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This institution will be based upon the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.
-Letter, Jefferson to William Roscoe, 1820
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Hey everyone,
I am taking BIOL 3000 and BIOL 3010 this semester (yes I am tired, thank you) and am fairly burnt out. I am nervous for BIOL 3240 and was wanting to get a gauge for the difficulty level so I can be prepared next semester. I can not have another semester like this one.
Hi all. I realized that I have made a terrible mistake. I had almost all of my college work synced to my UVA OneDrive account and did not know we had to move our data 6 months after graduation.
On my laptop, I now only have the names of all of my files. Clicking into them no longer works, and I can’t sign into my OneDrive since it seems to not exist anymore.
Someone please tell me there’s some sort of a recovery process? Anyone?
Hi everyone I attend Christopher Newport University, am a freshman with 34 incoming credits and sophomore standing, and am very interested in applying to transfer - I am asking for yalls advice for my ECS and class rigor, and if I should do anything else
Classes: intro to biz (UVA prereq so I took), micro, a 200 level polisci class, intro to stats, Leadership (scholarship for a minor), and a 200 level CS (Excel) class.
4.0 Gpa
ECS: In business frat, created minorities in business club, internship at wealth management firm, in campus investment fund club, in catholic club, and club soccer
next sem: sophomore English class (opted out of 100 English), accounting, physics+lab, leadership, Christianity class
any advice? essays gonna be on how I responded to a death of a roommate this year.
i graduated in june with a 3.67 unweighted (3.83 weighted) gpa. i didnt take any ap or de classes and barely any extracurricular (i was very busy after school caring for my family and could not afford the extra stress). my sat scores were also not great (1100, i am certain i can score higher if i retake though) and i didnt take the act. i plan to apply for studio art because i know i have a great art portfolio (i got into risd, fit, parsons, etc with it last year but cant afford out of state college) and i also wrote a great essay as well as being in-state if that helps. uva is my top school right now and i really want to attend but i know how grade oriented these prestigious schools are and i also know mine aren't great. should i just give up? please someone help me lol.
Hey! I’m living in a Yen single on the second floor next year and was curious what the experience was like! I went to visit it not too long ago but was still confused on the bathroom situation
For a psych major with no programming experience, which of the above classes would you recommend? Thanks
I’m a first year and I know first year dorms close for winter so we have to get out. But do we have to get ALL our stuff out, too? Like I’m confused because my RA said it’s a “move-out.”
Hi, I'm a first year premed who is curious about whether or not it'd be a good idea to take Physics 1 and 2 at George Mason this summer. I'm worried about whether that would look bad to take a pre-req over the summer, even though I'm taking it at a 4 year institution instead of 2 year institution. Please let me know if anybody knows from experience what it was like to take the course and how it affected their med school applications!!
by the stadium - hope you are ok! and please wear a bike helmet!
Does anyone live/has lived at Oxford Hills apartments on Madison and want to share their experiences? Me and my two roommates are considering going with them for our second year.
If I have two minors and a major in the college of arts and sciences, can I have another minor in McIntire too or does that count towards the maximum of two minors in the college?
Is it just me or has the wifi been 10x slower lately? Is this happening to anyone else?
Hey guys! I got accepted to UVA and I'm 100% committed. I wanted to ask how commutable it is ( surrounding areas and the town)? I also wanted to ask about any non-music major student organizations/opportunities? (I play jazz/classical piano, classical guitar, and flute; just looking for any jam sessions/symphony things) For policy/gov-related majors, how are Capitol Hill internships opportunities? Thanks!!
What is one thing not football that UVA should improve on campus?
I used to live in VA and I ended up moving oos, but I still love UVA. I would love to get the Jefferson scholarship, which I know is insanely competitive. Would any Jefferson scholars mind sharing their stats/ecs and any tips on getting in? I’m a current junior. Thanks!
So, I am thinking of going abroad next summer. I have a full ride through the Access UVA, and I know it based on everyone's circumstance, but I would only be able to go aboard if it was mostly covered through extra funding, so I'm just wondering how much other people in similar circumstances had to pay and if they are relatively generous with giving out funding! Thank you!
what is it like? what do they ask? do they diagnose during the initial assessment or do they send you to someone else to diagnose?
kind stressed, kinda worried. any information would help
Does anyone have any study tips on how to study for the cumulative BIOL 3010 final? I am NOT asking for answers, just some tips because I don't know where to start due to the influx of info.
I came across a video on insta about how uva students be acting. I go to the UVA campus in nova so I really never got that Charlottesville experience. Is this how students here really be acting? I definitely do think it’s satire up to a point but idk. Yall can check out the video below to see what I mean.
I am currently a freshman at Washington and Lee University (LAC). I have decided to transfer due to lack of diversity and extremely small size of the undergrad population(social issues). I have a high school gpa of 4.4/4.0 and will most likely end this fall semester with a 3.9. In high school, I did a lot of health related stuff, as I always wanted to get into healthcare consulting. On campus, I am a double scholar student(essentially selection based programs and co-curricular organizations through the school). I will be getting recs from professors that I know will be extremely strong. I am currently taking a mix of business and just general education classes, but i will be taking mainly accounting/business administration related courses next year. However, I would love some insight into how I should make my decision for UVA either Mcintire or the college of arts and science (econ). I am worried because I know McIntire would be more competitive than the college itself, and I was wondering if I could stand out as a competitive applicant for the transfer pool looking to get into McIntire. Also, I am from the Northern Virginia area.
Title! Are there any kind of market/con/venue type events for student artists to sell stuff? Thanks!
He is a freshman and living on campus without a car. Is there somewhere walkable that students go to get food or hangout? (I can look on maps but no idea where students actually go). For his birthday we tried a gc to the bookstore and it was a headache for him to redeem, so I would prefer to not do that option. Thanks!!
Im doing a data collection for my high school AP Stat class and I cannot seem to find the dates online for when UVA ED resulte came out these past few years. When I look like up it keeps saying the 15th at 5pm for all of them but I know for certain that in 2023 it didnt come out on the 15th.
I was just wondering if you guys know the actual dates for when ED came out these past few years (or honestly for any year, any info will help)
I would like guaranteed parking next semester and I’m thinking off moving off grounds, but I don’t know if I can give someone my lease. Thanks!!
Hey y'all, idk if this is even the right place to post this because I barely use Reddit, but I applied early decision to UVA this year as a senior in high school.
Does anyone know the exact ED decision release date? it said by December 15 but idk if colleges release their decisions on the weekend.
I'm a current student here at UVA and I wanted to know if I'll be able to view my admissions file for my UVA application. I'm curious to see the factors that led to my admission. Has anyone ever done this? And also are you able to see the comments admission officers made on them?