This sub is a crossover between Der Scheißer (which itself is a crossover between SWS and History Memes) and Animemes. We shitpost animemes so that Der Scheißer doesn't have to.
The abandoned child of r/Shitwehraboossay, this is a place for posting anime depictions of historical figures, especially Nazis, and other wehraboo related animemes. If it's evil and uncomfortably cute, it belongs here.
As with /r/DerScheisser, high effort submissions are welcome and encouraged but not mandatory. However, this sub still has a theme. Post that are way off topic or that aren't in the spirit of the sub may be removed. Post will not be removed, however, if they are merely low effort. The voting system will handle those.
Aru hairu Retia Adolf, Führer und Idol of the Dokutsu 3rd Reich
Hover your mouse over Retia Adolf's thighs for a surprise
Fun Fact: The brunette next to her is Grecia Göbbels, because we just had to nuke the country twice
Check out r/DerScheisser for additional shitposting needs.
R1. Keep it civil. If you can't have a civilised discussion don't have any at all.
R2.1 No pro-atrocity counter-jerking. That is no praise of, or excuses for: Stalin, the USSR as a system, genuine war crimes committed by the allies (mass rapes, Japanese internment, Soviet invasion/occupation of Poland and the Baltic states, etc.), as well as no mocking of the victims of any of the aforementioned, or expressing any satisfaction at all with civilians, in Axis countries or otherwise, being unfairly victimized, under any circumstance.
R2.2 No concern trolling or whiny meta posts/comments about our supposed love of allied mass rape and execution of Japanese prisoners because you cherry-picked a few comments with two upvotes that no one bothered to report. If you see someone defending allied war crimes, report it to the moderators to be removed under rule 2.1. If you don't report them, we can't remove them.
R3. The use of slurs will not be permitted. If you wouldn't say it at work or in school, don't say it in here.
R4. Non-anime shitposts belong on /r/DerScheisser.
R5. Flame wars are strictly prohibited. This is a completely unserious historical sub. We're here to have fun, not argue about rivet counts. If you must say something, keep it short. Debates dozens of comments deep are against the spirit of the sub.