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I’m playing late game dwarves and ikit claw just completely fucked one of my army’s that was pretty stacked (high level rune lord,four long beards, two long beards great weapons, one iron drake, one grudge settler iron drake, four units of quarrellers, three gyrocopters with brimstone guns, and two cannons) and the RAT BASTARD just fucking completely fucked me over I remached 5 bloody times just to not lose half my army to the GODS DAMNED NUKE he apparently carries in his damn pocket and then when I send my gyrocopters in he shreds them with warp jezzails and rattling guns and bombards my troops with the the warp lightning thrower that I can’t do shit about because he NUKED MY FUCKING CANNONS. AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF THE COMPUTER GAVE HIM THE HIGH GROUND. And of course all the sneaky shit I try to do just gets picked apart by the fucking rat snipers he has that I can’t begin to approach with my gyrocopters because of the rattling guns and the wheels of doom. THIS IS GOING INTO THE FUCKING BOOK. Anyway TLDR Local man gets mad at Icit Claw and goes on a tangent and now seeks revenge on a rat

01:23 UTC


i didnt even saw that i win


so at VCO with chaos dwarfs i need to destroy greenskins, looks like EVERYONE made war with them and they just killed them for me

01:20 UTC


Ogre Camp glitch

decided to try Greasus after the update, and during the game, Snikch assassinated one of my two camp lords. a few turns later after he died to a rebellion, i tried setting up a new camp, but the game says i already have two camps. i only have one in the mountains, so, wtf?

00:14 UTC


Players should also have interactivity with the Ogre Mercenaries mechanic when they themselves are the Ogres in question.

00:04 UTC


What’s the point of the Lords DLCs?

And why players suggest them over race DLCs. Thank you.

23:46 UTC


Formless Horror stopped working

Hello, I'm playing a pretty lengthy Changeling campaign, and at some point I stopped getting formless horror forms from alliances. Currently I have 9 military alliances and only 2 forms from them. Anyone got any ideas on what could be happening?

22:07 UTC


Anyone else got all their saves files removed?

All my saved games seem to be gone.

1 Comment
21:34 UTC


Question about unit card vs. balance patch notes.

6976 to 7456

5592? Leadership is at 80 now though

Was just checking to see if the patch was live, but noticed that there's this difference?
I tried changing unit sizes but that doesn't seem to affect unit HP.

EDIT: Unit size is "Large". I thought the "Battle" section of the menu reflected Multiplayer values and was confused. I tried getting into a match and looked correct.

21:31 UTC


Crashing after new patch 5.3

Hey all, was just wondering if anyone else is having an issue after the new patch. The game starts and immediately crashes. I already restarted my computer but haven't verified the integrity of the files yet. I was playing it just fine yesterday.

Edit: Nevermind, verifying the files worked, so if you are having this problem just verify.

21:23 UTC


Interesting challenges?

I’m looking for interesting but not too difficult challenge ideas to spice up the game. I’ve done no diplomacy with Grimgor and skink only with Tiktaq’to. I’m on WH2.

21:22 UTC


Wood elves party without me

This looks like a lot of fun, but they didn't even think of inviting me.. Unacceptable! they leave me no choice to be the party crasher.

When i'm joining the party i'll be showing them some chaos dwarves fireworks that will make the ground shake!


20:31 UTC


Mod to change unit placement on army panel?

Is there a mod to where I can permanently set up the Army panel the way that I want my units to be placed? It’s a minor annoyance but if there’s a mod that can help with this quality of life improvement I wouldn’t greatly appreciate it. Thanks for the help and feedback back.

20:27 UTC


Daemon princes question

When doing an undivided warriors of chaos I have been going death to nurgle to ascended daemon prince. If I stay as death do I get the same spell and other stuff or I am going to miss something.

19:42 UTC


IS the patch live? It didnt force me to update?

Patches break my game everytime (because of mods).

I didnt know the patch was coming but when I started Steam just now, I saw a warhammer update queued up, so I quickly switched to offline.

It started it in version 5.2.7. Usually if there is an update it refuses to launch until you download the update. Or was the update a workshop item maybe?


19:36 UTC


Skill Issue

I see a lot of posts here about how this is tough, that's tough, some faction or quest is repeatedly committing CBT on my units, etc. I just want to assure you all that this is not true.

I and indeed the vast majority of Total War Warhammer Three can in fact beat the entire game with nothing but a single unit of low tier melee infantry and a non-legendary lord that isn't even a caster. That's right. Every single person playing this game except for you is just that good.

True, the game has a lot of issues with tech debt. True, the game has some balance concerns. But I say to you that's a mere skill issue. A person truly channeling the spirit of Karl Franz would lose face the apocalypse and win with nothing but a single Empire captain and one spearman. Not even a unit, just a single spearman.

Even if you're a noob with a mere thousand hours in this game there should be zero challenges left on legendary for you. By the time you ascend to a true chad's level of 10,000 hours in the game you should be able to slap every single scenario by every faction by turn 10 and win the campaign by full map conquest on turn 1.

Ever wonder why this sub hates all the youtubers so much? It's obvious. They're clearly the least skilled players of this game in existence. Legend of Total War? More like Legend of Total Bore. Everyone could do the stuff he does by the time they've got one hour in the game. We just don't wanna tell him so he doesn't feel bad. Okoii's 19 stacks? Everyone here can do it with just a half stack of beer. Malleus's historical formations? Pointless in the face of the overwhelming power of just using console commands to delete your opponents.

