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Anyone remember the Cat Tracks newspaper from the 80s?

Was thinking of maybe starting it up again - was fun to do during grad school and now have the time to do it again.

1 Comment
23:27 UTC


mus 102 intro class guitar

has anyone taken this? if so how was your experience. i have experience with acoustic guitar but not with music theory or classical guitar. it says open to anyone and beginner friendly but just want to be sure im not signing up for something im not prepared for

1 Comment
11:04 UTC


Scholarship Appeal Success?

Hello! I was curious to know if anyone has ever filed a scholarship appeal and was able to gain back either partial or full of their scholarship whether it was financial aid or another scholarship under the UA.


17:16 UTC


8am class

So we all know the advice don't take the 8am class. But how bad is having an 8am 2x a week ?

15:31 UTC


Merit scholarship

When is the merit scholarship applied or actually show up in bursar account ? Final Highschool transcripts have been sent but not sure if finally reviewed. I have heard some people it is at least in their account but said pending. I don't even see it in account. I read one thing that stated 10 days before bill ? Just want to confirm they will award it. The only thing left to confirm on transcript was the senior classes needed to graduate. Qualified for merit based on classes at end of junior year. ( did not do Fafsa) long story. But was told didn't need to for the merit scholarship.

14:25 UTC


Socializing as a mid-20s, PhD student coming into the US

I’m 26, about to start a PhD, and I’m coming in as an international student. Sadly I’m leaving my friends behind, so I won’t have people to socialize with. I’m not one of those people that can make friends with just any random stranger on the street, but if the setting brings us together I have no problem talking to everyone. My fear is that due to my age and grad status my window of opportunity to live out the “American college experience” has passed. Is this the case? Am I “too old” to join clubs, participate in tailgating, go to a frat party?

And as a separate but related question, a couple of years ago I got to spend a semester on a different US college. There, some student body would regularly organize social activities, like karaoke nights, roller skate nights, board game nights, etc. Do activities like this occur at U of Arizona?

20:38 UTC


How do debit meal plans work?

Do I get that much money on my Cat card to spend on Food...or is it just 3 percent off of stuff. How does it work? Can someone please help me out?

16:20 UTC


Anyone enrolled in Sustainable Plant Systems Bio major?

Hey all, I’m looking to attend UofA next year and was wondering if anyone has experience/intel on the Sustainable Plant Systems major, specifically the Controlled Environment Agriculture Emphasis. I have my BA in Communications but I’m looking to challenge myself with something more STEM-y and useful. Thanks!

1 Comment
13:00 UTC


Lunch break

I'm an international student who will start to study in Arizona in August. In my country, students always have time to sleep after lunch, and I also have the habit to take a nap. I know lives in universities will be different from in high schools, but I also wonder that if I have the opportunity to take a nap in shool. For me, I will feel very drowsy and hard to focus if I don't get enough naps, so I am very worried about that. Recently, also tried not to sleep after meal, but I failed every time.

05:40 UTC


Gym for non-student

Hello, currently a student at another school but online now. Moved to Tucson for my job, gonna be working here for a year and was wondering if I would be able to buy a gym pass, and how would it work/where I go to buy one.

Would I just get a card to scan me in?

03:59 UTC


Spanish classes?

I work almost full time while trying to complete my degree - I heard Spanish 101 and 102 are really hard classes here, I was planning to do SPAN 101 alone next spring with no other classes, is this doable or should I take the class elsewhere?

00:39 UTC


Question around charging network in Tucson/UofA?

My daughter will be an incoming freshman and isn’t planning on having a car this year (not her choice), however thinking ahead.

Would having a Tesla even be a possibility at school? Would be ideal for gas prices, but looking on the map it doesn’t seem like there are a lot of charging stations at apartments etc.

Anyone have any feedback on this?


21:44 UTC


Grad School?

Hey y’all– I’m looking into grad schools and am really hoping to find a program in Arizona. I saw UofA has a finance program and was wondering if anyone who studied or is studying finance here can share their experience with it (or just their experience at UofA in general). I’m from Georgia so it’s kind of difficult to make a trip out there or find people around here who I can ask.

20:28 UTC


Debating dropping a summer class

Hi. I am currently a rising sophomore and in pre-business. I wanted to take online classes this summer so I didn't "fall behind" on my degree map, one of those being Spanish 101 and the other being Math 212 (Pima's equivalent of math 116). I have literally JUST started the work for my math class and already feel overwhelmed. I start my summer job tomorrow, and feel like working 30-40 hours a week and two online classes is just impossible for me. I want to drop my math and get a refund for it, but I am worried that it may effect me negatively in the long run, aka I am worried that it may effect me getting into Eller. I obviously don't want to fall behind, but also do not want to burnout and sacrifice my mental health if there is something I can do about it. Please help!!

