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Welcome to the uTest subreddit!

uTest is a platform where users can test software, learn skills, and get paid for their work. This subreddit is a place to talk about everything uTest.

Sign up at www.utest.com.

Have a question? Check out our FAQs!

Have any feedback? Let us know in the latest Feedback Friday thread.

Subreddit Rules

1. Do not share any payment information about a project, including any specific payout values.
Posting total/monthly earnings is permitted, as long as they don't show specifics about projects or customers.

2. Do not publicize uTest client information, including mentioning any customer or product names.
This also includes any information revealed in a test cycle or in email communications.

3. Be respectful and polite.
Posts and comments that are disrespectful, hateful, rude, or vulgar are subject to removal. Criticism is allowed, but please keep it constructive.

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6,220 Subscribers


Did you know that today is International Coffee Day? How important is this beloved beverage for your routine as a tester? 

21:27 UTC


No payment

I recently joined uTest and successfully completed my first task three weeks ago. I was informed that payment would be processed as soon as possible. However, I have not received the payment yet despite updating my payment details on my profile. Could you kindly provide clarification on the payment process and expected timelines?"

10:07 UTC


Failed payment problem

I registered my utest account and connected it to my paypal, but sadly my first payment has a Failed status. Does it mean my earnings are gone? Will I get them in the next payment window? What caused my payment to Fail to get into my PayPal account?

21:18 UTC


Suspicious cycles

Hi, Does anybody know how utest actually controls the clients they serve? Recently I’ve got involved into a pretty much suspicious cycle with no clear payouts and workload scheme. I see many people criticising but they can’t actually do much thing to defend themselves from the possible scam. Some say that it’s better to shut up because ttl and te can downrate you on utest to punish. Is that true? If so, how can a regular tester protect their rights?

15:43 UTC


Demotivated by bonuses twice in 30 days

I’m curious how other testers interpret the following bonus eligibility criteria.

Test cycle A

$X for the first bug you report and get approved.Does this mean that only the first approved bug among all testers in the cycle will receive the bonus?
$X for each of the first three approved bugs you find.Does this mean that a tester with 3+ approved bugs will receive $X bonus instead of $(X times 3)?

Test cycle B

$X Bonus for the first reported bug in the cycle (not WNF)Does this mean that if the first bug in the cycle is marked as WNF/ rejected, the bonus will disappear and no one else with an approved bug will receive it?
$X Bonus for the first 3 reported bugs per tester (not WNF)Does this mean that if a tester’s first submitted bug is marked as WNF/ rejected, they won’t receive the bonus even if they have 3 other approved non-WNF bugs?

My answers to all the above questions are 'No’, but the test teams answered ‘Yes’ to all. I think this shows that the bonus instructions can sometimes be ambiguous.

Because of that, in my fourth month at uTest, my biggest lesson outside the Academy cycles is to take all bonus instructions with a grain of salt.

I hope uTest can help test teams make bonuses as clear, straightforward, and unambiguous as bug payouts.

Are there any unspoken assumptions/ expectations/ practices around bonuses that could help me avoid potential disappointment in the future?

Edit: format

02:58 UTC


my bug reports are under review for more then 1.5 month

I contacted TE few weeks ago about this issue,he told that he’ll force them to check the bugs. But ut’s been a while since he said that and nothing changed. What should I do?

1 Comment
11:01 UTC


Asking for a copy of my passport?

I just joined utest and I luckily enough I got accepted to a project I applied to. Part of the process is providing your ID to them but they no longer accept a driver license and the only other form I have is a passport. Being new here, I'm a bit wary uploading a passport. I don't even know how much the project is paying.

19:20 UTC


uTester Chronicles

Imagine this: You're sitting at your computer, about to dive into a world that feels equal parts exciting and daunting. You've heard whispers of people earning from testing apps and websites, finding bugs, and turning their curiosity into something tangible. But where do you even begin?

