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Official Statement from Jason Sands

00:35 UTC


Rarely seen Bill Uhouse Testimony, with a picture of alien - Jarod, provided by Uhouse

00:03 UTC


Thought you guys would get a kick out of this: “Russian news outlets carried reports of a new NASA experiment to create a “propellantless propulsion drive” – otherwise described as an engine that does not use fuel

“In the past week, numerous mainstream Russian news outlets carried reports of a new NASA experiment to create a “propellantless propulsion drive” – otherwise described as an engine that does not use fuel. Russian reportage hails the NASA concept as a “sensation” because it would defy known physics by generating thrust without ejecting mass. This reportage adds to a consistent stream of factual Russian reportage on Western scientific advances. Mainstream Russian media inclusion of U.S. and other Western scientific news may suggest a reliable opening for passage of factual information despite international tensions.”

23:04 UTC


Overlay for Mellon's redactions

22:43 UTC


Mick West comments on Chris Mellon's signal-messages... his arguments are truly hanging by a thread at this point.

22:38 UTC


Commercial Pilot Follows Tic-Tac Object for an Hour!

21:54 UTC


The shape looks really familiar

I’m not sure what people here would do with this video but it sparked my imagination. I wondered what people more informed on the phenomenon would think about the topic of warp drives and how their plausibility could influence the nature of what is happening here.

21:47 UTC


Christopher Sharp: DoD IG confirms Air Force & Navy have implemented DoD IG UAP recommendations & provided documentation

21:14 UTC


Grusch OP-ED still releasing

I know how much you guys love to talk about the OP-ED. Jesse Michels, who released a video with Grusch last year says he expects the OP-ED to still release. He hints at the influence of the intelligence community in news as a reason for the delay.


19:58 UTC


In light of the Kingman ufo battle I give you the Hartford, CT battle in 2021

19:56 UTC


Jesse Michels met Jason Sands: "he seemed almost a little earnest & traumatised like he had gone through a lot"

19:37 UTC


Journalist George Knapp's 2020 news segment on the Kingman, AZ 1953 UAP recovery.

19:11 UTC


Breaking Points segment on Tucker Carlson's appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience about UAP/NHI & the declassified Kona Blue documents.

18:50 UTC


Seeking Other Constructive Opinions As To What This May Be

I shot this video from my sons window seat of a commercial airliner on approach to Seatac International Airport with my cell phone on April 22, 2024 around 8:30 pm. I was in middle seat. I am guessing we were still a few miles from the runway. I don't know what our compass heading was or what our exact altitude was. I would guess less than 10,000 ft. Video depicts three lights in the sky off the left side of the aircraft in a triangular formation that appear to be stationary. One light appears to become a bit brighter than the other two. I did not notice any flashing clearance lights or exhaust trails of any kind. This is my first ever sighting of this sort and am not sure what I saw. Any helpful input would be greatly appreciated. Near end of video I swung the cam to an adjacent window. Soon after, the aircraft banked right and I lost sight of the lights. On my way home from the airport I noticed lots of air traffic in the sky but none of which appeared as what I captured on my phone.


16:11 UTC


Did everyone just forget about the Daily Mail whistleblowers?

Months ago, I seem to recall what I expected to be a massive story about 3 CIA agents who approached the Daily Mail in London under the protection of anonymity in order to reveal that they were members of a UAP recover team that operates at the behest of the CIA, and that the team has international agreements in place so that they can travel anywhere on earth to recover UAP that crash, which they have done numerous times.


I saw that article and expected this to be massive news, but nothing seems to have come of it. Does anyone know if this went anywhere? Were the whistleblowers every identified? Did they approach uk parliament or us congress?

15:35 UTC


Mellon's very specific redactions in his Signal conversation: Who redacted what exactly, and why did he leave "45' vs" in?

Christopher Mellon responded to some FOIA documents which revealed a Signal conversation between Mellon and Kirkpatrick with a blog post where he shared an additional Signal conversation he had been sitting on for some time.

