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And will he piss in his pants when he’s convicted of treason?
I'm sick of these cunts stealing our money. They owe us billions and Germany hasn't done shit to protect us from the Mexicans. I really hope trump and Putin build the alliance this world needs.
GEOTUS for lyfe. Fuck snowflakes and cucks. I love salty libfag tears. #walkaway
Never. Heil trump
Manafuck will rot in prison and trump ain't far behind!!!!!
Where is his birth certificate? Captain bone spurs hasn't released it yet. Lots of people are saying "franklinmint, something doesn't add up". Tremendous folks some of the smartest people are asking where's the birth certificate. Captain bone spurs doesn't have one. I think the doj needs to investigate. Kim jung I saw his birth certificate. Why doesn't captain bones spurs. #sad
Can make NK, Russia and China pretty fucking happy. What do you traitors, I mean trump supporters think?
I'm usually a pretty optimistic guy, but I doubt that NJ will ever be fixed at the polls. First off, there is too much old money here, and we know old money is usually a part of the deep State and will do anything to keep their people in charge of the government here. How many States do you know that can get away with ignoring the Constitution and depriving us of our right to "keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." We all know that the only people who can get a carry permit are the politically connected, or the rich who can buy the politically connected. Maybe, if we're lucky, the change in our national government will help. President Trump can, and should make a difference if he would only get behind a good person from NJ to lead us out of this quagmire. Believe me, if I could move out of NJ, I'd be gone in a minute... thanks for listening patriots.
We need grassroots in NJ asap. Murphy is posing an enormous threat to our already badly run state. Higher taxes, sanctuary state, stricter gun control (did you guys see the proposed bills? Say goodbye to your ARs). We are complacent because we know the Poverty Pimps (D's) have run our cities to the ground and secured millions of votes but we need to stop. We need to fight back already.
I am trying to brainstorm some ideas to start MNJGA. We need to get the message out. Do you guys have any ideas to spark a grass roots movement? NJ needs to be saved. Democrats take and take until there is nothing left. NJ will not survive the damage Murphy is promising. Liberty and Prosperity must be restored.
Population is heavily HEAVILY being replaced. Foreign born residents are increasing more than ever. We have places like Newark, Jersey City, Paterson, Trenton, Camden, and even parts of places like fucking Hoboken living on hand outs. We have places that are almost exclusively foreigners (Union City is one of the biggest Cuban strongholds in the world - most dense the most dense the most dense the fucking country).
If deblasio can say no one cares about the pay for play, and STILL get reelected, if he can shit on the police and STILL Get reelected, if all of that can happen, it's no surprise NJ went to the fucking Sanctuary City-touting leftist establishment nut.
It's only going to get worse since the demographics have gotten so fucking shitty and so fucking skewed...there's a reason there's a rise of 'extreme right wing' sentiments. We work, we contribute, we help, we pay, and in the end, we lose.
Oh and even under christie notice all of the terrorist attacks in NY have been from people living in NJ? Most of the 9/11 cock suckers were in NJ, this last rogue truck of peace driver was in patterson, the 1993 world trade bombing was from a guy living in what is now Woodland Park, I believe. Used to be "west patterson" but that association of name and history is icky right? Yeah.
Jersey City also hosted terrorists, as did Cliffside Park. The Chelsea bomber came from there. And Good 'ole El Jefe Shamoo actually sued NY for sending their plainclothes officers to monitor some of our mosques in terrorist hotbed areas for civil rights and encroaching on his turf.
The same piece of shit that closed beaches for personal use, the same fuck that closed down most of the GWB to get back at the Fort Lee Mayor for not endorsing him, the same piece of shit that talks down opposition - of course people are going to rebel and not vote for the Lieutenant Governor under Chris fucking Christie.
Now we have a slime ball that wants to make NJ a sanctuary state, raise taxes, limit AR15 mags to 5 rounds, etc. Jesus FUCKING christ. We're going to become the East Coast Cali. Downticket voting basically gives him plenty of legislative support as well.
I voted for Kim instead of that scumbag Murphy!