Truly it's all just a skill issue, my dude.

!Here's the point where I say this is sarcastic because Redditors tend to be a tad slow. A few of you are chill dude/ettes though. A while back I was trying a new faction and got mostly, "skill issue" comments concerning a particular mission I was trying out and having difficulty with when I asked for advice. I've beaten that mission thanks to the few people who gave me good army comp advice. There are a lot of player traps in this game. My sincere thanks and respect for those who are actually helpful. I don't know how the new players get into this game at all. !<

Have a happy Halloween!

17:49 UTC


What is the best way to defendcities as Vampires Counts with city garrison?

No archers, depend on city lvl you might have some magic. So what's the right tactic assuming there's no lord inside and you only have a city garrison?

16:59 UTC


Dwarf Rock music

I've not been a Total War player as long as some but I've been around for about as long as the Immortal Empires campaign in Warhammer 3, it was in beta when I bought the game. And I played Shogun 2 FOTS for awhile before that. I liked Dwarfs from the first time I played them, tanky front line and lots of artillery and dakka is my jam. Grombrindal was one I played over and over, restarting after updates to perfect the early game or when I got bored... I've not gotten bored in awhile and Malakai is my new favorite campaign. Every time things start getting boring or slow I listen to Wind Rose, Diggy Diggy Hole and Gates of Ekrund were ones I liked the best. It got me going. Karak Eight Peaks, Karak Vlag, Karak Dum, Ekrund... Never again, never again, NEVER AGAIN BRAVE DAWI, don't stop until the Great Book is EMPTY! Keep digging deeper, excavate every stone and exterminate every rat and urk! Dawi far and wide, you are not lost, left behind, or waiting to die... the White Dwarf is with us, and the Age of Vengeance is upon us, so keep fighting and hold out a little longer, the Spirit of Grungni WILL come for you and rescue you whether in the jaws of death or surrounded by a ten thousand horde!

16:16 UTC


One of 5.3's new items: Ranger's Quiver

16:09 UTC


Playing as Thorgrim. Scrag's ogres and clan Rictus declare war on me on turn 10. Is this normal?

Hello, as you can already guess, my dwarfs campaign is not going very well. I haven't played Thorgrim since WH2, this campaign is that difficult now? I haven't healed my wounds after Skarsnik yet, and here is a war, of which Scrag is already at the gates. No mods. Turn 10.

16:08 UTC


Confused - should I just get the entire Trilogy? Price seems attractive. What about DLCs?


I did not expect to get 86 search results on steam by searching "Total War Warhammer", I thought there was just 1 game.

The Trilogy is 71% off right now, but then there are many DLCs for each, I'm honestly quite lost...

15:01 UTC


Grom the Paunch

Hey all! I have been playing for Total War Warhammer since the first one came out. Believe it or not, but I have NEVER played greenskins until this week when Gromm the Paunch's DLC went on sale (I just think goblins are cute).

Does anyone have any thoughts on a goblin only army with some trolls mixed in? What would be some great army compositions? Thanks!

14:14 UTC


It its worth to buy Warhammer 1 when i only play Warhammer3

TO get many units in Warhammer 3i need to have warhammer 1 (sounds like wrhammer become DLC), is it worth to buy it?

I have Warhammer 2 but its not give a lot in warhammer 3.

14:08 UTC


Playing Norsca and the northern Chaos factions are stomping on my balls

I thought we were relatively aligned but it turns out that they like stomping on my balls. I'm not against having my balls stomped on but I'm finding it hard to expand while my balls are being stomped on.

For example, a random Khornate faction sailed down and razed one of my settlements before sending me a peace contract. Sigvald is trying to turn me into a fine paste. Belakor sent me a photo of his hole before showing me what it can do to a level 2 port city. Wintertooth wants to have sex with my wife but won't let me have sex with his wife because he is scared of Malakai Makaisson.

I'm also poor and living day to day as a fur stash manager and part-time quarry worker. Every other faction in the Home Owner's Association wants hefty fines for diplomacy.

Any advice for getting a good foothold in the south or should I continue confederating Norscans into my Diddy Tribe?

EDIT: What the fuck is an Azazel

12:33 UTC


Caledor and Imirik

The quests keep pushing me away from the Bone Gulch. I've tried to hold it so many times, am I supposed to leave it?

11:24 UTC


A mod for limiting the number of embedded heroes?

Does anyone know a mod that does this? Something that lets you limit the number of embedded heroes in armies. It's not as much for myself, but between the mods I use, something causes the AI to add 4-5 heroes to some armies, which are not fun to fight. I figured there must be a mod for this out there. I unfortunately lack the know-how to make one myself.

07:32 UTC


Undercities and Pirate Coves

I'm still new-ish and playing Warhammer 2. Is there any benefits to the undercities and pirate coves? Must I be at war with a faction to be able to establish undercities and pirate coves, or are there other ways to do it? Wouldn't it be better to just control the whole province yourself?

06:51 UTC


Day 145 of drawing until Nagash DLC comes out.

06:46 UTC


TIL you can queue research

03:56 UTC


Which unlikely faction would you like to see the most poll

Dogs of War-Southern Realms/Nagash factions seem likely so are not included

View Poll

03:20 UTC

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