
Photograph via snooOG

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extreme RARE case: I NEED your help

I am in URGENT need of your help…

Here are some numbers real quick: Monday April 22nd read a TSH (with Reflex to Free T4) at a value of 3.562uIU/mL (the range is 0.350 - 4.940).

Now today on Thursday April 25 my TSH Reflex test measured at 5.910 uIU/mL and my FT3 was 3.5 pg/mL (standard is 2 - 4.4) and my FT4 was 1.17 ng/dl (standard is 0.82 - 1.77).

**I believe I have had a rare and adverse reaction to taking Lugol’s 5% Iodine solution…

I have not slept in 6 days. My body is wired and wide awake. Completely and utterly.

If any of you can find the kindness in your heart to help me, I wouldn’t be able to express my words in gratitude.

Here is my situation:

Quick Summary:

On Wednesday April 17, I decided to start adding/supplementing Iodine through the form of J.CROW'S Lugol's Solution of Iodine 5% 1 oz. It is 6.25mg per drop but from what I was seeing and reading, the current RDA isn’t fully reliable or completely justified. Since I come from Wisconsin, I assumed I am deficient in Iodine, and it seems like majority of people actually are, especially with the contaminants of fluoride and bromide.

So I took 2 drops on that Wednesday, and I believe I upped it to 3 or 4 on Thursday. As I was about to fall asleep that night, fully relaxed, I got this “electric” and very stimulating shock throughout my body, especially my chest/heart area. I became fully wired as if a switch was turned on, and then subsequently became restless and then experienced anxiousness (whether that was second hand anxiousness, I do not know). I did not sleep this night at all.

Friday night I experienced the same thing. I did get about maybe 3-4 hours of shuteye around 6am Saturday morning. Saturday night was the same thing again. This time in the early morning around 7AM (after not sleeping) I set up an appointment at an urgent care.

There, my BP was 150/93, my heart rate was 73 bpm, my EKG was read normal. The doctor thought I was experiencing some sort of a “thyroid storm” (that is what I was predicting based on my research), and she prescribed me Nadalol 20 mg once a day as a beta blocker to calm my system down. They wanted to do a blood and urine test the next morniing on Monday.

Sunday night at 6pm I took the beta blocker, and I was able to shut my eyes from about 9:30am to 4:30 am (but no deep sleep at all and did not feel like rest). After my blood and urine test, I still believed my condition was unstable and urgent so I went to the ER to get some extra opinions and tests. The urgent care test results were could take day(s) to receive and I needed answers ASAP. My EKG was normal, and my blood tests ran normal; *however*, they only measured my TSH levels which were on the very low end of normal, and T3 and T4 were not measured. After this, I was discharged.

Monday night was not any better. I was unable to sleep. I decided to go to the ER at 1am but then after a long time just decided to take an extra 10mg of Nadalol to see the effect. I was able to get shut eye from about 3am to 9am but I wouldn’t constitute it as “sleep.”

***I must also add in here, I did not suspect iodine to be the culprit of this. I kept on taking it until Saturday. I believe I took 2 drops Wednesday (~12.5mg), 4 drops Thursday (~25mg), 2 drops Friday (~12.5mg), and 1 drop Saturday (~6.25mg). In total around 55-60mg.

***I was eating a beef, butter, salt, water diet to help with some skin conditions at this time, and I was experiencing some insomnia. I thought this was causing it starting Thursday night, so I wasn’t concerned of the iodine. I started adding in carbohydrates starting Friday and have continued to do so. I have also discontinued using the iodine since Saturday.