You log into uTest, and it’s like stepping into a bustling marketplace—everyone rushing to find that one bug, that one report that will make them stand out. You start clicking around, hoping that somehow, you’ll stumble upon the secret that turns all this chaos into something that makes sense.

But here’s the thing—those who thrive on uTest aren’t the ones who rush. They’re the ones who take a moment to breathe, who look beyond the surface and see patterns others miss. They know that building a reputation here isn’t about finding just any bug; it’s about finding the bugs that matter, the ones that make a developer pause and say, “That’s it. That’s what we needed.”

As you navigate this world, you begin to realize it’s not just about the bugs—it’s about understanding how the game is played. It’s about learning how the platform’s algorithm notices you, how your rating starts to climb, and how every small, consistent action you take begins to stack up, like a quiet drumbeat pushing you forward.

And somewhere along this journey, you find yourself moving differently. You’re no longer just testing—you’re crafting reports that read like stories, each one capturing the problem in a way that makes it impossible to ignore. You’re not just a name in the crowd anymore; you’re the tester who gets noticed, who gets invited to cycles that others only dream about.

This isn’t a path for everyone. It’s for those who are willing to look deeper, to challenge themselves, to keep pushing even when the results aren’t immediate. But if you’re ready to take that step, if you’re ready to turn this into more than just a side gig, then this journey is yours to claim.

Welcome to uTest.

01:10 UTC


Unable to claim a slot because of other testers (?)

Hi there!

I just wanted to express my opinion a bit.

I feel somewhat frustrated when it comes to claim a slot for a test case that I have been invited to.

I'm new to uTest and I have done almost every academy course (just need to complete the Charles Proxy course and the Academy challenge) so I am still unrated. Since I've created my account at the beginning of this month I have received only 3 invitation to paid test cycles. Fair enough. I understand that I am still unrated and I'm not gonna get as much invitations as a gold tester. The problem comes when 2/3 of those invitations consists only of test cases meaning that you have to claim a slot to start working on it.

Well... So far I haven't been able to claim any slots... Everytime I got a notification stating that I have an invitation to paid test cycle, I open the app asap but all the slots are already claimed... And trust me as soon as I get the notification I open it so it takes max. 1-2 minutes for me to open the app and be ready to claim a slot...

I always join the waitlist but when a slot becomes available it seems that other users have been notified too and claim it faster than me.

Am I being invited too late to these Test Cycles? Is the people fully committed to this platform always claiming all the slots that fast? Is it always like that?

You are supposed to read the overview and the test details in order to make sure you can accept it but I don't think the people that claim their spot so quickly even do that.

Don't get me wrong, I like the platform and the work itself is fun most of the times. For me is just a side hustle and I just aim to earn no more than 100-150$ a month but it is sometimes disheartening to not being able to even participate.

Happy testing!


10:55 UTC


Tips for Testers #40

Hello uTesters! Today we've reached the 40th installment in our series, "Tips for Testers."

Every month, we publish an article with a new tip to help both new and experienced testers succeed at uTest.

And the tip for this month is... Use the Test Cycle Feedback and make your opinion count!

About 1.5 years ago, we received an exciting update to give voice to the testers in our community: the Test Cycle Feedback survey.

With this feature, which, by the way, was implemented because of your suggestion on TSAT (Testers Satisfaction Survey),  the testers have the opportunity to give their opinion on crucial points like the quality of the overviews and responsiveness of those managing the cycle.

These surveys are reviewed by the Testing Service Managers, and they do care about what is written there.

Remember that these surveys aren't anonymous, so keep your feedback professional. And don't forget to use the comments box. Since this feature allows open text, you can express your ideas, suggestions, and complaints there.

If you have never used this feature or just want more information about it, this uTest article covers all the settings of this extremely valuable resource.

The testers are the most valuable part of this company, so never underestimate the power of your feedback at uTest!

Stay tuned for next month’s tip!

