Are you a shark- I mean, NOT a shark?
Great! Come join us at r/totallynotsharks!
For people who are totally not sharks, like u/NM1495, and many other, sharks- I mean, not sharks. Yup. Not sharks at all! No sharks here!
There was a post here by someone to claim that we support Russia. I have no idea how to moderate but we in fact do not support Russia, that is the most obvious thing as a total non-shark. You should in fact not support Russia. Bring out the guillotine.
Fellow sha... ehem, humans, we could've had a future. If only there was more content out there for us, we could've participated in the current Reddit culture. Surprised we still have over 1k subs, we could've had some real fun. Oh well, just thought I should share.
Hello there, alt account of now suspended from Reddit “Big Boss Shark” u/SnowwAxius here. Seems the sub is dead. :( I am sorry non shark frens I should of tried harder to keep it alive
I will tell you all in a few days, this just EATTING AWAY at me. My fins..er hands are shaking so much but I must tell you my secret.
Excuse me while I go eat my totally human lunch and not a small seal. And go back to watching not shark videos.
He's NOT a shark!!
Edit: SUCCESS!!!! I made a thing! 9lbs 14oz!
Cause we're totally not sharks and pushing a mouse button is easy with fin..er hands.
Hello, non shark frens!
We recently amassed 1000 non sharks on this subreddit. That is just insane! I mean, I started this as a joke because someone asked for it, And I was at Olive Garden, and bored, so I said "fuck it," and made it.. never thought we would hit 1000! Amazing!! Anyway. Have fun, my non shark frens.. And remember, no bamboozling- I mean, I'm totally not a shark. At all. :P
Congrats to the also non-shark-totally human subscriber before me.