*Very intense heart beating/flutter/palpatations/pressure (despite the relatively normal heart rate at doctor)

*Organ cramping and aching and “pulsing” - predominately in both kidneys and some abdominally as if I was dehydrated (I have not had caffeine in over a month, and I have been drinking at least a gallon of mineralized water a day with pure electrolytes)

*Restlessness, HYPER-alertness and awake mode

*Continued chest pressure and randomized irregular heart beats

*A developing throbbing and achine and sore pain in my thyroid area of the neck

*Anxiousness and uneasiness (definitely became more stressed and worried because of the situation worsening overtime)

*Random bouts of coldness and overheating (this has happened a few times but is not frequent and “over-the-top”)

*The smell of abnormal body odor (ammonia-like? - which I first noticed on my sweatshirt when I slept and then could smell under my arms)

*Excessive urination (it was foamy and in between yellow-clear… I also was drinking a lot of water)

*Constipation (dry, small, and infrequent amounts of stool)

*When I sprinkled sea salt on my tongue it did not absorb normally as it usually does and almost felt like it did not want to be absorbed

*Muscle weakness and random pains in spots of my body such as the vein on my pointer finger knuckle, bicep vein, etc.)

My Thoughts

From what I have been reading, I believe this could be “iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis” from oversupplementing exogenous iodine. Maybe I have hyperfunction autonomous nodules where they become hyperfunctioning with iodine replacement. I am not sure if I had an underlying thyroid condition that was never diagnosed. My mother has hyperthyroid from her pregnancy with me.

Could this also be a case of Jod-Basedow (increased T3 and T4 with reduced TSH) or Wolfs-Chaekoff effect (I believe this is the opposite)? Again I am not a doctor or specialist, and I do not know if I was hypo or hyper thyroid prior to this incident or if my thyroid was completely normal.

  • I read that I should have a urine test to measure urinary iodine to creatinine ratio (want it below 100 mcg/g).
  • Do I have low selenium and/or should I take it if this is hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis
  • I need to see a test for TSH, T4, and T3 (I’m assuming I also need to see free T4 and total T3)
  • What does high iodine levels in the urine indicate?
  • Beta blockers - can I take more than the 20mg of Nadalol? What about other beta blockers? Do they just suppress this condition (band-aid) it?
  • Thiomades/Abti-thyroid?
  • I was reading something that even in hyperthyroid people, you could supplement “extreme” amounts of iodine to totally stop/kill the thyroid from acting in hypermode.
  • Should I get a thyroid ultrasound?
  • What about a radioactive iodine uptake test? I am against any form of radioactive treatments.
  • What about high-dose glucocorticoids?
  • Should I consume a diet of goitrogen foods to inhibit iodine if my thyroid is acting hyperactive?
  • Should I get an echocardiogram?
  • Do I need a digestive aid?
  • ***What is the timeline for this?
    • Do I just suppress it with beta-blockers and overtime the iodine will flush out of my system and my thyroid will return to normal?
    • Is it iodine excess in my body that I have to get rid of, or is it my thyroid that became “turned on” and now cannot turn off?

Again, I am not a doctor or specialist, these are just my thoughts to give you the most detail possible to assess the situation. Thank you so much for your help, I cannot express my gratitude in words.

17:55 UTC


Getting a 2nd TSH test

Clinics are pretty overwhelmed by me, so I was thinking I cut out the middle man and get thyroid testing done at a Quest Diagnostics.

I had one TSH test come back normal about two years ago, so I guess my question is: If I doubt the first test, how likely is it for a second to give me misleading results if my symptoms are consistent? This sub recommended me the anti-body test on another occasion, and I trust that they work, but truth be told, I'd rather buy their more basic package first. I don't want to sound cheap, but I probably won't know what it'll cost me until I talk to them. Haven't used my insurance for labs yet.

19:44 UTC



Hello I made today a blood test. My t3,t4,tsh labs are normal. My Thyroglobulin antibodies (anti-TG) is high (124). And my Anti-TPO is normal.

I have thyroid nodules. “On palpation bilateral nodules, hard and painfully insensitive. Echographically, the right lobe is almost completely nodose altered, 31x23x~50mm. As if they are more inhomogeneous nodules confluent with each other. The left lobe is slightly enlarged with an inhomogeneous structure 24x24mm. Isthmic to the left inhomogeneous nodule with extensive calcification 27x17x31mm. At that level, light compression of the trachea is observed. Isthmus 4mm.”