The Signal conversation is allegedly from 2020, and is between Mellon and a "Senior USG Official" (according to Mellon).

Mellon cleared this exchange with DOPSR before release. It appears Mellon, and maybe also DOPSR, made redactions in this exchange prior to its release. I'd like to discuss those redactions.

First, let's start with the "Who redacted what?" question. Mellon shared the "Scan of redacted message exchange, cleared for publication by DOPSR." That image is below.

\"Scan of redacted message exchange, cleared for publication by DOPSR\"

This is the same image Mellon shared in his blog post -- a scan of the Signal conversation -- but we can notice a few specific things here. First, there are what appears to be five hand written "DELETED" areas on this scan, which are surrounded by whited out blocks. Who wrote those "DELETED" words? It appears (to me) that as a redaction method Mellon may have printed out the Signal exchange, scanned it in for DOPSR to review, and before doing so, covered those portions of the document with white pieces of paper that he wrote "DELETED" on, as to redact that information even from DOPSR being able to review it. My reasoning here is the white blocks on his own conversation appear to be slightly slanted, and the blocked out regions are white and not black. Would this be allowed in a DOPSR review, or would he have to show them the whole thing even if he never intended to ever release those parts publicly?

Additionally, there is one standard blacked out redaction here, which is redacted in a different manner than all of the other redactions in the scan. It is blacked out on this scanned image (the "The [REDACTED] would be slack-jawed...") and is not white like the rest of the redactions, and does not say "DELETED" over it in hand-written lettering. Who redacted that? Did DOPSR redact that? Why does that one redaction look visually different from the rest of the redactions? My assumption is DOPSR did not redact it, as in his blog post he said only "DOPSR confirmed the text is unclassified and approved it for public release," and did not make any comments about them having any issues with the exchange. But if DOPSR didn't redact it, why does that one redaction look different?

Next up, in addition to sharing the scan of the DOPSR released image, Mellon also shares an actual screenshot of the Signal conversation. That screenshot is below.

\"Annotated and redacted screenshot of exchange with senior USG official, circa 2020\"

I notice a few important things in this screenshot. First, unlike the scan of the DOPSR release, all of the black-outs are now black, and none say "DELETED" in hand written lettering over them. So, slightly different... were these edits done by Mellon post-DOPSR clearance to make it consistent with the DOPSR authorized release?

Second, on the left side of the conversation, we can tell we have a complete capture of the Signal user interface. The grey bubbles corners are rounded, as is typical with Signal and its user interface. However, on the right side of the conversation, they are not - Mellon's blue bubbles are cut vertically at a 90 degree angle. This is *not* typical on the Signal user interface. Mellon snipped the right edge of his conversation off when he submitted it for DOPSR review (and in this release). That raises an interesting question: why would Mellon crop off the entire right side of his chat bubbles?

Third, Mellon redacts almost his entire blue bubble for the one blue chat bubble that is visible in this exchange. However, he does not redact the whole thing. He leaves in a very small amount of text on the right side, "45' vs" (the s is cut off, but that really looks like a "s", so I'm assuming it is one). Why would he leave this "45' vs" in? To me, this seems highly intentional, as it would have been much easier for him to redact the entire chat bubble.

I wonder if it is in fact intentional and is some type of hint.

Thinking through what the "45' vs" could mean:

