat features and much more!
- Giveaways (Over 2k plat given out over the last few weeks)
- Access to strong weapon builds, guides, and LFG functions
- Fashion, Captura, hilarious memes, quotes, pets and more!
Community Events:
One of our main goals with the clan is to foster community engagement among members both in the game and on the discord. Over the holidays, we hosted our Holiday events which included a Shawzin concert, several social nights, Hide and Seek in the dojo, Giveaways, and Movie screenings. We're hoping to do much more in the future.
Dojo Design:
Our dojo is more than just a functional space; it’s a masterpiece designed to inspire and captivate. Check out some photos of our dojo here: Dojo Images. We will be entering the dojo contests as soon as they open.
Expanding Empire:
We’re working on three additional clans to suit different playstyles and goals. When the time comes players are welcome to move in-between clans to find what suits them best. All clans will be united in- game by our discord as well as talking in alliance chat:
The Celestial Voidrunner: A fashion-focused clan with stunning dojo and orbiter designs.
The Celestial Voidknight: Our End-Game Player Clan focused on making sure players are reaching the highest peaks that Warframe has to offer.
The Celestial Voidsirens: Our trading branch focused on helping members learn the market and start earning plat via various methods.
All Clans are close to 100% Research just awaiting final designs.
- Mastery Rank 0+
- Age 16+
- 30 Day in-game clan inactivity kick. Joining the discord ensures you will always be welcome back!
We're already one of the fastest-growing new clans in the game and hope you'll join us. Note: You Do Not Need to be in the clan to be able to join the discord, everyone is welcome to join!
Ready to embark on this epic journey with us? Join us today: https://discord.gg/voidbound
Dragons of the Lake is recruiting!| Mountain Clan |100+ Active Community | Discord Required
Click here for the Discord server link
About Us
🐉We are the Dragons of the Lake 🐉
A Rank 11 Mountain Clan who values activity
We are a welcoming and friendly rank 11 Mountain clan looking for new tenno to join our ever-growing community. We are focused on creating and maintaining a space for everyone to learn, grow, trade, explore, and support each other, both in game and in discord. We welcome all skill levels, and have a diverse group of players who can assist/join you in any type of mission you need.
What we offer
We are a large crossplay Warframe clan that leans towards casual and newer players, but veterans are very welcome!
Just follow the steps below to apply for an invite to the PC clan.
2b. If you are joining a friend already in the clan, make sure to include their ingame name 3. Wait for someone to DM you after you apply, this can take up to 24 hours
If you are already in a clan we cannot send you any invites, so please leave your old clan when applying.
Note: Before joining, ensure you have messages from server members enabled so the bot can PM you, as well as "Show Embeds"
Rank 10 Storm Clan | Completed Research | Social Community-Discord Reliant | Casual Players | 18+
We are a newer clan with members of all skill levels. we strive to foster a welcoming and friendly environment that encourages activity and friendship.
Our Structure/Priorities:
⁍ Real life comes first: Our top priority, life comes first , games will be there for when you come back.
⁍ Structure/Organization: We use ranks to recognize time in the clan and for organizational purposes.
What we offer:
⁍ International Player base: We accept people from across the world so that no matter where you’re from or your work schedule, you will always have someone online.
⁍ Community: We are a multi game community and clan.
⁍ 18+: We are an adult community for many reasons and it is a non-negotiable requirement.
⁍ Discord activity: Discord is how we keep track of our player base. 30 consecutive days of inactivity can result in removal.
⁍ Language: Despite being an international community, we require English to be a least spoken and understood for effective communication.
⁍ Socialization: This ties in with discord activity, we are a social community and are not for those who wish to stay solo.
If good people, good games, learning experiences and socialization sound good to you, then join our Discord to get started.
rG Affinity is recruiting both new and veteran players! If you are looking for a community to trade, explore, learn and grow with... come fight with us! We are an age 17+ gaming community. We accept members from all platforms as long you can use discord for text and voice communication.