My doctor says that I should make thyroidectomy. I am 21 years old girl. I'm hesitant to do this operation to be honest. What you all think about that?

21:52 UTC


Subclinical hyperthyroidism help

I’ve seen an endocrinologist for about 15 years and my labs and ultrasounds barely change. TSH ranges between 0.25-0.33 and T4&t3 normal. Positive TPO antibodies, something low like 80-90. I’ve had the same nodules this whole time. She keeps saying it’s nothing to medicate but I’m tired of being tired and overweight. Is there really nothing that can be done? During Covid, my primary care doctor said I needed synthroid so I took that for a few months and felt worse on the medication. It also didn’t make any sense to me because I thought synthroid lowered TSH and mine is already low. She said, “the thyroid is complicated and you couldn’t possibly understand it all, but basically since you have nodules and antibodies, you have hashimotos and that’s treated with Synthroid”. Maybe I need a new primary care and endocrinologist??

20:27 UTC


0.01 TSH Level

Hello, is 0.01 TSH level along with 117 ng T3 (normal) and 1.4 ng T4 (normal) concerning by any chance?

I recently have had horrible experience at Kaiser pushing medication on me when it was not needed.

They recently told me based on my blood test that I have sub clinical hyperthyroidism and I have Graves’ disease. They want me to get on methimazole for 1-2 years. I read online in most cases it can resolve on its own. Is it necessary to take methimazole?

I have no symptoms other than one eye recently seemed a little droopy but it has been getting better with hot/cold compress.

Thank you for your help!

20:19 UTC


In range but low TSH, hyperthyroid symptoms, nodule

Hi all

I was wondering if a TSH of 0.54 (quite low and down from 0.9 in February... but still just in range which UK NHS says is 0.35 to 5.00) could be causing (subclinical) hyperthyroidism symptoms? My Free T4 is apparently fine at 16.1 (range 9-21) - it was 13.4 in Feb - and my doc didn't measure T3. I am in my mid-40s and have read that TSH is usually higher as you get older.

I have been experiencing fatigue and muscle twitching, all 4 limbs have muscle weakness and (I think) some muscle loss, I'm usually hungry, eating quite a lot but weight is static; waking up after 5 hours of sleep and lying awake, etc. Having mood swings. My voice is going hoarse on and off and I have slightly constricted swallowing - that may be because I have a 3cm nodule which was biopsied and according to a brief letter, shows possible signs of malignancy. I am going to an ENT doc next week. I know that if it's thyroid cancer then it's papillary and early. I am not hugely freaked out by that - more curious as to whether some of the above symptoms (which *have* been freaking me out for months) may be related to the nodule and/or thyroid dysfunction. I haven't been tested for Graves as far as I know.

Any insights on likelihood or experience of hyperthyroidism despite in-range numbers would be welcome!

16:15 UTC


Weekly check-in...How is everyone doing? Do you have any good or bad news to share?

14:15 UTC


Dentist found abnormality

Hello all, I hope you don’t mind me posting here.

I have just returned from my dental check up and my dentist does a neck check, lymph nodes, jaw and thyroid palpate.

After my check up he said he found an abnormality on my right thyroid or something along the lines of unable to palpate my right thyroid? I don’t have a clue what that means and I wish I would have asked more questions now. Maybe I’m wrong as I was taken aback with it and struggle to remember. Either way he has said I need an urgent GP appointment and referral and to come back to see him if I don’t receive a referral from the GP.

I was already seeing myGP due to irregular periods and hormonal issues but I’ve never really known anything about the thyroid.

I do feel a large swelling on my neck and the right side has a thickening especially how I look on photos compared with a few months ago.

What can I expect from my GP? Is there anything I should be going in to expect?

Thank you from 34F.

11:47 UTC


Can someone give me their opinion on if they think my thyroid is causing these issues?

So to start this out, my mom has had hyperthyroidism(Graves’ disease) and luckily I don’t think she has it anymore… or at least she says it’s not causing her issues.

