A place for all of the underrated/unmentioned cast, schools, and stories of Girls und Panzer.
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Try to be nice to everyone. Don't harass others for their opinions, try not to be a asshole, lets all have fun here.
Do not be a fanatic. Here, lets all try to respect the opinion of others. Do not go around parroting your own personal opinion as unshakeable fact. Eg: If you think Yukari is the absolute best, Don't go around brigading others for having a different opinion. There is no such thing as blasphemy here. Don't be a fanatic. Any fanatic who attempts to brigade others for holding a different opinion will be subject to being banned.
Meet The Posting Requirements. You can post either underrated or undermentioned or even OC GuP characters.
Have a good time here! Whether it's savouring the artworks shared by the community here or taking part in fun discussions, we hope you will have a fun and enjoyable time in this sub!
Underrated/Undermentioned Characters:
1). Underrated characters are characters who are:
2). Undermentioned Characters
Undermentioned Characters are characters who might have a sizeable fanbase but are not frequently posted on other Major GuP Subs.
3) OC GuP Characters are GuP Characters of your own creation.
Further Elaboration can be found in the Pinned Posting Guide.
Posting guidelines:
Detailed Explanation of the Posting Requirements:
[Not Mandatory To Read]
We know that it can be a tricky thing to determine who is underrated/undermentioned since there are many grey areas and thus, here is the explanation for our criteria to determine underrated/undermentioned girls.
We found out that a great way to determine if a character is underrated/undermentioned is to check if the character is frequently posted on major GuP subs such as r/GIRLSundPANZER. As undermentioned/underrated characters will by nature, not be posted on other big GuP subs. Thus being a good gauge for us to judge if a character is underrated/undermentioned or not. On a related note, posts of underrated characters do have a higher chance of being buried on other major GuP subreddits due to getting lesser upvotes. Which is where r/Underrated_GuP wants to step in, by being a place specially dedicated to giving these girls some love too. Hence the reason for criteria 1.
For criteria 2, polls are a great way to determine popularity of a character since it is literally a direct count of a character's popularity. For reference, here's a link to the results of of the recent GuP tournament: https://animebracket.com/results/-r-girlsundpanzer-best-girl-tournament?group=full.The characters who went out in the quarter finals or before are ideal characters for posting in this sub since they are often very underrated due to having a small fan base. But ofcourse, this is not to say characters who advanced further cannot be posted.
And, Thus here is what underrated and undermentioned mean under our criteria.
Satisfying Criteria 1 but not 2 = Undermentioned character. Satisfying Criteria 1 and 2 = Underrated Character
Both types of characters, especially underrated ones are deeply welcomed on this subreddit. But as always, do be careful to not post too much of the same character to ensure that all girls can get the chance to receive some love from the community here.
3). Posts about GuP manga, music,doujins, games and generally any and everything GuP related that is also not well known is always welcomed on this sub.
Should you have any enquiries, you are always welcomed to approach any of the mods to help clear them up. Still, don't let this long wall of text deter you from posting and from having a enjoyable stay here!
-Oh and sourcing is not mandatory, but if you are free, kindly provide if asked.
-For NSFW/Maybe NSFW Posts- No Gore or sexual acts is strictly forbidden. Nudity and partial nudity (bikinis, underwear showing etc) is allowed, but for full nudity, please make it subtle. No Nude or half nude lolis too due to Reddit TOS and the laws regarding these stuff, even if they are legal (ie Katyusha). They are recognized as lolis internationally due to how they look. For posting NSFW content, please flair partial nudity as (Maybe NSFW?), while for full nudity, please flair as (VERY NSFW). Make sure to tag NSFW posts as NSFW by writing NSFW in the title either before or after the name. Otherwise, use the tagging method. This is important, as some people would prefer to not see NSFW content.
Extras: Strictly no half or full on furries. A few cat ears and tail is fine. Refer to kemonomimi for more details.