
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit dedicated to the Nickelodeon sitcom, Victorious

Welcome to Hollywood Arts!

Victorious is a Nickelodeon sitcom revolving around aspiring singer Tori Vega, portrayed by Victoria Justice, who is accepted into Hollywood Arts, a performing arts high school. While the invitation comes as a surprise, Hollywood Arts might just give Tori her chance to make it shine.

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    Daniella and Ariana

    11:01 UTC


    Party101 was… strange

    So me and some friends went to party101 and it left us with a sick feeling in our mouths. So we were in the priority clue and the whole time queuing everyone is looking at these 4 guys dressed up as characters from the sikowitz sleepover episode with someone wearing a fake baby bump and everything.

    Once the show starts we spoke to them and they were saying how they wanted to get on the insta yet they haven’t reposted but they’ve posted other accounts of that show and not them. And after looking around 70% of the stories they repost are from accounts with young girls compared to adults.

    Huh Then during the show Matt came on and he was clearly on something, sweating the second he got out rambling making the show run almost 30 minutes over and we missed our train

    Something else that left a poor taste in our mouth is when he was interacting the main people he’d interact with was either people with parents and or girls that looked much younger. Matt didn’t really acknowledge the guys in front of us dressed up and idk how that guy did that show which was sweltering with a baby bump on.

    After finding out Dan Schneider gets royalties from the show, it’s overally lowered my impression of Matt and the show as a whole and just something felt off the whole time

    22:20 UTC


    Since when has Robbie Shapiro been so buff ?

    02:51 UTC


    Unfair endings

    20:54 UTC


    thoughts on the april fools episode?

    its a good episode its just i got a little confused during it.

    18:28 UTC


    All these characters were so dumb looking back

    I know that Cat was meant to be the dumb character, but even the other characters lacked so much common sense half the time. I've been rewatching a lot of old Disney/Nickelodeon shows and I'm just realizing how dumb these characters have to be in order for the plots to work. But that's how we got so many hilarious and entertaining shows.

    17:44 UTC


    which victorious characters gives off the most "baby one more time" album vibes

    03:25 UTC


    How Did Tori Not Know What An Understudy Is?

    Rewatching "Tori Gets Stuck"! Tori's been at the school for over a year now and up until that episode she had no clue what an understudy is? Like how? You go to a performing arts school, you've starred in many plays and you're 16 years old? And before you say "It's just a show!" I know it is but Tori should have known what an understudy is.

    20:20 UTC


    Thoughts on the breakfast bunch episode

    I was watching victorious on Netflix and that episode came on. It was funny and I know it was a parody but it was a little strange. What do you think

    18:08 UTC


    What is one thing that the writers overdid in the show?

    For me, it's either the relationship between Jade and Beck or making the show about Tori when it doesn't have to be. Again, these are just my thoughts. What do you guys think?

    17:16 UTC


    What was the best song from cat and robbie in "tori an jades playdate"

    Forget about take a hint. Cat and robbie had so songs in that episode that get very overlooked. So what was your favorite. Mine was the one with beck and Trina but wbu?

    16:21 UTC


    Favorite Cat moment

    Just wanting to know what’s your favorite Cat quote or moment from the show?

    -it’s the Gorilla Club episode for me 🤣🤣😋

    “They didn’t say I couldn’t siiiiiinggg!” 🫡👏🏻🤩

    15:46 UTC


    Why did Jade stay with Beck after he kissed Tori?

    Just to be clear - I don't think Tori was in the wrong in that situation at all. Jade bullied her on her first day for no good reason, and she had every right to seek revenge. Beck, however, was completely in the wrong. Sure, it was technically a stage kiss, but considering it was improv and therefore not a scripted kiss, it could very easily have been avoided. If my partner kissed someone else in front of me and a bunch of other people, I would have left them right away.

    14:27 UTC


    The thing no one asked for! - My opinions on certain Victorious characters

    Because im an very important person here is my opinion:

    Tori: She is fine but I wish she had more substance. I see her starting as a nerd in the beginning and having a few brave moments and gradually growing into a powerful, confident leader or being a bit arrogant, a subdued version of Trina and then growing into a down to earth person.