Anyway, this year has been rocky health wise. I got diagnosed with Seborrheic dermatitis, my eyes have been having aches/pains, headaches, weight gain and a whole list of stuff.

But the reason for this post is that my left eye, which aches quite a lot, feels like it’s bulging out a lot more than my right. Like noticeably more… and now I am afraid I might have Graves’ disease like my mom, especially with all the symptoms and my eye.

My questions are.. in your opinion, should I get tests done? Can I get tests without having a doctor? Does this sound like something bad?

05:17 UTC


Does my neck look normal!

Went down the online web mb rabbit hole and got myself concerned with how swollen my neck/thyroid seems to be. Although it could be entirely normal and I’ve just never done and true in depth look. If anyone with knowledge or experience could weigh in it would be much appreciated.

04:03 UTC


TSH from 1.5 to 0.70 and T4 1.76

I swear either the nodule is causing this or I’m some sort of subclinical hyperthyroidism. Will be interesting to see what endocrinologist thinks now that I have one.

1.5 TSH last June at my physical. 1.10 was my TSH 2 and a half weeks ago at my PCP. And my Endocrinologist new blood work came back today at 0.70.

T4 remains at the upper limit but still “in bounds. “

I feel terrible. Winded, weight loss, increased anxiety and panic attacks, chest tightness. Hoping to get some dang answers.

I had a full cardiac work up last summer, echocardiogram, stress test, cardiac monitor and nothing. All came back good. I had a Chest CT scan even with contrast in the ER last month because my blood pressure was through the roof and tachycardia.

Hopefully my endocrinologist takes into account everything and has some answers for me.

36 year old male for reference

02:20 UTC


Any ideas

Hi, I wish I knew about this sub sooner. I was diagnosed in 2010 had a total thyroidectomy with one round of RAI. I did okish until 2018 where things have gone downhill for me ever since. I have always been on synthroid and constantly adjusting my dose based on my levels. I ALWAYS have hypo symptoms despite my labs being “normal” at times. I currently am ready to jump off a cliff. I have : major gut issues, tried every gut supp/antibiotic to no avail. Bloated/constipated. Look pregnant. I have lost my cycle. In 35 and no I’m not peri. I am exhausted and gained wt and have hair thinning. I today asked my Endo a bunch of questions and she basically told me idk where u get ur info. She agreed to put me on Erfa (I’m in Canada rn but I do have American health ins too and go there for work). I said I don’t think synthroid is the med for me given how bad I feel etc She said she’s ok with Erfa but not compounded dessicated as it’s too unsafe etc She also didn’t have much enthusiasm over doing T4 / T3 separate. I am at my wits end. She told me oh well u prob won’t ever feel 100. Thanks.

I don’t want to have my naturopath manage this but I do let them manage other health issues.

Anyways, any insight is greatly appreciated. 😭

23:02 UTC


New hyperthyroid: aches and chills?

Recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism with bloodwork. TSH .01, fT4 3.87, fT3 9.7. Ultrasound revealed swollen thyroid along with one larger nodule on the right and a smaller on the left. Both considered TR4. Symptoms started as tender thyroid, the fatigue, racing heart, dizziness and then late afternoon flu like symptoms that have taken me out. All in the span of about 3-4 weeks. I’m having an iodine uptake scan tomorrow. Many of the hyperthyroidism symptoms sound like me, except I get freezing cold with flu like symptoms in the evening with a tender thyroid which doesn’t seem to match up with Graves Disease. Appt with endocrinologist might not be for a bit, and these symptoms are killing me! Help!

21:58 UTC


Doc doesn’t care


At 23, I had a TSH of 1. Every year, it has declined ~0.15 and at age 27, I’m at a TSH level of .34

Doc said not to worry. I can feel this shit in my neck and eyes. Told him this too..

What’s the next step? Complete thyroid panel? New doctor? Endo? I’m annoyed and already told him I will not continue with his practice.


19:02 UTC


High TSH normal T4

25 years old, healthy male. Always felt like I had lower testosterone so I got my bloodwork done. Could this be the cause of my lower testosterone? Going to an endo tomorrow for bloodwork, what do you think they will tell me looking at these results? Thanks!

