
Photograph via snooOG

A place to to share harvests, ask for help, and discuss topics related to growing food.

A place to to share harvests, tips, ask for help, and other topics related to growing your own food.

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Tomatillo pollination

I planted one tomatillo in a raised bed amongst a few other tomatoes. I didn’t know about the lack of self pollination prior, so I’m wondering if they will become pollinated from regular tomatoes? I have a 2nd tomatillo in a container that I suppose I can move over closer to its friend but is this necessary? If the latter, how close to they practically have to be?

FWIW they are ~2 week transplants about a foot tall and not flowering yet but some buds are forming.

00:03 UTC


It’s not just Mint…

Yes mint takes over So do Jerusalem Artichokes… What else ?

23:16 UTC


Black Stem on Roma Tomato Plant

I've never grown any vegetables or any plants and this is my first year trying, I looked into videos and tutorials. I don't know what I did wrong or if this is normal, but I'm scared they were fine and then in a couple days they just started becoming black. My bell peppers and habaneros are doing really well. Please help.




23:09 UTC


Bolting kale

Would this bolting kale plant be spent at this point? Would there be a way I could prevent bolting in this kind of plant? (See left side of picture.)

1 Comment
23:06 UTC


Clipping garlic plant

Should I clip these flowering portions from my garlic plants? They were planted Nov 2023.

1 Comment
23:01 UTC


First time gardener!

This is my first time gardening in my back yard. There’s a walnut tree about 10-15 feet away from my garden and I was told that makes the soil very acidic. IF my plants grown and survive in that soil, is there any way I could get sick? I know it might be a dumb question, but I have anxiety and just wanna make sure! Thanks in advance!

22:37 UTC


Tool Tip! Short blade hoe for weeding under veggies

This is something I learned from granddad. Cut down your hoe to just a few inches in blade length using an angle grinder. This way you can easily and nimbly fit under low to the ground produce without damage. Bonus points if you keep it razor sharp. This modification has made weeding much faster over the years!

22:35 UTC


Circular Bites and Red Mites

1 Comment
22:24 UTC


A little break from rain would be nice.

Over 4" of rain in the last 48 hours and it's been raining every day for about a week. I'm just glad the wind hasn't destroyed anything during today's strong storms and tornados

22:14 UTC


Planting along with asparagus?

I just planted two large patches of asparagus crowns, and I'm thrilled to be seeing my first lil guys poking through! In a few years I will be swimming in asparagus, god willing.

I'm wondering what else I can put in these beds? They're fairly large patches, and it will be fun to see the ferns later in the summer, but what about early spring and summer? I know some people plant strawberries in their patches. Has anyone ever put daffodils or tulips in, just for fun? I love hyacinths and was thinking about that. Is this a bad idea? I know they're toxic, but it's not like I'm going to accidentally eat a hyacinth.

I was thinking next year I could plant a little lettuce before the asparagus take off, but it's too late for that this year. I guess I'm a little bored looking at the large dirt patches at the moment. I've planted marigolds and some nasturtiums around the border, but they're not up yet.

22:03 UTC


are these radish seedlings still viable

hi, i stupidly neglected to put my freshly planted radish seeds under my grow lights before i went out of town for 4-5 days; they sprouted but seem very leggy now. will these be alright, or do i need to start over?

16:23 UTC


What's up with my squash leaf?

This was transplanted 2 weeks ago. There's nothing wrong with the bottom of the leaf (no bugs or fungus) that I can see. Is this from stress (sun, water, ECT...) or something else?

21:35 UTC


Am I supposed to be adding fertilizer to the bagged soil you buy in stores?

I'm having terrible luck growing things lately. All my seedlings have stopped growing, they're brownish yellow, and just look horrible. I'm using soil i got at Costco, which says it has compost in it and that i don't have to mix in anything. https://www.costco.com/miracle-gro-organic-choice%2c-raised-bed-%2526-in-ground-soil-with-compost%2c-50-qt.product.100846014.html

I got frustrated so i got some miracle gro liquid fertilizer and watered them once and they already are looking better. Greener, fuller, some have even grown a bit. this was maybe 2 days ago.

Was i supposed to be fertilizing this whole time?

21:33 UTC


The heaviest potato competition - please give me your best tips

21:24 UTC


Pest control safe for garden?

Hi all! I have insects chomping on my plants. What is the best healthiest to use on and around my plants??

21:15 UTC


What's wrong with my onions??

Hi all! I have onions in grow bags but I'm not sure what's wrong with them! Please help! Thank you in advance!

1 Comment
21:14 UTC


Compost filled beds are hot .

I just filled 2 new box beds with straight compost 12" deep . It's really hot in the box 120° to135° . Is there a way to get it to cool down faster so I can plant in it ? I've never had this problem with my other beds ??

20:42 UTC


Chemical scent on new plants

Went to get some new plants from the hardware store as well as some tools got bee balm, cilantro, rosemary, and sweet basil.

The cilantro and bee balm are fine but I didn't notice, mostly because I didn't check after checking multiple other plants thinking I wouldn't need to, the rosemary and basil have this odd chemical scent to them and it carry to the taste of the leaves too.

It also numbed my tounge as a result of getting a taste so I need to figure out what to do about this any suggestions?

20:39 UTC


First timer planting runner beans and peas, couple of questions (UK)

I decided on a whim I was going to try and grow something this year, mainly just for the hobby aspect of it and to get me outside a bit more. I'm not expecting a bountiful harvest, I just wanna make something grow. I remember from being a kid that runner beans and peas were some of the easiest things to grow, so I ordered seeds for both.

I bought some pretty large and deep planters and set up some bamboo supports for climbing, using just plain old compost from the garden centre. In each planter I planted 6 runner bean or 6 pea seeds each a few inches apart and about an inch under the soil surface and watered. This was 2 weeks ago. We haven't had any frost, in fact it's been decently warm. I've only watered when the soil seems to have actually dried out, so I don't think I've overwatered them but I have made sure it never became completely dry. So far nothing has broken the surface. I had a little exploratory dig and found a couple of seeds had the tiniest bit of germination, but most were exactly as I'd put them in. Nothing has eaten them and they don't seem rotten.

When I planted these seeds I also put one in a clear jar with some wet kitchen paper just so I could actually watch one in its germination process. This one has actually sprouted pretty well, so I don't think the seeds themselves are the problem.

So a couple of questions:

  1. The planters are black plastic and I've noticed they're getting quite warm in the sun. Could this be an issue?

  2. If I'm having a poor germination rate, is it okay to just plant dozens of seeds and then select the best looking ones if and when they sprout and thin out the rest?

  3. I used a liquid fertilsier on them before reading that this wasn't necessary for beans. Could this be negatively affecting them?

  4. Any other ideas of basic rookie mistakes I might be making?

20:31 UTC


Can someone please tell me what has infested my tomatoes?

20:17 UTC


Can anyone tell me what type of winter squash I have?

Received these as part of a weekly CSA and it was only labeled as winter squash. Was hoping someone here could tell me exactly what type of winter squash this is so I can prepare it properly. Thanks in advance!

19:57 UTC

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