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Ubuntu wont start GUI past login screen.

Shared computer with roommates. Upgraded to Noble Numbat(24.04) and have security updates automatically installed. We don't normally update feature updates, but one roommate did. Now the main screen won't get past the GUI login(sddm?) screen. It will accept password, but stall there, not allowing any other progress or clicks. We can alt+f(3-6) to get into a tty and do terminal functions, but the main GUI screen stays locked at login screen. How do I go about finding what is wrong (not working) and how to solve it, getting the X-GUI to work?(btw, it is an older laptop and uses X.org instead of Wayland still)

05:35 UTC


My ubuntu only hoots when I plug in bootable usb with ubuntu image file.

How to fix it?? Should I try reinstalling ubuntu

And Ubuntu is top in the boot priority order too

05:21 UTC


Ubuntu USB stick boots to menu but blank screen after selecting Try/install

Downloaded Ubuntu Studio iso. Used Unetbootin as recommended by Ubuntu studio website to create usb stick. It’s a new 32gb stick. Restarted laptop (Lenovo t460s) and got to boot options and selected usb. This gives me the menu where the first option is to try or install Ubuntu. I select that and hit enter where it goes to a blank screen with the exception of a hyphen or dash or underscore at the very top left corner. It’s just a solid line not blinking. After a long time of waiting, say 10 or so minutes, nothing has changed. Tried pressing different keys to see if anything happens and nothing happens. Eventually tried Ctrl+alt+del and that restarted the computer, as expected.

Attempt 2, updated bios on that laptop from 1.51 to 1.58, the latest available. Made sure all peripheral devices were unplugged. Then I redownload the iso file but made the file name without any periods or spaces. I named it Ubuntustudio2404.iso Then I did a sha256 checksum from cmd and compared to the one on Ubuntu studio website. They’re identical. All other steps same as above (sent it to the usb disk again using netbootin and restarted). Same results as first attempt.

I have recently put Ubuntu on my MacBook by partitioning the drive and installing it and it works great. Just plain Ubuntu (not studio). The Lenovo is my daughter’s and she wants to try out the studio version from the usb stick before any partitioning or installing.

What’s my next step to try to get this to work?

Is that called a grub menu where it gives you 4 options, the first one being to try or install Ubuntu? I don’t know what that menu is called but the fact that I can get to it, tells me I’m able to boot from that usb device just fine but something else is happening.

Oh and if I select safe graphics I get the Lenovo and Ubuntu studio logo and then text that looks like a command prompt / terminal that says BusyBox. I’ll attach picture. But I don’t know what to do with that or how it helps.

03:09 UTC


Have to login to google after restarting ubuntu

I do login my google account but after i do restart session got deleted or what else happened . I couldn’t figure out what to do. Every time i restart i have to login to google.

1 Comment
02:20 UTC


WIFI by adapter

My pc is old and its wifi works by adapter. I installed Ubuntu but it doesn't recognize the WIFI, could someone help me?

When I run ```lsusb``` I get "Realtek 8812AU/8821AU"

What are my options? I don't mind buying another adapter. I just want to solve the problem.

1 Comment
02:03 UTC


Reverting open dialog functionality in Gnome?

The current version of Gnome in Ubuntu changed it's open dialog behavior, so it now lists recent files instead of opening to the last folder you were in.

I'm finding this functionality immensely frustrating and unusable. When I go to open a file, 99% of the time I want to open a new file in the same directory as last time. I almost never want to open a file I recently already opened.

This means I now have to browse to the directory of the file I want to open EVERY SINGLE TIME, which adds about a dozen or so extra steps to the file opening process for me.

I know it's Gnome, and the developers hate it being useful or configurable, but is there anyway for me to revert this behavior? I've been searching for a hidden Gnome option, but I can't find anything.

01:21 UTC


Windows as a storage device

Since I rarely need to use windows, I sometimes use my windows partition as a place to store files that I only use on my linux partition. I noticed once that a program failed to write a file into the windows partition. This only happened once however, and it may have been a space issue. So I am asking: is there a reason NOT to use windows as extra storage?

21:26 UTC


code command for setup

so I came across:


and it got me wondering, does anyone have anything similar where they can easily set up their system configuration? I hope I'm not downvoted for something like this.

20:57 UTC


Is the latest Kwin required for fancy desktop effects?

Pardon my ignorance here. I am unable to get the [Burn-My-Windows] window open/close animations to work. Somebody somewhere said that the latest version of Kwin is required. I'm running Linux mint with the Plasma desktop with SSDM and everything is solid exept for no fancy window animations. Can somebody please help? I want those sweet sweet fancy animations :P

1 Comment
20:44 UTC


arm-none-eabi toolchain version 14 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?

I've gotten myself into a version-mismatch quandry.

My main workstation is version 14. The department laptop is 10.