1 Comment
17:38 UTC


Awaiting results, but want to alleviate my symptoms. How?

Hi everyone

I went to my GP yesterday as I’ve felt really unwell for the last while. I’ve had an erratic and high heart rate, have a base level of nausea all the time, am SO fatigued, snap at any inconvenience, feel constantly stressed and anxious, and just don’t have the will to do anything I enjoy.

I’ve been feeling like this for more than a year, and it’s gotten worse over the last month - I’ve also lost about 4kg in the last 3 or so weeks with no change in diet and exercise.

Told the GP all of the above, but didn’t really elaborate on the mood aspects (didn’t think it was relevant) and he took some blood and tested for a wide array of things.

I got a call from him today, he said he’s concerned about my thyroid, and is ordering more tests. Also said I have an elevated white cell count, not sure if that’s a consideration/if it’s making things worse.

I’m nervous because I don’t know how serious this could be. I’m also relieved and in disbelief that this wasn’t all in my head and my body playing tricks on me. But that’s another discussion.

While I wait for results, and undergo probably another myriad of tests, what can I do to make myself feel better?

I hate feeling faint, weak and nauseous, am struggling to keep food down. Any advice on foods/supplements that may help?

If it makes any difference, I’m a 26 yo female.


14:58 UTC


right hemi-thyroidectomy tomorrow and pretty nervous

hi this is my first time making a post! i (22F) am getting the right side of my thyroid out tomorrow due to a nodule that has been growing pretty fast and large (it went from 2.3cm to 3.3cm in ten months and has continued to grow). my doctors are pretty sure it’s not cancer (said there is a 4% chance) but since i’ve been having trouble breathing and swallowing and it protrudes out of my neck (i was told by a medical student it was the biggest she had ever been able to feel lmao) it’s best to get it out. i already had an enlarged thyroid before this and the nodule has only made it worse. i also have hashimotos but it is not severe enough for me to be on medication yet. this might sound stupid but one of the things im most worried about (other than ya know having to get cut open) is the weight gain i might have after the surgery. i’ve always had trouble losing weight no matter how little i eat and how much i exercise and im worried it’ll just get worse. i keep seeing people talk about how much they regret going through with surgery in general and how much weight they gain afterwards and how difficult it is to loose it afterwards in addition to not being put on the right medication dosage as well. my mom has hashimotos too and i have watched her fight with doctors her whole life over dosages of medication so i’m worried if i do need it afterwards ill go through the same thing as her. i was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience as me? or any advice for tomorrow and what i should expect after?

edit: if anyone was wondering it went great! just the usual pain and strain in my voice but it hasn’t stopped me from yapping 💪🏻 apparently i took a hot min to wake up from anesthesia tho but that was legit the best nap of my life omg.

02:52 UTC


Still feeling bad despite being Medicated

00:15 UTC


Help Understanding Ultrasound Results for Nodules

Just had surgery to remove my gallbladder and had to go to the ER shortly after for problems, during that time they did a CT Scan and found nodules on my thyroid. I had an ultrasound today. Could someone help me understand these results? Does this mean I may have a high risk of cancer? I've also had bloodwork done this month (TSH With Reflex To Free T4) and results are: 2.197 (Normal). This has been trending down since 2022. I had 2 previous blood tests with 3.602 in Nov. 2022 and 2.492 in Jan 2024. Any help would be immensely appreciated.


Thyroid gland: Mildly heterogeneous thyroid echotexture.

Nodule 1: 2.0 cm nodule in the right thyroid mid pole (TR 5) - Recommendation: FNA is recommended. Nodule 2: 1.0 cm nodule in the right thyroid midpole (TR 3) - Recommendation: No specific recommendation for follow-up.


FINDINGS: THYROID: Size: The right thyroid lobe measures 4.5 x 2.2 x 1.7cm, the left thyroid lobe measures 4.7 x 1.7 x 1.5cm and the thyroid isthmus measures 5mm in thickness. The thyroid parenchyma is heterogeneous in echotexture.