At Affinity Battalion in rG (Rapture Gaming), we have a mix of legendary rank players and players just learning the game and a bunch in between. Our community’s discord also has battalions for many other games too (destiny, cod, apex, overwatch, and many more) with hundreds of other members! The Warframe clan specifically is small to medium size (currently about 50-60 players) with a rank 11 storm dojo that has all research done! You just have to join a voice chat with a leader once and then you have unlimited access to all dojo blueprints!
We host dedicated game nights for our members to group up, explore the Sol System, make a fortune and grind those Mastery Ranks. Our veteran players are available to assist you with Star Chart, Void Fissures, Eidolon Captures, Archon Hunts, Steel Path, Duviri, and advice on Warframe builds for whatever actions you have in mind. On top of that we have an active discord server for help, builds, or general advice. We also host fashion frame competitions with plat and prime set prizes!
Our members are primarily based out of North America, Europe, and Oceania so you can usually find other members on during a wide range of times!
Note: We are an active and social community. If you don’t plan to play at least once every 14 days and engage in chats on occasion with other members of the community on the discord, then this may not be the best fit for you. If you ever do get removed for inactivity, you’re always welcome to rejoin when you’re playing again!
Feel free to DM for more information, or if you think you’re ready, follow the discord link and instructions below.
With a discord community of 15,000+ our clan is the biggest, and friendliest out there, with a diverse group of people from all over the world and helpful staff to assist with anything you need. Originally a D2 community, we are broadening our horizons and recruiting for our Warframe clan and community. We pride ourselves on maintaining an open and inclusive environment where you can be yourself and always have someone to depend on.
Things we offer:
♡ In Game Help
♡ Maxed Research
♡ Active LFG
♡ Frequent Giveaways (Nidus Prime, Trumna Prime and 150 plat giveaway package ACTIVE NOW)
♡ Resource Donation Contests for Plat
♡ Weekly Game Nights and Movie Night
How to join:
♡ Join the Discord Server
♡ Request to join
♡ Ping @ Egg with your full ID in general chat
Love ♡
Please dm for discord invite
**About the Red Ribbon Imperium:**The Red Ribbon Imperium is a multi-clan alliance, currently comprising the Red Ribbon Army, Red Ribbon Rangers, and Red Ribbon Immortals. Our Alliance is centered around a unified Discord hub, which serves as the heart of our community, connecting members from all Red Ribbon clans, allied clans and any future expansions. We’re an English-speaking community dedicated to fostering player growth and building strong connections across all regions. Whether you’re new to Warframe or a seasoned veteran, we offer a collaborative environment where everyone can thrive.
JOIN US NOW: https://discord.gg/red-ribbon-army
**Our Main Goals:**1. Player Development: Benefit from comprehensive research and guidance from experienced players to help you navigate and master the game.2. Functional & Stylish Dojos: Explore, enjoy, and contribute to our beautifully designed Dojos.3. Social Community: Engage with fellow Warframe players through our Discord hub, forging lasting friendships and camaraderie.
Join the Red Ribbon Imperium today and elevate your Warframe experience!
Our casual, beginner-friendly clan, The U1ltramarines, are looking to increase our numbers and fight in the Emperor's name (if you couldn't tell already, we're Warhammer 40k themed). A little bit about us:
If you're interested in joining, please leave a comment below or message me directly for an invite.
Join the discord by using the link: https://discord.gg/voidbound
Looking for a welcoming, tight-knit, kind, and helpful Warframe clan? Look no further!
The Celestial Voidwalker is a Rank 11 Moon clan with 840+ members featuring 100% completion of research (222/222). We're one of the fastest-growing new clans in the game and hope you'll consider joining us as we make it our quest to be one of the biggest communities here on Warframe.
Who Are We?
We started this clan with the intention of one day growing beyond Warframe to include other games and activities and to become a hub for people to find friends to game with, learn new games, and socialize online. Allgunson, TheWanderingSpiritt, IllegalNoBurrito, and Dein_Schatz_Joji are the founders of the clan/alliance.
Why Join Our Growing Family?
Our Level-3 Community Discord has access to:
- Riven grader and Item Price Check
- Personal Temp VC's (Can make private and customize who joins)
- xelA - a private discord bot with access to levelling, games, GPT-chat features and much more!