I'm looking to be able to install arm-none-eabi-{gcc,binutils,newlib,gdb} versions {14.1.0,2.42,,14.2} on the department laptop, but after `sudo apt update`, it still doesn't know anything about those versions.

I use Arch, BTW.

So, I'm not hip to the long-term support concept that Ubuntu uses. Is there any way to install the latest of these packages from Ubuntu 24.04 onto the 22.04 (jammy) distribution in parallel with any hope that it would work? It would suck if I have to build on my office workstation, and then use a thumb drive to sneaker-net the binaries over to the lab to install and test them.

1 Comment
20:43 UTC


Cannot access internet, probably dns

Hello everyone, I recently logged in to one of my ubuntu servers in my homelab and i get "Failed to connect to https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings"

i have 3 other ubuntu servers in my home lab and hey are all working. when i eddit /etc/resolv.conf and add either or quad then i can access everything normally. Bu on reboot it switches back to 127.*.*.*. Also the server is reachable through tiailscale the whole time. Ping works and ping ubuntu.com fails. Thanks for any help getting it back up. thank yu

20:39 UTC


Musician Ubuntu Users or Ubuntu Studio users, I need your help! I'm about to give up 😥 I really need help installing my Windows VSTs. I'm a Linux noob, but want to be a big Linux nerd.

  • I am using Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS.
  • I've got nearly everything working, including my hardware and the bundled software all works, also installed reaper.
  • I installed yabridge
  • I am trying to install Native Access 2 from the official source. Going to Native Instruments, downloading the official exe, installing it, running it, downloading the official VST plugins.
  • I have installed Native Access 2 using Wine.
  • When I try to run Native Access, it either crashes or tells me that I need to Please grant permissions to allow native access to install dependencies.
  • I googled the error, found and installed ntkdaemon. The issue persists.

So I have two installations of Native Access. One directly through wine. I installed using wine native-access-2.exe to execute the installer. This install (through wine) of Native Access crashes when I try to launch it, after the successful install. I get some sort of very long javascript error.

Out of desperation I tried to use Lutris to install Native Access. It works better through Lutris. It will run the installer, successfully install, then successfully run, but I get the error requiring me to grant permissions to install dependencies.

I really don't want to switch back to Windows so that I can use all of my expensive software, but this issue will absolutely make me do it.

I also use my PC to play games, chat, stream... And I got my Ubuntu installation working really well for all of that. The only MAJOR hiccup that I'm having is trying to install these VSTs. I think I can figure out yabridge after I get the VSTs installed. But I just need help GETTING them installed.

I really hope that someone out here can help me, hopefully someone has experience installing these things.

<3 Thank you.

20:37 UTC


I tried installing Ubuntu on my laptop but it keeps crashing what do I do??

My laptop specifications are -4gb ram -i5 7200u processor -Nvidia 940MX

I installed Ubuntu alongside windows 10, ubuntu first run for few minutes then it ceased and now it doesn't even boot, after I select ubuntu from dual.boot option my laptop just shits down.

And when I choose "advance boot option for ubuntu" and then recovery option then it shows some code then crash again☹️

20:34 UTC


Creating bootable flash disk

Hi, I’m trying to install the latest version of Ubuntu but there is an error message popping up right before the installation. I’ve created the USB stick by using balenaetcher. The error is: “error: file /boot/ not found” The installation goes well tho, is it something to be concerned? I’ve already checked the checksums. Thanks.

18:48 UTC


How can I see the "how safe is this app" thing in GNOME Software from CLI?

I tried apt show and the Ubuntu App Store, but they don't seem to show that. I'd prefer CLI, but another GUI that shows that might be fine if not possible.

The reason I'm asking this is because I installed something called Engrampa from GNOME Software since someone said it would allow me to encrypt files, and it disappeared from GNOME Software quickly afterwards; couldn't find it by clicking on "App Details" in the right click menu or by searching inside GNOME Software. Restarting fixed it very temporarily before it disappeared again. I don't want to use GNOME Software anymore, but I would like to keep that feature. I was able to run Engrampa, but it said it was "for the MATE environment", and that might have something to do with it.

17:46 UTC


2-in-1 Laptop DPI switch

I have a Thinkpad X13 yoga gen 3, and was looking for the ideal mechanism/method to reliably change the display's DPI for when I switch the thing to tablet mode. I'm running 24.04LTS of standard Ubuntu. Big thanks!

17:39 UTC


Ubuntu's version, Linux's version numbers

I'm taking a step back look at things from 35,000 ft in a nerd way to understand how the version numbers relate between Ubuntu and Linux.

In GRUB, Ubuntu 22.4 has a reported Linux version number.

What's the different decimal significance for both? Why does Ubuntu's 22 go with Linux's 6?

Google is my friend, but Googling answers to these questions is confounding. If anybody has a URL that helps explain these in better detail, that would be appreciated. Thank you!