Nodule 1: Location: Right thyroid midpole Size: 2.0 x 1.2 x 1.4cm Composition: Solid or almost completely solid (2 points) Echogenicity: Hyperechoic or isoechoic (1 point) Shape: Wider-than-tall (0 points) Margins: Lobulated or irregular (2 points) Echogenic foci: Punctate echogenic foci (3 points) ACR TI-RADS total points: 8 ACR TI-RADS category: TR 5

Nodule 2: Location: Right thyroid midpole Size: 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.7cm Composition: Solid or almost completely solid (2 points) Echogenicity: Hyperechoic or isoechoic (1 point) Shape: Wider-than-tall (0 points) Margins: Smooth (0 points) Echogenic foci: None or large comet-tail artifacts (0 point) ACR TI-RADS total points: 3 ACR TI-RADS category: TR 3

Other thyroid nodules not described above: None Lymphadenopathy: There are no enlarged or abnormal appearing cervical lymph nodes.

1 Comment
23:46 UTC


Y is it low guys pls help any problem

16:52 UTC


Help! Subclinical hyperthyroidism, prediabetes and bad symptoms

42 Female, BMI- 21.2 Diagnosed with subclinical hyperthyroidism and prediabetes

Symptoms: fatigue; brain fog; lighter, irregular period; waking up at 2am, 3am, unable to go back to sleep; heart racing at night while trying to sleep; skin changes with bumps on hands; elbows, slight hand tremor

Would a thyroid scan help show what’s wrong?

Should I start methimazole even though T3 T4 are still in the normal range? Or get a thyroid scan first?

Nov 2023Saw ObGyn for irregular lighter period<0.011167
Nov 2023 – Feb 2024Gained 7lbs with the increased appetite
Feb 2024Finally got to see Endo; diagnosed with subclinical hyperthyroidism0.031110
Mar 2024Diagnosed with prediabetes A1C 5.9%, Glucose 115 (fasting); changed diet, workout 6 days a week; glucometer to check levels
Apr 2024Lost 6lbs, Glucose between 89-930.011.4120

22:22 UTC


Need direction on tests to ask for

Hey, lovelies! I’m a 47 yr. old woman. I have iron deficiency anemia that I’m working on correcting and recently had a D & C to address the problem that got me to IDA. I had bloodwork drawn on 2/6 because I generally felt unwell and had many of the hypothyroid symptoms. The IDA also shares a lot of those symptoms so I’m trying to sort everything out. The pic shows what they tested. I specifically asked for all the things they can test for thyroid issues.I’m having bloodwork done on 5/9 so I’m trying to prepare. Do these look like I need to look into it further? Are there more tests to make sure they do?

19:39 UTC


Confused! Help!

So I have had symptoms of hyperthyroid for over a year now. Heat intolerance, inability to gain weight, racing heart, anxiety etc. the doctor ran a basic thyroid panel and my the was “normal”. It was barely in the normal range though by .2 points. I did an at home everlywell thyroid test and my tsh again was normal but barely and my free T3 was high. What would this indicate if my T4 and the is normal but T3 is high?

16:22 UTC


Increase T3 and TSH

Without medicine what is the best way to increase T3 and TSh ?

1 Comment
02:43 UTC


Overnight bald patches all over face and body. Low TSH and T3.

My TSH is .06 and Total T3 is 73. Both are low but my Free T3 is high at 5.7. My doctor prescribed me Levothyroxine at 50mg but wouldn’t that be the opposite of what I need? My ultrasound is normal. I’m very worried about my hair loss. Any opinions or suggestions please? Thank you.

02:06 UTC


Solid, hyperechoic/isoechoic, taller than wide nodule in the lower pole of the right lobe.

I went in for a thyroid ultrasound because I have TPO antibodies and felt like my thyroid was starting to swell a bit and I have been having Hashimoto's symptoms. All my thyroid hormones are normal, but my dad has Graves disease, so maybe I'm in the early stages or something. Nope. My thyroid is normal, no goiter at all. The only thing that they found out of the ordinary is some small nodules. I have less than 5, but one in the lower pole of the right lobe is a TIRADS score of 4 (moderately suspicious) and requires me to follow up in a year.