- Giveaways (Over 2k plat given out over the last few weeks)
- Access to strong weapon builds and guides
- Fashion, Captura, hilarious memes, quotes, and much more!
Community Events:
One of our main goals with the clan is to foster community engagement among members both in the game and on the discord. Over the holidays, we hosted our Holiday events which included a Shawzin concert, several social nights, Hide and Seek in the dojo, Giveaways, and Movie screenings. We're hoping to do much more in the future.
Dojo Design:
Our dojo is more than just a functional space; it’s a masterpiece designed to inspire and captivate. Check out some photos of our dojo here: Dojo Images.
Expanding Empire:
We’re working on three additional clans to suit different playstyles and goals. When the time comes players are welcome to move in-between clans to find what suits them best. All clans will be united in- game by our discord as well as talking in alliance chat:
The Celestial Voidrunner: A fashion-focused clan with stunning dojo and orbiter designs.
The Celestial Voidknight: Our End-Game Player Clan focused on making sure players are reaching the highest peaks that Warframe has to offer.
The Celestial Voidsirens: Our trading branch focused on helping members learn the market and start earning plat via various methods.
All Clans are close to 100% Research just awaiting final designs.
- Mastery Rank 0+
- Age 16+
- 30 Day in-game clan inactivity kick. Joining the discord ensures you will always be welcome back!
We're already one of the fastest-growing new clans in the game and hope you'll join us. Note: You Do Not Need to be in the clan to be able to join the discord, everyone is welcome to join!
Ready to embark on this epic journey with us? Join us today: https://discord.gg/voidbound
We hope you will consider joining us on our mission to build this community.
Here are some photos of our dojo to check out! https://imgur.com/a/hv5lpLt
Hey there! We're Bonfire, a small community of friends that have been going for close to 10 years now. We've strived to be a tight-knit and close group of Tenno that have been there for loads of Warframe updates, and we want some more likeminded Tenno to come and join us!
We are currently looking for more players to join us and help us take our Warframe clan off the ground! We are a community of roughly 290, with a small yet knowledgeable team of Warframe players looking for experienced Tenno to come and join us and help us build an even more tight-knit team.
If you're just as excited for the future of Warframe and want a community that is just as excited as you and will be there along with you to enjoy all the amazing content, come and give us a shot! :)
[ What we offer you ]
[ Bonus Perks!:- ]
Clan Region: Primarily UK and EU, with some US players.
Discord: https://discord.gg/bonfirecommunity
Still not sure what we're like? Check out a short video for some of the shenanigans we get up to!: https://youtu.be/7BAEhdIUznk?si=pKb01KKN434qx3Pq
Dragons of the Lake is recruiting!| Mountain Clan |100+ Active Community | Discord Required
Click here for the Discord server link
About Us
🐉We are the Dragons of the Lake 🐉
A Rank 11 Mountain Clan who values activity
We are a welcoming and friendly rank 11 Mountain clan looking for new tenno to join our ever-growing community. We are focused on creating and maintaining a space for everyone to learn, grow, trade, explore, and support each other, both in game and in discord. We welcome all skill levels, and have a diverse group of players who can assist/join you in any type of mission you need.
What we offer
Click here to join the Community Discord server!
We are a nostalgic community established in Winter 2015. All players new and returning are welcome to join us; our player-base is very diverse experience-wise and hosts both new-comer and veteran players alike of any background! There may be a miniscule amount of idiocrasy within our community.
If you are interested in joining the Clan, please join our Discord through this link!
Thank you for considering our community, have a nice day!
Join the discord by using the link: discord.gg/voidbound
Looking for a welcoming, tight-knit, kind, and helpful Warframe clan? Look no further!
The Celestial Voidwalker is a Rank 11 Moon clan with 670+ members featuring 100% completion of research (222/222). We're one of the fastest-growing new clans in the game and hope you'll consider joining us as we make it our quest to be one of the biggest communities here on Warframe.
Who Are We?
We started this clan with the intention of one day growing beyond Warframe to include other games and activities and to become a hub for people to find friends to game with, learn new games, and socialize online. Allgunson, TheWanderingSpiritt, IllegalNoBurrito, and Dein_Schatz_Joji are the founders of the clan/alliance.