  1. The most obvious explanation seems to be that he's referring to something that happened in 1945. This would fit with the flow of the conversation, with the "Senior USG Official" responding back in the next message with a "Right now we haven't gone that far back." and then talking about how they're working on something from the 1950s, which isn't as far back as 1945. So... plausible, and fits, whoever he's talking to is working through a backlog of stuff and has only gone back through the 1950s materials and nothing (yet) as far back as 1945. However, typically when talking about years in that manner, people would say '45 (with the apostrophe before the number) and not 45' (with the apostrophe after the number), but it could just be a typo. Is anyone aware of any major UAP incident in 1945 that Mellon could be referring to? This would be pre-Roswell obviously, which only took place in 1947.
  2. It could be coordinates. Coordinates notation does use minutes and seconds, and minutes is referred to with a single ' after a number. That'd be a fairly inaccurate coordinate, as accuracy at the minute level is 1.15 miles, but... never know.
  3. It could refer to presidents? Given this conversation took place in 2020 and Trump as the president in 2020, and was the 45th president, it could be some reference to Trump as "45" and the "vs" being something relevant to the incoming Biden administration?
  4. EDIT: As laid out in my comment here, it also could be in reference to AARO's mandate. The law that established the AARO office has a mandate in it "(B) Other requirements The report submitted under subparagraph (A) shall— (i) focus on the period beginning on January 1, 1945, and ending on the date on which the Director of the Office completes activities under this subsection; and" I wonder if Mellon was referencing that AARO 1945+ mandate in some manner? AARO's "Historical Record Report Volume 1" has a section "SECTION IV: Accounts of USG UAP Investigatory Programs Since 1945." The problem with this theory is AARO was not established until November 21, 2021 (as AOIMSG), and this exchange with Mellon allegedly happened in 2020, although I don't know how early the draft language for the law had been circulating.

I'd be curious to hear anyone's other theories.

Nonetheless, Mellon seems to have been very specific when redacting this image. He redacted almost his whole chat bubble, but not the whole thing, and left that one part in, and snipped the rest of the right edge off his chat bubble(s). So the big question is... why? Did Mellon want us to see that "45' vs" part? Is it a hint? And if so, is it important?

TL;DR: Who redacted what? Why did Mellon leave the "45' vs" in? Is it some type of hint, and if so, what could it be referring to?

15:26 UTC


Kingman Arizona UFO, article from 2005 has Reddit-style dig-in

Thought you guys might like this article that feels like an early reddit deep dive post. New info to be gleaned? I see a lot to consider and look into.


I do not speak for credibility of info, just piqued my fascination.

Here is a source highlighting nuclear tests, and radar. https://www.8newsnow.com/news/kingman-ufo-incident-in-1953-linked-to-series-of-explosions-in-nevada/

Is this where the claim that radar downed ufos came from?

On google try “before:2000 Kingman ufo.” you can change the date or the search term to anything you want. I find it useful seeing as google currently shows a decade of bs, not real human communication.

15:24 UTC


Eric Davis Teleportation research study from 2004

Link to pdf https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA425545.pdf

Link to news article about it https://sgp.fas.org/news/2004/11/usat110504.html

Star Trek fans may be happy to hear that the Air Force has paid to study psychic teleportation. But scientists aren't so thrilled. The Air Force Research Lab's August "Teleportation Physics Report," posted earlier this week on the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) Web site, struck a raw nerve with physicists and critics of wasteful military spending.

15:13 UTC


Speaking of propeller-less engines, here's some tech used by UFOs that were suppressed by the govt.

In the latest Why Files videos, the subject of engines that don't use fossil fuel was covered to a great extent, it seems we do have had breakthroughs in technology that draws power from water, that maximize fuel efficiency or that draws power out of thin air.

It makes sense the US government and the fossil fuel industry have worked in detriment of the American people and humanity in general.

15:12 UTC


Recommendation YT-Channels?

I understand that nothing replaces one's own research, but I have a question: Can the community recommend any YouTubers, bloggers, etc., who cover the UAP topic without succumbing to all the hype (There are currently too many "shockings," "bafflings," or sensationalists - *cough* Elizondo)? Ideally, something akin to Whyfiles, where there's a focus on critical thinking and leaving the formation of opinions up to oneself. In other words, information instead of agenda. I'm asking because unfortunately, I don't have the time to read and research everything in detail myself. This post is also intended as discussion, so please no blaming :)
Thanks a lot!

