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Either actual designs or to create my own designs
This ain't meant to be an nsfw question just something I'm wondering Auto bots im using as examples Optimus Bumblebee Arcee Jazz Ratchet Mirage Sideswipe Etc
I’ve genuinely been looking for years for those videos again and have been going crazy trying to find them.
I accidentally put super glue soundwave and I wanna get it off
Quick question for all-knowing Reddit. I found these on clearance at my local Walmart and was hoping I could disassemble it and repaint it to look more G1 (orange sphere, silver handles), but I can't see how it comes apart, and as I only bought one I would hate to break it. Anyone else try this? TIA.
So, I bought two Red Cogs a month ago, because I wanted the guns, and had a thought: it would be nice if the did a mix of the Centurion Drone & Red Cog and do weapons/accessories packs; with weapons for specific characters coming with a figure you'd only want one of while doing non specific weapons with army builder figures like vehicons or generic seekers (im also hoping they do this with the Devastation two pack that's coming later this year, if my memory of the leaks is correct.)
I put more images this time but its hard to get on camera good. This is from a Transformers Animated Swindle and the crack is making the arm fall off from the ball. I don't know what kind of plastic it is, so I don't want to make it worse by using something that might not be for this kind.
1.Transformers code red 2.transformers blackout 3.transformers return of nemis prime
I finished up the first IDW run last year, after a giant long pause. It was amazing, and I was said it ended.
What were your favourite or most epic moments in the IDW run?
A rough rundown for me...
I generally found a lot of the 'human' stuff less interesting, and have to confess I glossed over some of the "human hero" crossovers. I found some of the varying treatment of 'female bots' a little confusing, but I guess the series ran a long time and there were different perspectives on that (seeming to settle on "okay, there's a bunch of them, and nobody finds it unusual, let's just crack on"). Optimus Prime didn't shine for me across much of the arc. Maybe my expectations were too high for him. Never really got the Slag/Slug change (anecdotally, as a British person growing up with Transformers it never even crossed my mind it could be a problem). Aaaaand I could have done with dead 'bots staying dead a bit more.
Overall, fabulous.
I've not started on the 2019 run yet. Am I in for a treat?
Had the TF for a while now and was wondering if he has ever used said sniper rifle and I just find it interesting that a speedster would have one. Also, his dual pistols that the toy includes really fit him, imo