Why Join us?
Tier-3 Community Discord:
Our discord has:
- Riven grader and Item Price Check
- Personal Temp VC's (Can make private and customize who joins)
- xelA - a private discord bot with access to levelling, games, GPT-chat features and much more!
- Giveaways (Over 2k plat given out over the last few weeks)
- Access to strong weapon builds and guides
- Fashion, Captura, hilarious memes, quotes, and much more!
Community Events:
One of our main goals with the clan is to foster community engagement among members both in the game and on the discord. Over December, we hosted our Holiday events which included a Shawzin concert, several social nights, Hide and Seek in the dojo, Giveaways, and Movie screenings. We're hoping to do much more in the future.
Dojo Design:
Our dojo is more than just a functional space; it’s a masterpiece designed to inspire and captivate. Here’s why our dojo stands out:
Check out some photos of our dojo here: Dojo Images.
Expanding Empire
We’re working on three additional clans to suit different playstyles and goals. When the time comes players are welcome to move in-between clans to find what suits them best. All clans will be united in- game by talking in alliance chat:
The Celestial Voidrunner: A fashion-focused clan with stunning dojo and orbiter designs.
The Celestial Voidknight: Our End-Game Player Clan focused on making sure players are reaching the peaks that Warframe has to offer
The Celestial Voidsirens: Our trading branch focused on helping members learn the market and start earning plat via various methods.
All Clans are close to 100% research pending final dojo and emblem designs
- Mastery Rank 0+
- Age 16+
- 30 Day inactivity kick (For Mr30+, unlimited stay depending on donation rank) By joining our discord you will always be able to rejoin the ingame clan.
We're already one of the fastest-growing new clans in the game and hope you'll join us. Note: You Do Not Need to be in the clan to be able to join the discord, Everyone is welcome to come!
Ready to embark on this epic journey with us? Join us today : discord.gg/voidbound
We hope you will consider joining us on our mission to build this community.
Here are some photos of our dojo to check out! https://imgur.com/a/hv5lpLt
Who We Are:
This clan was created in 2016, and over the years has gone through many phases from Clan name change to Clan dojo layout several times. We were all outcasted from our makers, no one welcomed us so we united with each other and banded together a new community called the Outcast Samurai! We no longer want to be called ronin, and once cowered to the word outcast. We call our selves Samurais, and We will make our makers regret deserting us one day! We prepare ourselves learning the Tenno Kai way till the day comes. Join us for the fight to come!
What we offer:
If you are interested in joining the clan join HERE (IF you do join from link please tell me and we can go from there) or DM me at mrfangs1 on discord for more info. We also run a gaming discord community if you already have a clan and just looking for more friends to hangout with, so come check us out!
FYI: if I don't answer you back when you reply here try discord next, I sometimes forget to check Reddit. My discord is mrfangs1
This is a leftist, anarchist clan and a safe haven for every person out there that has been mistreated, bullied and suffered from the toxic gamers community. a couple of rules on our discord server you have to read and agree on.
**the discord server you'll be joining is not a warframe clan server but the warframe clan is a part of it**
our goals are to host peaceful and mindful people to make this clan a safe haven for every mistreated person out there. Regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender identity, romantic or sexual orientation, ability, social class, or mental health, who ever you are where ever you're from you're welcome here. Offensive content or harassment on this basis, personal or generalised, will not be tolerated. Please respect your fellow server members.
clan features
all we ask from you is to be socially active (it's a must).
DM me on discord for the invite : Maanzecorian
**About the Red Ribbon Imperium:**The Red Ribbon Imperium is a multi-clan alliance, currently comprising the Red Ribbon Army, Red Ribbon Rangers, and Red Ribbon Immortals. Our Alliance is centered around a unified Discord hub, which serves as the heart of our community, connecting members from all Red Ribbon clans, allied clans and any future expansions. We’re an English-speaking community dedicated to fostering player growth and building strong connections across all regions. Whether you’re new to Warframe or a seasoned veteran, we offer a collaborative environment where everyone can thrive.