15:03 UTC


Yaru can't inherrit the Fritzing icon I made. I confirm that my other icons are working. I tried to remove the fritzing.png icon from /usr/share/pixmaps but no luck.


14:46 UTC


Canonical offers 12 year LTS for any open source Docker image

14:38 UTC


Ayuda, soy nuevo en ubuntu.

He instalado chrome con instalador de paquetes gdebi, al paso del tiempo me dejo de funcionar y ahora no encuentro forma de eliminarlo para poder volver a descargarlo, alguien tiene alguna idea de que se puede hacer?

14:36 UTC


UltraDMA CRC Error Count

I just got a new ssd Ceamere drive,i installed Ubuntu 24.04 on it, i have been observing the ssd drive to make sure it works, but the crc error count is increasing, it has gotten to 13, every other thing works well, but when I used HDD Sentinel, I didn't see any value, for all the attributes, but it showed that the status is ok

11:28 UTC


Nmap scan shows port 25 is filtered

Hi does anyone know what this mean? Im trying to set up my mail server but i can't telnet my domain through port 25. Hence, I did a nmap scan and it shows that port 25 is filtered.

how do i get port 25 to open state?

10:35 UTC


Best way to run code on a snap package update?

I want to automatically run a shell script every time Firefox snap updates so I can create a symlink to my local fonts directory within the newly installed version. Are there any hooks I can take advantage of or is watching ~/snap/firefox the only way?

1 Comment
10:29 UTC


The Curious Case of Battery Life in Ubuntu 22.04 vs Windows 11

I have always used Ubuntu (since version 9.04). I had an HP laptop, with an 8th generation i7, Nvidia M150. By selecting intel only mode in the Nvidia settings, the battery in Ubuntu lasted longer than in Windows.

I just bought a Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7630. In Windows, the CPU is always with more workload, it gets hotter, there is more RAM occupied.... It gives the feeling of "heavy" running. I installed Ubuntu 22.04 and the opposite happens: the temperature is always much lower (sometimes the fans don't even turn on), it occupies half the RAM memory. I really love the behavior of Ubuntu 22.04 on this laptop. However, the battery lasts less. How can it be? I also have the only-intel mode in the Nvidia settings.

I suspect it has to do with the screen refresh rate (in Windows it adapts dynamically, as I understand) and in Ubuntu it is always at 120hz. The 13th generation intel processors have these "efficient cores". Could it be that the Linux kernel doesn't use them well yet? I also intuit that it has to do the lack of hardware acceleration of Chrome. In some cases, like Teams calls, the battery consumption goes up a lot.

In short, Ubuntu consumes much less resources than Windows, but with Ubuntu I get about 4-5 hours of battery while in Windows with the same use I can reach 6-8. Does anyone have an explanation for this?

Thank you very much in advance!

09:23 UTC


What's the point of multiple workspaces in Ubuntu 24.04?

So as far as I remember, and correct me if I'm wrong, with Ubuntu 20.04 we could have multiple workspaces that had a unique left menu bar. Meaning that I could open a terminal in one desktop and then change workspaces and I wouldn't see it in the menu bar of the new one. And if I opened a new terminal in this workspace, it would be invisble for the other one. So there was total separation between them, they appeared as different computers, to say it some way, even if they aren't.

Now, after upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04 I don't see this behavior. If I change my workspace I can see ALL the programs I have open on the other one. And if I want to open a new window of one of those programs, it just redirects back to the old workspace. So there's no separation at all.

I used to use this feature to give presentations for work, I'd work on one workspace and then if I had to do a presentation and share my screen, I could open the other one without having all the stuff open on my menu bar. But now it doesn't seem possible anymore?

Is this expected? Is it because I installed the light version and I'm missing some package/feature?

07:55 UTC


Installing ubuntu intel nuc latest model.

Hi, I have a problem, I bought an intel nuc, the problem is that the installation system doesn't work, it always crashes, and it gives me an error tried with ubuntu, ubuntu-mate, xubuntu. Always the same error. Is there a way to install Ubuntu on this little box? Other distributions work debian, fedora, manjaro

06:17 UTC


Help! Ubuntu System Crash - Stuck at GRUB Menu

Help! Ubuntu System Crash - Stuck at GRUB Menu

Hey everyone,

I was using the latest version of Ubuntu when my system suddenly crashed. I could only move the mouse cursor, so I had to force shutdown. Now, when I start my computer, it only shows the GRUB menu with options like memtest, etc.

What should I do to fix this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

05:48 UTC


Trying to install Canon MF450 Printer on Ubuntu

I need a driver that will allow me to print from my Canon MF450 on Ubuntu. Can anyone help me?

03:29 UTC


Can dd restore hdd raw copy tool (.imgc) files?

If so, how would I do it?

03:07 UTC


Please click link to post! Thinkpad running ubuntu issues


Link is to the thinkpad community, screen flicking problem.

01:08 UTC

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