    Jade: Funny and the most iconic character or Victorious. Unfortunate that her personality was limited by Nickelodeon. I wish her and Beck weren't together. Jade needs therapy not a boyfriend. Also Beck only has a name and nice hair.

    Speaking of...Beck: Most of the time he is boring other times he is annoying. Fun. You could swear he got onto Hollywood Arts thanks to expired coconut milk because we almost never see him use his acting skills. Heck,he is defined by Jade and Tori. And he is handsome. Wow. In Beck I see a morally grey character. A bad boy seeking thrill but also a nice guy at the same time. The series has not highlighted this enough. Most of the time he seems passive and careless.

    Cat: I think you already know where is this going by my next phrase. I love season 1 Cat. She is fun, excentric. Silly but still has a brain. Seems like a stereotypical person with ADHD. However she gradually becomes a child with any lack of intelligence. Her jokes are only "oh wow look im so dumb haha". Only her stories with his brother remains funny. The theory that this behaviour is the result of her abusive family life has made me feel less mad at Cat's transformation but I still cannot hide that she became annoying, man...

    Robbie(& Rex): I hate him with a burning passion. He is not funny, endearing, cool. All his jokes are about harassment, he can't get laid, this doll is bullying me. Rex's bullying doesn't make me feel better considering it is still the same person. I have no mercy for Robbie. He has no redeeming qualities. His romance with Cat could've been cute but since she essentialy became a child he should stay away from here. They both need therapy

    André: He is perfect. Much needed straight man for the cast. I would've liked a romance for him but no member of the cast is good enough, maybe a new character . Im not onto Tori x André honestly. They have no romantic chemistry together.

    Trina: Most of the time I don't care about her but she has some funny moments. Her Chicago subplot is my favourite part of the show.

    Sinjin: Im conflicted about him. Sometimes he is disgusting sometimes he is cool. A better version of Robbie

    Sikowitz: Enjoyable. Makes my day whenever he appears. Portrayed greatly. Characters like these can easily become irritating.

    So what are your opinions? :p

    11:54 UTC


    What's your favorite quote from the show?

    00:04 UTC


    Cat Valentine vs Starlight

    This would be a funny weird comparison

    22:24 UTC


    Tori should’ve known

    During Trina’s ‘birthweek,’ Tori was stressed thinking of a birthday gift for Trina after Trina already got the boots Tori bought. Andre suggests Tori perform a song and she decides it is a great idea.

    While there is no excuse for how Trina acted after the song, Tori should have known her sister would not consider a song a gift. Trina is so materialistic. Every episode is about Trina wanting something, buying something, or going crazy over something to buy. Even that early in the show in season 1, my 12 yr old self guessed Trina would want more. I was always surprised that Tori (who grew up 15 years with her sister) would think her sister would enjoy something that wasn’t purchased with money and wasn’t expensive.

    20:42 UTC


    victorious unpopular opinion

    mine: in the episode “opposite date” i feel like jade did have a right to be mad at tori. ( no hate to tori i love her but im just sayin)

    18:25 UTC


    Favorite funny moments?

    I'm sure there's a post like this somewhere on here, but I couldn't find one and was wondering what everyone's favorite comedy bit is. I have a few of them, but this moment from "Blonde Squad" makes me laugh way too hard:

    "Cheese is lucky?"


    Him having already run off and being like 20 feet away makes it even better

    16:02 UTC


    I Don't Know What it is but She Looks Super "Tori Vega" Here

    I think it's the hair. 🤔

    10:30 UTC


    Was the reality show about the group and the school a flop or a hit??

    03:46 UTC


    Star Spangled Tori's Ending

    I don't know if anyone remembers "Star Spangled Tori". I believe it was the second to last episode of the show. But it probably has one of the funniest and most satisfying endings to any episode of the show.