JOIN US NOW: https://discord.gg/red-ribbon-army
**Our Main Goals:**1. Player Development: Benefit from comprehensive research and guidance from experienced players to help you navigate and master the game.2. Functional & Stylish Dojos: Explore, enjoy, and contribute to our beautifully designed Dojos.3. Social Community: Engage with fellow Warframe players through our Discord hub, forging lasting friendships and camaraderie.
Join the Red Ribbon Imperium today and elevate your Warframe experience!
Join the discord by using the link: https://discord.gg/WjujwmSdN4
Looking for a welcoming, tight-knit, kind, and helpful Warframe clan? Look no further!
The Celestial Voidwalker is a Rank 11 Moon clan with 670+ members featuring 100% completion of research (222/222). We're one of the fastest-growing new clans in the game and hope you'll consider joining us as we make it our quest to be one of the biggest communities here on Warframe.
Who Are We?
We started this clan with the intention of one day growing beyond Warframe to include other games and activities and to become a hub for people to find friends to game with, learn new games, and socialize online. Allgunson, TheWanderingSpiritt, IllegalNoBurrito, and Dein_Schatz_Joji are the founders of the clan/alliance.
Why Join us?
Our discord has:
- Riven grader and Item Price Check
- Personal Temp VC's (Can make private and customize who joins)
- xelA - a private discord bot with access to levelling, games, GPT-chat features and much more!
- Giveaways (Over 2k plat given out over the last few weeks)
- Access to strong weapon builds and guides
- Fashion, Captura, hilarious memes, quotes, and much more!
Community Events:
One of our main goals with the clan is to foster community engagement among members both in the game and on the discord. Over December, we hosted our Holiday events which included a Shawzin concert, several social nights, Hide and Seek in the dojo, Giveaways, and Movie screenings. We're hoping to do much more in the future.
Dojo Design:
Our dojo is more than just a functional space; it’s a masterpiece designed to inspire and captivate. Here’s why our dojo stands out:
Check out some photos of our dojo here: Dojo Images.
Expanding Empire
We’re working on three additional clans to suit different playstyles and goals. When the time comes players are welcome to move in-between clans to find what suits them best. All clans will be united in- game by talking in alliance chat:
The Celestial Voidrunner: A fashion-focused clan with stunning dojo and orbiter designs.
The Celestial Voidknight: Our End-Game Player Clan focused on making sure players are reaching the peaks that Warframe has to offer
The Celestial Voidsirens: Our trading branch focused on helping members learn the market and start earning plat via various methods.
All Clans are close to 100% research pending final dojo and emblem designs
- Mastery Rank 0+
- Age 16+
- 30 Day inactivity kick (For Mr30+, unlimited stay depending on donation rank) By joining our discord you will always be able to rejoin the ingame clan.
We're already one of the fastest-growing new clans in the game and hope you'll join us. Note: You Do Not Need to be in the clan to be able to join the discord, Everyone is welcome to come!
Ready to embark on this epic journey with us? Join us today : https://discord.gg/WjujwmSdN4
We hope you will consider joining us on our mission to build this community.
Here are some photos of our dojo to check out! https://imgur.com/a/hv5lpLt
Dragons of the Lake is recruiting!| Mountain Clan |100+ Active Community | Discord Required
Click here for the Discord server link
About Us
🐉We are the Dragons of the Lake 🐉
A Rank 11 Mountain Clan who values activity
We are a welcoming and friendly rank 11 Mountain clan looking for new tenno to join our ever-growing community. We are focused on creating and maintaining a space for everyone to learn, grow, trade, explore, and support each other, both in game and in discord. We welcome all skill levels, and have a diverse group of players who can assist/join you in any type of mission you need.
What we offer
Looking for a clan that's Warhammer themed
Looking to join a clan and some people help me learn the game.
I first played in 2019 but didnt know what to do and the game felt too daunting for me so I stopped and only picked it back up again a few days ago. currently MR4 and pretty confused on what to do and where to farm/level(?) since i did all my progress 5 years ago and no idea what I left off/what I was doing.
