Unofficial subreddit for fans of the band THRICE
A subreddit for showcasing and discussing all things that happen in threes!
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I have 2 tickets for the Showbox Sodo show for sale. I live in Portland and bought these when the tour was originally announced but there was no Portland date, then a month or two later they announced a date here and I bought different tickets. Selling 1 for $45 or 2 for $80
I have two tickets to sell, I can’t make it to the concert. $50 for 1 $90 for both
Hi Fam
I bought 4 tickets to the Thrice show in San Diego on 11/15 and my friends just let me know that they can’t go now.
Selling those 2 tickets for $50 each.
Do we think this fantastic live album will ever be repressed on vinyl? Or do I have to spend a limb on Discogs?
Bought a blaster box and got one Dustin base card. Anyone else rip any yet to the try to pull the boys?
These songs have 2 of their top 5 riffs of all time. The fact that they're back-to-back on TAITA is unbelievably glorious.
Blood Clots' main riff is my number 1 of all time. Just a sinister, unhinged, feral ripper of an opening. And it sounds so crisp too.
Artist in the Ambulance's is also greatness, but more for its beauty and grace.
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL6mUdb-7Gc&list=PLes25hxKrHFuQbjFGvtDZfgzN28H4RxGH&index=9
By the way, if anyone knows any other bands that does riffs like these, would love some recs.
Hello. I am a relatively new fan of Thrice and i CAN’T stop listening to The Artist In The Ambulance. It is all I can listen to and think about. The only problem is that I also CAN’T get into any of the other albums. Do you have any tips for how I can do so?
Is it based off a book or any sort of media? or just a powerful song about an innocent man at peace with his fate and faith?
I have 3 extra tickets for the Thrice/MO show at Petco Park/Gallagher Square on November 15th. I bought tickets for a group that has since bailed so hoping to help some fans see the show and skip the fees.
Selling 3 Tickets for $50 each.
Dm me if you are interested
EDIT: Update - two of the tickets have been sold but I still have 1 more available
Hi guys.
So thrice has been my favorite band since I was 13, I’m 31 now.
This will be my 19th time seeing them live on the beggars tour.
I must say beggars might just be the best album to hear live imo. There’s something dynamic to these songs that just sound insane in person.
What do yall think?
It's a critically acclaimed novel. Thomas Pynchon even got a Simpson's cameo. I read that it inspired Vheissu, which might be my fav album of all time so I grabbed a copy. I found it a tough read and can't really find the links to Vheissu. Mayyyybe one chapter with The Atlantic. Has anyone else read it? What'd you think? Where is the vheissu inspo?
I’m traveling to see Thrice in Seattle or Portland (or both if plans work out). Between these two venues, which do you think is the better venue and experience? I love Portland and Seattle, so the city isn’t a deal breaker. Thanks in advance!
Willing to sell under market value!
I have two GA Tickets w/VIP package for sale for the LA Hollywood Pallidum Show. Im wanting to go to the Seattle show now and would like to get rid of them.
I posted this before in response to a thread a long time ago, but I figured y’all would appreciate it.
Story: I was in college majoring in photography. I was living in down town Pittsburgh and I’d only been there 2 days before seeing advertisements for an upcoming show. So I bought a ticket.
Being an art student, I felt it was my obligation to capture the moment. So I snuck a 35mm camera in with 2 rolls of 36 shot high speed film. The show was absolutely incredible, and is one of the major reasons I’ve seen them so many times. Anyway, I shot the rolls, I took them to the school dark room and developed them. Then I cried. Out of 72 shots, I got 4. Then I saw this gem. Made it worth it. I also learned a valuable lesson that night. No matter how experienced you are at something, in the heat of the moment, you can fail to do your talents properly. 😂
Anyone know if there is a link to the studio blog photos that they had for the alchemy/beggars album? I just remember they were an awesome insight into there recording.
I had my music on shuffle and I finally listened to the song fully and it made feel something. I feel I’ve missed out on Palms. Any songs that anyone could recommend that hits different for them from a different album or Palms?
Per their Instagram, Thrice will be releasing some sort of live in-studio video called "Big Sound" as a collaboration with Ernie Ball on 10-4-24.
Here's an example of Polyphia's Big Sound: https://youtu.be/D8ZjtcbkC00?si=qCCEc-Br092YGIJu
Is this:…. Revolution?
Thought I would share this livestream from Dustin 12 years ago in case others have never seen it. https://livestream.com/livestreamsessions/thrice One of my favorite versions of Disarmed!
I’m always searching for a band that gives me the same itch that Thrice gives me. I go to a-lot of shows and check out the opening acts even if I’ve never heard them before. I saw this band called “University Drive” play and they had so many parts that reminded me of Thrice from the Beggars Era - Now! What are some other bands that anyone has found that scratches that itch?