
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to US United-Progressive Issues for All

Concern for our communities starts here. We promote issues and activism on a national, regional, state, and local levels.

Activism Toolkit


. Town Hall Project-Show up. Speak out.

Upcoming Protests - The Resistance Calendar #ResistTrump Protests

Small Activism Ideas That Make a Big Difference.

.Dogs on Deployment

.Knitted hats for infants

.Socks for the Homeless

.CHEFS - Conquering Homelessness through Employment in Food Services

Reddit subs



.Democratic Socialists







.Political Revolution

.Progressive Army




.ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union


.CCCA - Center for Community Change Action: to build the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to change their communities and public policies for the better


.Congressional Budget Office -CBS

.Contact your government representative

.DNC Contact



.GovTrack-status of federal legislation and information about your representative and senators in Congress.

.Gun Violence Archive - up-to-date statisics

.Immigration Detention Map & Statistics

.Indian Country Media Network

.Indivisible A Practical Guide for resisting the Trump Agenda

.Lakota Law Project

.Libraries Resist Resource List

.Ohio Progressive Alliance

.Our Voice Initiative


.RNC Contact Information Email: ecampaign@gop.com

.Single-Payer Action Network

.Southern Poverty Law Center

.Union of Concerned Scientists

.USA Facts- By the numbers

UsUnited State FB

.USUnited . Alabama . Alaska .Arizona .Arkansas .California .Colorado .Connecticut .Delaware .Florida .Georgia .Hawaii .Idaho .Illinois .Indiana .Iowa .Kansas .Kentucky .Louisiana .Maine .Maryland .Massachusetts .Michigan .Minnesota .Mississippi .Missouri .Montana .Nebraska .Nevada .New Hampshire .New Jersey .New Mexico .New York .North Carolina .North Dakota .Ohio .Oklahoma .Oregon .Pennsylvania .Rhode Island .South Carolina .South Dakota .Tennessee .Texas .Utah .Vermont .Virginia .Washington .West Virginia .Wisconsin .Wyoming


597 Subscribers


Swing state voters media consumption vs. vote choice

01:09 UTC


In support of Kamala’s closing message 🇺🇸 tonite, on the Ellipse, scene of the crime.

22:10 UTC

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