For all things twinkly.
This is a music subreddit for tappy Midwest emo music and its musical relatives. It has nothing to do with effeminate gay men, please take your porn posts elsewhere.
Ongoing suggested listening post
See also: /r/EmoScreamo
Would love to see these guys and gals put out more music.
coupla new ones after all this time - https://zola.bandcamp.com/album/ginger-wine-peak
Hey everyone! My band Home Videos is probably the "twinkliest" band on here, but I think all the songs go super well together anyway.
My bandmate and I recorded all of the tracks to 4 track cassette tape in my basement, and I'm very proud of how it came out. All the bands/label are active on Instagram if you feel like keeping up with the scene! Hope you enjoy, and thanks for listening
Pretty simple riff but I think the twinkledaddies out there will really enjoy this intro guitar.