21:45 UTC



Can I ask a question please

20:54 UTC


Can't login or Change My Password

Hi. Please I need help. I have an issue with my utest account I created about a week ago. Everything was working until 3 days ago when I am not able to login anymore despite using correct login details. Also, each time I tried to change my password, it shows error.

Wondering what could be wrong. I am sure my login details are correct.

12:36 UTC


tester rating

I’d like to understand the difference between bronze and silver ratings regarding the number of cycle invites on the Utest platform. Currently, I have an 84% rating, and I want to work more since my highest income has been around $200 in a month.

1 Comment
18:00 UTC


How many courses should I complete to earn asap!

Hello, I am from India and a student as I have to earn money as soon as possible without relying on my parents for it so I got to know about utest 3-4 days ago, signed up on the website and have completed only 1 course (introduction of utest) so far so how many course will I have to complete in order to earn money?

08:50 UTC


Feel like they’re undervalued bug so they don’t have to pay bonus

The criteria to get $50 bonus is minimum 3 approved bug report with at least 1 being Very Valuable/Exceptional. There’s a bug value section on project overview which clearly stated that app not responding, unable to complete process type of bug maybe considered Very Valuable/Exceptional. All 3 of my bug report falls into that category yet all was rated Somewhat valuable. I’ve seen on KI that similar bug (different step to reproduce but same outcome) was rated Exceptional so I’m quite confident that one of my bugs should at least be Very Valuable so it felt like they’re undervalued bug report so they don’t have to pay me a bonus. I’ve sent email to TE asking for clarification but no response. And as usual, support team simply said I need to contact cycle team directly so basically a dead-end. Just sharing my experience so you don’t get too hope up about their bonus scheme.

06:36 UTC


Tester Rating

A question about the tester rating Yesterday I was ranked silver in functional and today I dropped to bronze.In 24hrs I only get 4 WAD, 1 DUP AND 1 Approved, so I don't understand why I dropped in rating.

16:01 UTC


Can I work/apply to slots using just Ubuntu/Linux as OS ?

Greetings, am almost done with a virtual Manual Tester/QA course. At the same time, am halfway through with the Academy Courses at Utest to start applying for projects.
What is troubling me is that Windows be a mandatory requirement as desktop/laptop OS, as I switched to Ubuntu 20 years ago and never looked back.
If it is so, what is your suggestion to fix this matter (double boot, VM, etc)

Thanks, regards

15:48 UTC


First time in 10 years experiencing actual power abuse from a TE

I have contacted support who won't help, just going in circles telling me to email the power abusing TE who doesn't respond to emails nor does TSM after 48 hours. Cycle has like 5 TEs and no one responds to emails.

I have emailed Willian who will probably help me.

I just thought I would share this. I don't hope I get hit with yet another false guidelines violation (I already have 3 invalid ones, which I apparently can't get removed despite TSMs acknowledging they shouldn't have been given to me because the TEs didn't do their jobs)

Here it goes:

  1. I claim a TC for a company I have done like 50 TCs for in the past with no issues.
  2. The TC states that if provided account doesn't work, request a new one in cycle chat. I do so two times.
  3. TE rejects my TC and bans me from the cycle and cycle chat and then lies about me not writing in the cycle chat when I have 5 messages in there. Probably reports me so I get an invalid guidelines violation yet again just because he doesn't do his job properly.

I guess the TE is too lazy to provide the new account as stated in the TC and doesn't know that Applause employees can actually check messages in cycle chats. Oh well.

Hope this gets fixed.

1 Comment
22:40 UTC


Is it necessary to complete all the academy lessons to receive a cycle to make money?"

Hey, I'm new to this platform and want to make money right away. Do I need to complete all the academy lessons, or can I just complete lessons 16, 17, 18, and 19?

Thank you

01:53 UTC


WAD definition?

Hi just a quick question from the vast experience of uTester, what is the definition of WAD and what is not critical issues

Was involved in a project stating critical bugs only.

