The Okanagan North
All about Vernon, BC, Canada.
The beautiful Okanagan valley in southern BC, Canada.
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Other reddits of interest:
I'm curious to know what you all do in your free time. Bonus points if it's something you can do comfortably in the winter! I need something to look forward to whenever winter comes around.
Hi I am looking for good Chiropractor in Vernon for my 70 yo friend ...I would appreciate any suggestions and contact:)
We recently sold our car and just not super interested in buying another. Looking for hiking trails that are reasonably accessible by the city bus, if anyone happens to know?
Hey All, Just trying to find some opinions on having indoor fun business in Vernon. Planning to start a VR game area for adults and kids above 6 as well as kids indoor augmented reality in VERNON, currently looking at various locations. Let me know your opinion.
Basically the title! How do you feel Vernon has changed in the last ten years, if at all!
I have had the misfortune of living here for 7 months(on a 1 year lease) The building has smelled of feces for weeks, only to find out recently after harassing my landlord and strata, that it's because of broken air scrubbers on the roof and the septic vents are being pushed into the building. They say it won't be fixed for a few more weeks, and I'm not sure how much longer I will stay sane living here. Has anyone gotten out of their lease here? Is septic venting into the building not a good enough reason to break a lease without penalties?
I guess just a warning to anyone looking at these "micro suites" They're 351sqf, you can hear everything, smells like literal feces and the strata sucks.
I don't live in Vernon, but there's a camper I'm interested in that's in Vernon, and the guy who posted it on Facebook doesn't seem to be checking his messages and that's the only way he's given of contacting him. The ad says it's parked off Tronson Road at the Vernon airport, and I can see in the pictures that there's a For Sale sign in the front window. Is there anyone willing/able to go there to take a picture of that sign, which I'm assuming/hoping has a phone number on it and send that to me? I'll post a pic of the camper in the comments. I would be very grateful if anyone is able to do this!
Does anyone know why this he police busted all the shops on the green mile?
Just in case anyone is looking for Covid and Flu vaccine walk-ins, I just got both my Covid and flu shots at the CareConnect IDA pharmacy on 25th Avenue as a walk-in.
The pharmacists is doing walk-ins every afternoon and I waited about ten minutes to get mine. I wasn’t sure if I needed to wait for my invitation to book an appointment but as long as you are due for the vaccination you can get it.
Please enter the first roundabout from the left lane, if you come in on the right lane you are required to turn right onto 39th ave. It isn't that difficult, there are signs posted that tell you how to do it. I believe in at least half of you.
I’m a 22 year old and I can’t find any work, I’ve been trying for almost a year and nothing, I’ve tried applying on indeed, going in person and talking to managers and handing them my resume. out of everything I’ve done I’ve gotten two interviews. I’m really losing my hope. If you have any advice please im absolutely open to listening.
Rather than detouring around the scooter that lay across the sidewalk by stepping off the sidewalk onto the road did it occur to Marlene to stand the scooter back up. Maybe the wind knocked it over.
I do see people wearing helmets but not everyone does.
I think the scooters are a good option to get people around town but there will always be some small issues that arise. This is no grounds to abandon the program in my opinion.
It’s a blind cave tetra and requires a school of several other blind cave tetras
Can anyone tell me where I can buy good second hand phone for less that 100$cad ?:) in Vernon of course
Does anyone who grew up here remember the midget houses? What happened to them, I would expect they’re long gone by now?
Edit solved thanks for the help there’s a great Facebook group I was provided here it’s below
I’ve got a 2004 Honda accord 2L and it it just started ticking, they diagnosed it as “sheared exhaust cam” and it needs to be replaced. I can get the part for cheap but I’m scared to try to fix it myself especially torquing go specific psi, is there any backyard mechanics that anyone would recommend to tackle this for cash?
Which one of you out there is blowing off fireworks and why?
Damn kids! Hey,people are trying to watch the news you know!
Vernon-Lumby is 1 of only 2 ridings in the whole province where an independent candidate contributed to an NDP win.
"Split the vote" so to speak.
Wondering what people’s experiences at gold n time or JC Bradley have been? My engagement ring needs some work and I haven’t had much luck at another local jeweller that I shall not name… but you probably get the picture. I’d like to rework the setting a bit and the band is off set. Thanks!
23/26 polls reported
Dennis seems to be losing momentum as more votes come in, but Jesus Christ people…