15:09 UTC


We need to get 60 Minutes directly engaged in this to help refocus efforts

Over the last few weeks the disclosure needle on the dial has stalled. We have had silence on the op ed from Grusch, the ridiculous AARO report, the Jason Sands fiasco etc. 60 Minutes has shown interest in the past with their interviews of Fravor and Dietrich. In December after the UAPDA was sunk, the producer posted on Twitter about perhaps doing another episode on the topic. In the light of Mellon’s recent reveal of this apparent confirmation of a retrieval by a USG official, I think it is high time to get the media involved again. Perhaps a write in to 60 Minutes ? People like Mellon have the contacts to make that happen. Those here who can contact Mellon could get his help on this. Just my thoughts.

14:14 UTC


Who thinks Richard Doty would testify?

I know he's a controversial figure and many believe he's a lying liar who lies. I'm actually mostly in that camp. But if he were willing to testify under penalty of perjury and said the same stuff he's been saying for years, that would be pretty huge. I don't think it will happen, though. Since he was in the disinformation wing of the military, and probably still is, the USAF probably wouldn't let him say anything.

12:32 UTC


Propellantless propulsion drive.

From The Debrief article:

"Dr. Charles Buhler, a NASA engineer and the co-founder of Exodus Propulsion Technologies, has revealed that his company’s propellantless propulsion drive, which appears to defy the known laws of physics, has produced enough thrust to counteract Earth’s gravity.

A veteran of such storied programs as NASA’s Space Shuttle, the International Space Station (ISS), The Hubble Telescope, and the current NASA Dust Program, Buhler and his colleagues believe their discovery of a fundamental new force represents a historic breakthrough that will impact space travel for the next millennium".

The Debrief article:

07:07 UTC


UFO or Satellite?

Taken on the 23rd August 2023 in Hampshire, UK, about 15s exposure. All satellites I've ever seen do not change angle like this and neither do aeroplanes!

11:24 UTC


In light of Chris Mellon's msgs with a Senior USG Official about the Kingman, AZ UAP; here are researchers Richard Dolan & Michael Schratt discussing the details in depth for 15 minutes: "In this particular case (the UAP) was not a crash landing, this was a forced landing with the craft 100% intact"

09:56 UTC


First sighting: meta observations

This afternoon I saw my first unexplainable phenomenon. The details aren't super important (six silver things in the sky that were unlike anything I've seen before), however I want to post a meta observation. These things were above us (two, respectable middle aged men) for a solid four minutes. I am on this subreddit all the time and follow this topic closely. I am an engineer. And yet, I tried to take only a SINGLE photo (which didn't capture them for some reason). I did not make a video, I did not yell for others to come and see. The guy I was with didn't reach for his phone at all. In retrospect this is super bizarre. I am among those here that are like "oh, this huge strange thing happened and you didn't record the whole thing?!?" Weirder still, is even though I am now intellectually curious why I didn't document the experience, I am not kicking myself or anything. On top of that, just posting this I am like, ugh, I hope no one wants more details about what I saw. Very curious reaction, in my opinion. If I had seen a blimp, I am confident I would have recorded the shit out of it.

02:17 UTC


The Kingman UFO Crash (1953)

The renewed relevance of the Kingman UFO crash is tied to a recent article by Christopher Mellon and Hunter Mellon on Substack, where a senior government official claims access to a U.S. alien technology recovery program. This disclosure echoes previous UFO incident cover-ups, such as the Kingman incident, emphasizing the depth of the government's secrets related to UFOs and alleged extraterrestrial technology. This revelation invites comparisons and fuels further public and governmental scrutiny into historic UFO incidents and their potential concealment.

The Kingman UFO Crash is an event that reportedly took place in May 1953 near Kingman, Arizona. It involved the crash of a large, silver disc-shaped object, witnessed by civilians and military personnel. The site was quickly secured by military forces. Subsequent discussions and investigations have suggested possible cover-ups involving the recovery and analysis of the debris at a secret facility. Key figures linked to this incident include Arthur Stansel, who first reported the crash, and Frank Scully, a journalist who wrote about similar events.

04:04 UTC


The 1941 Cape Girardeau, MO UFO crash with dead occupants, a massive coverup, and its ties to a basement underneath the Capitol holding recovered material

05:03 UTC

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