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So I have a family member that passed away in 2019 and I would like to know if there is a way to backup voxer voice messages to a different device or system? I would love to continue listening to those messages and not worry about voxer ever shutting down. Thanks
I've been a paying Voxer customer for several years, meaning I have saved messages going back years.
The challenge is how to export my saved messages in bulk for use in the rest of my workflow.
I know you can download messages one by one, but I have literally thousands of messages saved, so that won't work. I've written to Voxer about this issue several times over the past couple of years, but they never responded, and I've never found a solution.
Any ideas are appreciated!
Started like a week ago. I've updated it and all of that crap, all of a sudden I try to select a picture or video from my phone to send, it says add like it always does. I hit add and just nothing happens. It's weird. Anyone else having this problem? All of a sudden? This is the first time for me!
My wife and I were swapping partners with another couple that we had been long term friends with. We had rules that it was only when we were together and my wife and the other male had broke that rule. So, we cut off ties with the other couple, which was hard as we had been friends for nearly 20 years before this all happened.
Well, she had been communicating through Voxer. She has blocked the contact, but occasionally, an old chat thread reappears where it had been in the overall thread with the past date of when it had been started. The thread when it reappears has no content in it and the contact is still blocked.
Voxer has not been able to provide a reason for this thread to reappear. Has anybody else experienced this issue?
My friend passed in 2019. I’ve got the pro version the day she died. Her daughter wanted the voice messages and she has to have app to share. That’s fine but she doesn’t have pro and honestly I don’t want to forever either. I’ve searched endlessly for a way. It just saves the link as a file.
Hi im your asianhottie. If you want me to get ur hornys out you are already found it 😘 im here to make your days happier and get out your hard and strong hornys you are looking for a wanderful show? Ohh yes its me. So if you are interested og me just add my id in SKYPE -live:.cid.3fbdca43801fede6 and also i have a SNAPCHAT ID -JHOANNA1995
Hi! Anyone wanna chat? I'm from Hawaii and just love making new friends. Also if you'd like to be pen pals that's would be a dream come cause it's always something I wanted to have. Anyway please, just send me a message 😊
If anybody gets bored add me on voxer sassykitty.
looking for a woman to talk to on voxer. no minor and I am willing to talk about anything or talk dirty
Just looking for some cool people to get to know around the world. Add me https://web.voxer.com/u/maximus_the_third
** Talkimate RSM –Talk to your Mate**(https://youtu.be/hrfkhtyb6DU)
Hey I'm looking for new voxer friends. I dont have anyone on my Voxer to talk to. My voxer is morrison.
So I got an email saying "Person i don't talk to anymore has connected with you!". And when i redownloaded the app to check out what exactly that means the person in question isn't in my "recents". Any ideas as to why that happened?
Hey ppl I'm looking for new voxer friends. I dont have anyone on my voxer to talk to. my voxer is graciemaeb
Looking for some fun chat. Fcastl211
My username is vdesa6024 so Vox me xD I'm so bored! I need buddies 0