06:58 UTC


Has anybody done Biology online? How is it like?

I’m in the military and want to become a dentist. UOA and ASU I think both have similar program that prepare for dental school. How is the science classes such as Bio, Organic Chem, etc. since they are online and accelerated?

01:51 UTC


Hall Involvement Team Application

I recently got an email with details to apply for the HI team which interested me. I filled out the questions and completed the application.

However, I filled it out on mobile, and the text boxes were not very large. Since there was no word count suggestion, I just did enough to accurately answer each question. Do I need to be more thorough? I'm not sure how selective this whole thing is, so I'm going in blind I suppose.

Should I put more? What even is the selection criteria?


15:38 UTC


MS-MEPN Guaranteed- BS v BA???

I applied for the Spring 25 semester when it opened yesterday but I am freaking out because it says "Bachelors of Science" specifically in the requirements for guaranteed admissions. I have a BA in Biochem and the actual website and advisors only ever said you need a "bachelors from UA" to qualify for guaranteed admissions. did they change the requirements or is it a typo??

21:17 UTC


Orientation and schedule

My orientation is scheduled at the 28th and I’m starting to freak out as it might be a bit late, how does it go exactly? and do I have to search up classes and make my own schedule or would my advisor have a certain arrangement?

I’m applying as a neuroscience major btw

22:01 UTC


La Paz?

I’m an incoming freshman, I’m living in La Paz. Are the rooms on this floor big, I hope I get a pretty decent size room; I heard the rooms are small in La Paz. Pls lmk 🙏.

07:48 UTC


Online ECE Bachelors Program

Hello all, I am hoping to get some insight from anyone who has been (or currently in) the ONLINE ECE program. I have narrowed my choices down between U of A, FIU, ODU , and ASU for their online programs. I am wondering the following:

How is the ECE program online overall? Did you (or are you) learn/learning a lot?

How is the class choice for online? I heard a few years back that the ECE program was lacking as there are very few class choices online. I am planning to take as many computer related technical electives as I can (computer org./computer architecture.. etc.) and am worried that I will have a very narrow choice of classes to take online.

Lastly, how does this program stack up to other schools? (ASU EE is the first that comes to mind)

Thank you for any insight!

17:00 UTC


what is this?

what does this mean? is this a scam?

16:45 UTC


are the dorm community showers gendered?

I'm thinking about getting a dorm unless the showers are mixed-gendered. I also have more questions about the showers: do you have a locker to put clothes + bags? is it a curtain or a door? thank you so much!

11:05 UTC


Unofficial vs Official Transcript

Is there any difference in the content between the two? Also, would my transfer credit from community college dual enrollment be shown on my final transcript? I can’t see the classes I have credit for right now but it does tell me that I have transfer credit from the community college.

09:23 UTC


Anyone else get an email recently that your scholarship is not able to be renewed? It is likely an error by the financial aid office's email system (more info in post)

Hey everyone, just wanted to give a heads up to other people in case if you received an email recently from the U of A financial aid department about your scholarship not being renewed.

I got the email a few days ago and I was incredibly confused because my GPA and my in-residence credits (after my summer course) would fulfill the scholarship renewal requirements.

I reached back out to financial aid and sent them an email asking what had happened and they said that it was an error on their end of things and they are currently in the process of sending out emails to people correcting the mistake.

In case if anyone else had something similar happen recently this post if for you! If you are still concerned about your scholarship not being renewed just contact the office (I recommend sending an email as their calls always seem to take hours to be responded to).

Take care everyone!

20:52 UTC


Friend Roommate Help

Hi everyone, my friend is currently in the honors program at the University of Arizona, and she decided to room with her friend at arbor hi everyone, my friend is currently in the honors program at the University of Arizona, and she decided to room with her friend at arbol de la Vida, since her friend is not in the honors dorm. However, she’s having regrets about arbol de la Vida given the fact that the honors dorms are so much nicer. Is there any possible way that she can switch dorms at this time?

20:38 UTC


Off campus apartments

Budget: $1100-$1400 Location: <30 mins from campus, prefer <20 Atmosphere: quiet and safe Roommates: none Amenities: in unit washer/dryer

Winterhaven terrace The place at Edgewood The place at canyon ridge Stargate west Rio cancion Finisterra Casa presidio Cortland Sabino canyon The condominium at william centre

Would greatly appreciate it if anyone could give a review of one of these or bring up another apartment.

10:23 UTC


Federal aid eligibility

I have a hold on my account for federal aid eligibility and I got my high school transcripts sent to the admissions PO Box on the 5th of June. how long does it take for those to process so they can take the hold off my account?

09:07 UTC


State Budget cuts hit Higher Ed.

07:39 UTC

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