Raised bugs (a) on the ability to ship branded product to a non allowed country [potential lawsuit by brand holder AND merchant that hold that brand on non allowed country] and (b) price discrepancies between PLP and PDP, (c) the ability of not delivering on the promised special offer [exposed to "bait and switch consumer law" lawsuit].

All three were rejected as not critical and WAD.

So what is uTest expectation of WAD - seem to be very arbitrary.

So what is uTest expectation of critical bugs - when price discrepancy between PLP and PDP is not critical and exposure of potential lawsuit is deemed not critical?

Could you let me know where is that line? Again, seem like very arbitrary to me and not a REAL test platform to me if a potential lawsuit and price discrepancy between PLP and PDP are not a critical issue to me. Please do enlighten me.

23:42 UTC


I did a testing a day ago

I was told I would get paid by visa being sent to my email but nothing has arrived and it’s been 24 hours

21:02 UTC


Help with utest account

Hey, I'm looking for a way to email account support for platform utest profiles or someone I can reach out to that works for utest. I have tried making numerous support tickets but they keep getting routed to IT who then says they can't help me. Long story short I lost my phone and access to the email listed on my profile, because of this and (all my passwords being apple generated) I can't sign in to utest.com or my.applause.com which I need to in order to input my hours for my pay (applause employee). Could anyone help me with this?

01:22 UTC


Banned account unfairly

Is there any way to appeal an account termination as I feel it was unfair and unjust

19:14 UTC


Help utest


I'm in utest I have an invitation but the slots I don't see the url and it says I'm on the waiting list what does it mean
10:13 UTC



I signed up for Charles proxy testing and when I got invited I accidentally clicked on decline instead of accept. Now it says my device doesn't have permission. How do I reverse this?

12:23 UTC


Questions: Do you always get blank Available + Unclaimed Slots and Test Cycle with long KI [in multiple sheets even]?

As per the title.

Am relative new and was wondering is it a normal or common occurrences to:

(a) Receive test cycle repeatedly that has a long known issues list [most annoying is the time spent searching thru the list in a spreadsheet format with a common keyword versus the amount on offer for the issue payout. Double most annoying if that spreadsheet is in multiple sheets format]

(b) To have blank slots under the Available and Unclaimed sections - I see alot of reddit posts speaking of executing 20-50 test cases but I would be fortunate to even execute 2 max available to me.

Is this normal - asking especially from retaining new recruits perspective.

01:44 UTC


Question about changing residency and payouts

Hello everybody!

I recently changed residency due to work from Colombia to Spain and changed my address accodingly in my profile in utest with my current one, I will be here for the next 6 months so i thought i could continue testing over here. I referred some friends here in spain for some projects and helped them set up their utest account and everything and when discussing their potential payouts I noticed I am being paid less than them for the same cycles and country.

I assume this is due to payouts being set regionally and I am still being paid with the colombian rates. Anyway to change this? Do i have to write to support?

Kind regards!

1 Comment
17:00 UTC


Need to dispute 25 issues rejected as WAD, no response from test team plus $100 stuck on testing website

I'm a gold tester with 40 test cases completed in a single cycle, 50 issues reported and half rejected as WAD for reasons that don't make sense (for example 6 issues rejected as duplicate of one single issue despite being totally different issues). I have all the proof needed. Support keeps telling me to message TE. But TEs don't respond when I mention this problem several times and wanting to dispute 25 issues.

Also to make matters worse I have been asked to withdraw my $100 from the testing site, the withdrawal has failed two times and now I got $100 stuck on the testing site because my account has been blocked by the customer.



I hope we can fix this soon.

I have emailed WillianM regarding this. Please get back to me ASAP. Thank you.

20:52 UTC


New here. How can you tell how much a test cycle will pay you?

They emailed me that I qualify for one, and I filled out their NDA and stuff, but I see nothing about how much the compensation is.

00:21 UTC


What is the "build number" of an iPhone

Hi Im new on uTest, I got an invitation to a test but had to decline it because they were asking for the build number of my iPhone an I dont know what it is or where to find it, can someone tell me

01:02 UTC

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