The 1914-1918 WW1 Game Series currently includes Verdun and Tannenberg, developed by BlackMill Games and M2H.
These realistic WW1 shooters let players choose from a range of squads from across the war, as they fight for control of the ever-changing frontlines. Verdun is available on Steam, Xbox One and PS4. Tannenberg is available on Steam.
The 1914-1918 WW1 Game Series currently includes Verdun and Tannenberg (set on the Eastern Front). These authentic WW1 shooters let players choose from a range of squads from across the war, as they fight for control of the ever-changing frontlines.
The developers have carried out extensive research and were advised by knowledgeable historians to make sure the individual elements in their games are as historically accurate as it can get. Uniforms have been recreated to the tiniest detail, the weapons are modeled to exact references and the maps use realistic props and terrain layouts. Everything in the game has been tailored to recreate the grim atmosphere so typical of WW1, from the immersive interface and war torn maps to realistic sounds and voices. It all comes together to evoke the feeling of actually being there in the muddy trenches of the Western Front or the snow covered forests of the Eastern Front, in the middle of one of the largest wars in history.
Defenders of Stalingrad (EU/US)
Legionen Von Kaiser Kader (AU)
2nd Reich (US)
I bought this on sale with Tannenberg for around $10 total and upon loading up version there was THIRTEEN players online with crossplay on.
Gonna try to revive the lobby for a good match at 7pm Pacific Time, I'll be online then if you want to join come on and play again!
Does anyone know what changing the difficulty actually does? I changed it to easy because hard was boring and even though I'm winning in kills the enemy always seems to be able to immediately take the trench also Does the game year affect difficulty?
Join us for the first Verdun community game night TONIGHT from 7-9 pm EST, all players console & pc welcome. Servers are 20 v 20 frontlines so get there fast before it fills up! Look for TheMerlinMax’s Match in the frontlines custom server browser, after 9 we will switch to public bot lobbies for those who want to keep playing. See you there!
This Saturday the 25th we will be hosting a frontlines game in Verdun from 7-9 pm EST, all are welcome to join! Come and fill the servers so we can experience some epic trench warfare!
Hi! Since yesterday, I'm getting regular ntdll.dll crashes - only in Verdun. I tried reinstalling my drivers, disabling any interfering software, but nothing happens. I have read a bit online, and ntdll is just the interface between the game and the Windows API so it is unlikely that this is an issue with windows but rather somehow with the game.
Oddly enough, when I reinstall the game, the first game I play goes totally fine, as long as I don't exit to desktop. Once I have done that, subsequent games don't work anymore. Has anyone else had something similar happen? Thanks in advance!
Would anyone be interested in doing a monthly/ weekly organized frontlines game so we could populate the servers a bit?
Do i need to contact them to get a free upgrade or do i have to buy again. Cause i rather play verdun than isonzo.
I absolutely love the history of Von Lettow and the shuztetruppe. Imagine the different game modes. Search and destroy British supplies or recover weapons from a Belgian camp. Ambush and convoy escorts etc etc! Would love to see a game based on this unknown theater
I've been thinking about the gameplay of Verdun and how it could translate into a Revolutionary War game of a different series. I've always wanted an FPS that takes place during the American Revolutionary War and I feel that Black Mill can pull it off, based on their 1914-1918 series. I could see a new series being titled 1775-1783 and it covers various battles that took place during the revolution in Verdun style gameplay.
In one match I got 67 kills as the germans *in a few diff squads over diff roles* In the clip I got 4 grenade kills and 2 rifle kills in the span of about 40 seconds or so.
Lucky this game is still jard without players sad I'll never platinum this game though.
When compared to the single m17 or m15 is it worth the upgrade?
I understand it’s a bit of a kamikaze troop but still I don’t get why it’s so damn hated
I know Verdun is a bit old and it does not have a ton of players. Im on Europe and its for 4 euros right now, is ti worth buying even if i only play with bots? I honestly enjoy playing solo , so what do you think?
Is this game popular? I’m about to get the game and play.
I have about 50 hours in Isonzo and it has been great. Verdun and Tannenberg are both only $5 on PlayStation. I was wondering which one people would recommend more between the two or if they are both worth it. Thanks for the help!
I forgot that I took this 2 years ago, but as you can imagine, I was very hype when this happened.
Hello everyone so Ive been playing verdun for a couple of months and still havent found the button on my PlayStation to switch to a secondary weapon in a match , can u please help me out
Hi, is there a discord server for those who want to arrange games? TIA
Started having an issue where part way through an offline match I get locked into whatever loadout I’m using and can’t change it. Relaunching the game fixes it temporarily but I get stuck again after a while.
Didn’t find anything helpful online, wondering if anyone’s had the same issue and how you fixed it?
I’ve been trying to play this on a Mac for a little bit but get 5-10 fps at the most. this is supposed to be an upgrade from my last Mac so I’m not sure what to do.
Specs: https://imgur.com/a/Nm1QpG6