I am currently looking for a clan that can show me the ropes and is ok with my really off/casual gaming schedule(like will grind hard for a week/month then disappear for a while. or only for a short while in the evenings or weekends).
Misc info about me
- 21 years old
- Male
- Main language is English but can converse in simplified Chinese(SG/MY kinda Chinese)
- If life allows it I am able to commit many hours in to a gaming session(plays d2 and have done 20hr raids in the past)
Welcome one and all. We are an up coming clan always willing to help people out and make you better as a Tenno. we want all Tenno to come together, lone operative or group we will be more than happy to have you
Join the coldest cubes today!
DM me for the invite
Ouroboros Dynasty is an All Platforms Alliance made of sister clans Serpent Dynasty and Venom Dynasty, looking for new members to join our community!
We are an international clan, looking for players of all types to join our community and help us grow into a flourishing space.
Serpent Dynasty is a Rank 11 Moon Clan with 800+ members, which has been growing for 3 years.
Venom Dynasty is a Rank 11 Mountain Clan with 200+ members, newly created to expand our community.
You can choose which clan to join depending on space availability, or be placed by our recruiters! Both clans share the same discord community and have complete, fully researched dojos 😊
What we offer
→We are a community welcoming of veteran and new players.
→100% research on all dojo blueprints, all labs completed, dry dock, crimson branch, and large dojos filled with interesting rooms to explore, across both clans.
→Our discord is filled with lots of helpful content to help you progress in-game.
→Our community is based on discord, and within our server you can find a variety of fun channels to get involved in the clans!
→We carry out a variety of month and week-long events, and frequent giveaways to members.
Our Community
→We are a discord community of 3,000+ with in-game clans of 800+ and 200+ that prides itself on being a friendly and safe place for all.
→The discord is a great place to meet new friends and get help in-game, with our text and voice channels active with regular members.
→Dedicated staff role and channels for help, so you will never feel lost in-game! Just ask for a hand in our discord and if someone is free they'll be able to help you out.
→Within our discord, we have a hub for games aside from warframe, so you can take a break from warframe and have fun with clanmates in different games.
→English speaking.
→30 day inactivity kick (you remain in disc and can re-join after your break).
→No MR requirement.
→Being in the clan discor
If you think you'd be a great fit for our community then head over to our clan discord to apply by using the discord link https://discord.gg/OuroborosDynasty ! For the name of your recruiter in the short application, make it "reddit" in order to be accepted quickly.
I've been playing for about 2 years casually, and I'm far into endgame
**About the Red Ribbon Imperium:**The Red Ribbon Imperium is a multi-clan alliance, currently comprising the Red Ribbon Army, Red Ribbon Rangers, and Red Ribbon Immortals. Our Alliance is centered around a unified Discord hub, which serves as the heart of our community, connecting members from all Red Ribbon clans, allied clans and any future expansions. We’re an English-speaking community dedicated to fostering player growth and building strong connections across all regions. Whether you’re new to Warframe or a seasoned veteran, we offer a collaborative environment where everyone can thrive.
JOIN US NOW: https://discord.gg/red-ribbon-army
**Our Main Goals:**1. Player Development: Benefit from comprehensive research and guidance from experienced players to help you navigate and master the game.2. Functional & Stylish Dojos: Explore, enjoy, and contribute to our beautifully designed Dojos.3. Social Community: Engage with fellow Warframe players through our Discord hub, forging lasting friendships and camaraderie.
Join the Red Ribbon Imperium today and elevate your Warframe experience!
Dragons of the Lake is recruiting!| Mountain Clan |100+ Active Community | Discord Required
Click here for the Discord server link
About Us
🐉We are the Dragons of the Lake 🐉
A Rank 11 Mountain Clan who values activity
We are a welcoming and friendly rank 11 Mountain clan looking for new tenno to join our ever-growing community. We are focused on creating and maintaining a space for everyone to learn, grow, trade, explore, and support each other, both in game and in discord. We welcome all skill levels, and have a diverse group of players who can assist/join you in any type of mission you need.