    For a brief recap, Tori is chosen to perform the National Anthem at a Basketball game. While she's performing the song, her leg accidentally gets caught on the least of this dog, who is the mascot of one of the Basketball team. This leads to the dog inadvertently dragging Tori across the basketball court. A week after this happens, Tori is invited to go on this talk show hosted by a guy named Chris Burm. They makes plans for her to perform a song with the dog, that dragged her, present so they could make amends of some sort. But after she goes to a dressing room to get ready, Chris reveals to his audience and viewers that he has a plan to prank Tori. He explains how, while she's performing, they're gonna quickly swap the real dog with a fake one. The fake dog is filled with spaghetti and an explosion device. He plans to have have the dog explode and cover Tori with spaghetti. Andre and Beck, who were sitting in the audience when Chris explains this, decide to save Tori from being embarrassed even further. While Tori is performing, Beck distracts 2 of the employees backstage by flirting with them. This allows Andre to quickly remove the explosion device from the fake dog and they hide it behind Chris' chair while he's not looking. When Chris presses the button to blow up the dog, the explosion device causes him to go flying into the ceiling. I gotta admit that Andre and Beck were pretty great friends from saving Tori from that embarrassment.

    This is honestly a very satisfying and hilarious ending. But I was honestly a little bummed that the episode just ended immediately after the explosion device sent Chris Burm into the air. I don't know if anyone else felt this way. But I would've loved to have seen his reaction and the reaction of the audience in regards to what happened. I'm sure they were probably very confused and wondering why the fake dog didn't explode and how the explosion device ended up behind his chair. Seeing that probably would've been hysterical. I remember seeing this episode when it first aired and once it ended the way that it did, I immediately said "Oh come on!! We were just getting to the good part." LOL

    1 Comment
    23:09 UTC


    The Hambone King's Ending Ruined The Entire Episode

    The Hambone King is such a frustrating episode. Honestly, I feel like it had so much potential to be one of the best episodes of the show. We could've gotten to see Robbie finally have his moment to shine and come out on top. But then the ending happened and completely ruined the entire episode. I think everyone agrees that having the episode end with Robbie losing and Tori stealing the spotlight just completely ruined everything. They seriously couldn't have let Robbie have his time to shine just this one time and let Tori take a back seat? I seriously would love to know what the writing process for this episode was like and how the ending of Tori stealing Robbie's thunder came to fruition because it just happens completely out of nowhere.

    My personal theory is that the episode was originally going to end with Robbie winning and being declared the Hambone King. When you watch the episode, they were clearly building towards that. But at the very last minute, maybe even on the set right when they were about to shoot it, either Dan Schneider or a Nickelodeon executive ordered them to change the ending to somehow get Tori involved and have her come out on top. That's my personal theory. I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what happened considering that it's the only logical explanation I can think of for how this ending was conceived.

    22:40 UTC


    what kind of friend group were they

    02:21 UTC


    Victoria's Response to Elizabeth's Slip-up

    00:30 UTC


    why did they remove season 1 and 2 of victorious on Netflix?

    18:25 UTC


    Victoria Justice in Arabic

    It’s technically Fawziyeh Oddil

    This is because Fawzi means victory like Victor, Victor feminine version is Victoria, Fawzi feminine is Fawziyeh (f’ow’zee’yeh) and oddil (odd-ill) is the word for justice

    00:58 UTC


    Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why Katy Perry was in like all the Victorious background art in season 1?

    Victorious Season 1 had so much artwork of Katy Perry, most of it was in Tori's locker. And If you look hard enough there is 10+ Katy Perry references in her locker. Most of them are just photos of Katy, and most of the inside door of the locker is One Of The Boys photoshoot.

    And like a few hours ago, I was watching the episode where there all stuck is Beck's trailer getting heat stroke, and in the iconic scene of Tori asking if Jade's swear builds up and makes her explode, you can see in the background a Katy Perry MTV Unplugged Vinyl. (I'm not sure it's a Vinyl but the album art is there).

    And this is making me wonder why was there so many? Victorious filmed Season 1 Late 2009. And so only her debut album was out. But she was a big artist, or was this like an endorsement? I need y'all's theories. 💋

    00:55 UTC

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