Has anyone had a nodule like this? What was the outcome? The doctor's office called and told me they want to do another ultrasound in a year. But that's all they said. I didn't even get to talk to the doctor or ask any questions.

Location*: Right Lower*
Size*: 1.1 x 0.9 x 1 cm*

Composition*: Solid*
Echogenicity*: Hyperechoic/Isoechoic*
Shape*: Taller than wide*

00:25 UTC


High T4 but Normal Tsh

Hi, so I am coming to this subreddit because while I know we won’t be able to really have a solid idea of what’s going on without further testing, in the meantime I am stressed out and scared and the best way for me to cope with fear personally is to educate myself on the matters at hand.

I am a 26 year old woman, with no preexisting physical health conditions. About two years ago, I started experiencing prolonged and irregular menstrual bleeding. I went to countless specialists, doctors, emergency rooms even. The most anyone could tell me is it was likely a hormonal disorder.

Well, I saw a new doctor and got some perplexing results in my blood work that point to my thyroid being the issue. But from what I understand, usually with hyperthyroidism T4 levels are high, while Tsh levels are low. My t4, free levels are notably high, actually being so high that exceeded the lab’s range. But my Tsh levels appear normal?

TEST RESULTS (the important/abnormal ones)

lab’s reference intervals for t4, free: 0.82-1.77

My current result: 1.81

Lab’s reference intervals for DHEA: 84.7-378.0

My current result: 466.0

Labs intervals for TSH: 0.450-4.500

My current result: 2.420

We’ve scheduled to take further tests, but even my doctor finds this a bit unusual, so I’m kind of alarmed and just wanted to see if anyone here might possibly have gotten similar results back and what if anything was discovered to be the cause IN YOUR CASE- again, I know you are not doctors and the only way I’ll know anything for sure is through testing. But as I cannot be tested right this instant, and I am a neurotic person, I just want to talk about it and try to figure stuff out if only just to settle my neurotic brain.

My other symptoms include:

Moderate to severe brain fog: i can’t really gauge the severity of this as I can’t experience anyone else’s mind and know what’s “normal,” but i have memory issues and just a difficulty thinking clearly and focusing.

Executive Dysfunction

Extreme aversion to heat: it causes me SEVERE physical discomfort when it gets too hot, be it outside or someone turning the heat on in the house.

Shaky hands

Weight loss: I’ve recently lost a significant amount of weight, weighing 95 pounds at 26 years old. This isn’t my normal weight, I’m usually more around 110-120 or even 130 at the heaviest.

Bizarre dark hair growth on chin

Trouble sleeping

If anybody has gotten similar results with the normal tsh and a high t4, I’d love to hear from you. Sorry for rambling, everyone.

1 Comment
22:46 UTC


Feeling overwhelmed

Hi, I hope this is the right place to post. I recently had a blood test due to exhaustion which I’ve had issues with for years but recently it’s been awful, I asked for this blood test as I had irregular bleeding between periods so they did a basic b12/iron/thyroid test. My TSH came back 0.14 and my gp wanted to investigate further, as far as I know T3/T4 was normal. I have close family members with autoimmune disease so I was tested for a few things. A few things flagged up b12 is down, anti nuclear factor level was positive, TPO level was over 1200 and the gp said it should be between 0-25 so that was highly elevated he said because of this he has no doubt that I have some sort of thyroid autoimmune disease, however this time my TSH came back 1.4 which is within normal range, so he’s referring to endocrinology but he said it may take quite a long time. All of this is brand new to me and I still don’t know what the issue is, I don’t understand all the tests and information and I just feel quite overwhelmed, I feel horrible all the time exhausted and I have so many headaches no idea if that’s related or not. I’m not quite sure what I’m looking for here but I just wanted to put my feelings somewhere.

19:11 UTC

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