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Graphic Novel name

I'm looking for a comic book where a character doesn’t have feelings like a normal human and is an enforcer from the mob. He is friendly with a man that has two kids. In the comics the enforcer has to kill the man and follows him to the woods, and in the end the enforcer kills the dad but the kids kill him. Any suggestion what’s the comic book might be? I googled and couldn’t find it, but almost sure it’s from Vertigo.

04:34 UTC


Make Comic Book History: EMAIL DC COMICS to publish SWAMP THING #88 - The Time is Now!

DC Comics is finally collecting the legendary Rick Veitch run of Swamp Thing, the sequel series to Alan Moore’s saga. Veitch says that his legendary lost issue where Swamp Thing meets Jesus (Swamp Thing #88) MIGHT finally be collected, but he needs people to write in to show their support: publishswampthing88@gmail.com

These emails will be reviewed by DC Comics—this is confirmed without a doubt. They need us to show them that we want to see THE MOST FAMOUS UNPUBLISHED COMIC BOOK OF ALL TIME printed. Every single email counts and makes a difference.

This is likely our only chance to ever see this story published, so please show your support. Celebrate Easter by helping make comic book history! Email: publishswampthing88@gmail.com


19:59 UTC


Most wanted Vertigo Omni poll, 2024

Redoing this poll, this time with more variety.


Vote if you want!

02:39 UTC


Can someone explain to me Vertigo Visions: Dr. Thirteen and the Geek, please?

I think I missed something.

19:22 UTC


For anyone who needs Hellblazer 24 and 25

I have extras of these and have them listed on eBay for a decent price. Under dreamingthoughawake

Almost have the whole series now and selling these will give me some cash to buy Fear Machine and others. :)

If this post violates the rules please let me know and I'll take it down.

22:31 UTC


Punk rock Jesus as a Christian

I am a Christian and I stumbled across this book on eBay for a good price. On a whim I decided to pick this up. I read some reviews on it after I picked it up (very stupid i know, I just can’t help the impulse buys sometimes) and it seems like it goes fully against my religious beliefs, now I’m just curious does this book insult my religion and is it written for hardcore atheists who think religion is stupid? I have nothing against being an atheist and definitely enjoy a good science fiction story but is this story a hate letter to religion?

23:00 UTC


More like Blood: A Tale

Hello, looking for recommendations, comics similar to "Blood: A Tale" by DeMatties and Kent Williams, especially love the abstract stylish painted artwork. Thank you!

17:26 UTC


Phantom Stranger /Vertigo Visions: have these been collected ?!

I really want to read these . Does anyone know if the Phantom Stranger story hy Alisa Quitney been collected in a TPB with any other vertigo visions issues or do I have to buy them all separately?

12:35 UTC


Whatever Happened to Vamps by Elaine Lee?

Earlier this morning, I was going through my uncle’s old comics I have in my closet, and found this one that I really liked that was printed by DC Vertigo. The comic was called Vamps, and it was by Elaine Lee. So I read it, and read the other two Vamps: Hollywood & Vein and Vamps: Pumpkin Time. At the end of the 3rd book, it seemed like their would be a fourth one, but their never was, and I always wondered, but forgot. So after reading it again, I started to wonder again, whatever happened to the series.

20:45 UTC



Hey guys. This is my friends post so please be kind lol.

I used a cotton bud/q tip to clean my ears. I know you are supposed to but here we are. Anyways, I used it abit too heard on one ear and hurt it. Then pain went away and didn’t last long at all, but I’ve been dizzy everytime I stand up for the past 4 days.

I know ears affect balance so I’m assuming it was from using the cotton bud.

I just want some comfort lol as I get anxiety. Has anyone had this before and how long did it last ??

20:08 UTC


Soo i just read the full Preacher comic story

Sorry for the spelling

Soo i just read the whole Preacher story and boyy it was one crazy ride of the emotions. I know that iam late to this thing since Preacher is older commic. I actually tryed to read it 2 times before, but i always kinda stopped. But third time i said that i will read it to the end since i have every hardvover omnibus and i dont fell sorry for buying it one bit. First of all i love the story and characters. Also every character origin is just perfect and it shows really good how they all meet. It was just kinda strange how there were soo many bad guys, but every one of them have some character, expecially Jessy Custer "family" part. Its very sick and morbid, but i can take it. But from the characters in general i need to say that Cassady is one of my favorite because he is crazy as f*ck😂😂. Yes he was kinda shitty later, but in the end he did the great thing.

Long story short i really love this story and more or less everything about it and i will watch the series too since i heard good things about it. I will also read the Sandman since i know its the classic as the Preacher. I just never got the chance to buy comics since i live in the small place and we dont have comics and i live in the Europe soo we dont have every book to order online. Kinda need to rely on translations or english editions without or with low shipping. But i will give my best to get as much comics and graphic novels as possible🙃🙃🙃

21:29 UTC


Video about sandman

22:19 UTC


DC Comics releases statement on Fables: it is “not in the public domain”

DC Comics response - “The Fables comic books and graphic novels published by DC, and the storylines, characters and elements therein, are owned by DC and protected under the copyright laws of the United States and throughout the world in accordance with applicable law, and are not in the public domain. DC reserves all rights and will take such action as DC deems necessary or appropriate to protect its intellectual property rights.”

02:48 UTC

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