A subreddit for the videos, articles, pictures, and discussion of and about volcanoes!
Articles, videos, discussions and pictures about volcanoes!
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Sound on.
Been looking at it on the goo
This was a long ago planned trip to the big island. Standing on the opposite end of the rim from the other post today. This was taken from the guard rails / marked trail. Yes, people are allowed to enter at night. The roads to the overlook(s) are open. I heard people were jumping the rails at the opposite end for a better view. Probably not a great idea.
No, you aren’t allowed to swim in the lava.
Besides the main three Caldera’s like Yellowstone, Long Valley, and Valles Caldera, what are some others that are active or were once active?
I know about the Katmai caldera and Crater Lake being a caldera as well. I’m just interested to learn about the others that are less talked about.
I also want to gain an understanding of the Yellowstone caldera path.
Thank you guys in advance, just wanting to learn more about the subject.
Edit: You all have given me some very informative and genuine responses. Thank you all so much!
This Instagram video claims these bubbles are volcanic activity. China Walls is a surf spot in East Honolulu on the island O’ahu. It is part of the Koko Rift zone, the most recent volcanic activity on Oahu around 65,000 years ago. Are these bubbles volcanic gasses?
hello all,
would you have obsidian from Brazil or Bolivia?!
Thank. you!
hello all my daughter is currently doing a project for school and she is working with mount pinatubo. im looking for decent pictures of the volcanoe pre eruption and some general information about it, google images isnt really much help so was hoping some enthusiaists here would have better things to work with
Hi everyone! I just discovered that the theory of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Spain) partially collapsing and triggering a massive tsunami actually exists. Despite doing some research, I haven’t found clear answers to the following questions:
What is the actual likelihood of this happening? Could it occur in the near future? What events could speed up or even trigger such a collapse?
Thanks! 🌋