What we offer
Join the discord by using the link: https://discord.gg/WjujwmSdN4
Looking for a welcoming, tight-knit, kind, and helpful Warframe clan? Look no further!
The Celestial Voidwalker is a Rank 11 Moon clan with 500+ members featuring 100% completion of research (222/222). We're one of the fastest-growing new clans in the game and hope you'll consider joining us as we make it our personal quest to be one of the biggest communities here on Warframe.
Who Are We?
We started this clan with the intention of one day growing beyond Warframe to include other games and activities and to become a hub for people to find friends to game with, learn new games, and socialize online. Allgunson, TheWanderingSpiritt, IllegalNoBurrito, and Dein_Schatz_Joji are the founders of the clan/alliance.
Why Join us?
Our discord has:
- Riven grader and Item Price Check
- Personal Temp VC's (Can make private and customize who joins)
- xelA - a private discord bot with access to levelling, games, GPT-chat features and much more!
- Giveaways (Over 2k plat given out over the last few weeks)
- Access to strong weapon builds and guides
- Fashion, Captura, hilarious memes, quotes, and much more!
Community Events:
One of our main goals with the clan is to foster community engagement among members both in the game and on the discord. Over December, we hosted our Holiday events which included a Shawzin concert, several social nights, Hide and Seek in the dojo, Giveaways, and Movie screenings. We're hoping to do much more in the future.
Dojo Design
Our dojo is more than just a functional space; it’s a masterpiece designed to inspire and captivate. Here’s why our dojo stands out:
Check out some photos of our dojo here: Dojo Images.
Expanding Empire
We’re working on three additional clans to suit different playstyles and goals. When the time comes players are welcome to move in-between clans to find what suits them best. All clans will be united in- game by talking in alliance chat:
The Celestial Voidrunner: A fashion-focused clan with stunning dojo and orbiter designs.
The Celestial Voidknight: Our End-Game Player Clan focused on making sure players are reaching the peaks that Warframe has to offer
The Celestial Voidsirens: Our trading branch focused on helping members learn the market and start earning plat via various methods.
All Clans are close to 100% research pending final dojo and emblem designs
- Mastery Rank 0+
- Age 16+
- 30 Day inactivity kick (For Mr30+, unlimited stay depending on donation rank) By joining our discord you will always be able to rejoin the ingame clan.
We're already one of the fastest growing new clans in the game and hope you'll join us. Note: You Do Not Need to be in the clan to be able to join the discord, Everyone is welcome to come!
Ready to embark on this epic journey with us? Join us today : https://discord.gg/WjujwmSdN4
We hope you will consider joining us on our mission to build this community.
Here are some photos of our dojo to check out! https://imgur.com/a/hv5lpLt
Looking for active Tenno! Smallish, seasoned gaming community dabbling in Warframe [mostly Destiny 2 breakaways that found solace in this universum] Dojo is up now [fresh and functional] giving you an opportunity to partake in clan research and making it Your new home among the rest of us scoundrels. We are NOT planning on expanding this habitat beyond 20-30 Tenno. This means, private custom spaces for anyone wanting to express themselves in their ways and character.
We are here to help each other, so all queries and requests for common ventures are welcome if not desired [t'is a fakin MMO after all...] We want to encourage in-clan trading and joint ventures in achieving our desired goals. WE ARE NOT EXACTLY POLITICALLY CORRECT, but IT'S A PART brotherly banter and I will not have it squashed. If You feel offended in any way...we'll show You the airlock - it's pretty. Vile is what we won't tolerate and will fight against.
☆ Join S.C.U.M.M Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/mcr5TgUW
☆ Ask for Warframe Recruitment Officer [Shiba or Chad]
YOU WILL ALSO FIND US ON: Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, Elite Dangerous, EvE Online, Sea of Thieves, ..and few other niche titles You might know or discover hanging out with us. We all have busy lives, so no obligations ensue...meaning - You won't be dumped for changing flavours temporarily. These are the games we all love and will eventually always come back to.
THIS IS A COMMUNITY DEDICATED TO GAMING IN RELAXED AND AND STRESS FREE ENVIRONMENT...You are welcome here...so hop on board... if Ya dare baby Tenno!