
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to The War On Drugs

The UN was presented with a report from the Global Commission on Drug Policy, stating the war on drugs was a failure. Which makes now the time to open the legalization discussion to include cannabis and the other illicit drugs and how different drugs would need to be regulated for a humane and functional society.

We need to stop the harm that is being wrought by prohibition, by legalizing, taxing and controlling drugs. It is time to move away from the current drug policies which are leaving drug sales and their huge profits to the criminals, cartels and the black market.

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Quote of the month

"The war on drugs has been an utter failure. We need to rethink and decriminalize our nation's marijuana laws."

-Barack Obama, January 2004


3,328 Subscribers


Is Captagon addiction a symptom of socioeconomic disparity in the Middle East?

11:37 UTC


Survey about your political worldview (18+; 15-30 mins to complete)

Hello, we are a group of psychology researchers from the University of Kent, UK. It would be a huge help if anyone from any background who is interested would fill out our quick survey (18+ years old only) about your views of politics, society, and more.

Fill out the survey here: https://universityofkent.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ICkX7mBre5IGpM

We are posting here because we hope to collect responses from a wide range of political perspectives and backgrounds. Please let us know if you would like a summary of your responses in comparison to others once the data collection is complete.

The survey takes 15-30 minutes to complete, and we are happy to respond to any queries or questions. Please private message us to avoid giving away the point of the study to others.

Thanks for your time.

Edit: The survey is now closed! Thank you very much for your time, we will be sure to post the results up here when they're ready.

13:43 UTC


A Lot Of Time, Love

Dear fans of The War On Drugs, I’m a soul trying to find an audience for my music. It is a depressing aspect if it goes unheard of. So I try to keep it up. I think my new songs deserves a chance to reach you. I hope you like “A Lot Of Time, Love” All the best, <3 Simon

09:56 UTC


Podcast/Radio show episode with Dr. Beau Kilmer.

Interesting episode that should fit here. He has a long history with drug policy and research I’ll copy and paste below.


Description copy and pasted:

America has faced four major drug epidemics, and many argue we're in another epidemic today. Today I spoke with Dr. Beau Kilmer about his research surrounding the problems, and possible solutions to our drug issues.

Bio: Beau Kilmer (he/him) is the McCauley Chair in Drug Policy Innovation, director of the RAND Drug Policy Research Center, and a senior policy researcher at the RAND Corporation. His research lies at the intersection of public health and public safety, with special emphasis on crime control, substance use, illegal markets, and public policy. Some of his current projects include analyzing the consequences of cannabis legalization (with a special focus on social equity); measuring the effect of 24/7 Sobriety programs on DUI, domestic violence, and mortality; facilitating San Francisco's Street-Level Drug Dealing Task Force; and evaluating the evidence and arguments made about implementing heroin-assisted treatment and supervised consumption sites.

Kilmer's publications have appeared in leading journals such as New England Journal of Medicine and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and his commentaries have been published by CNN, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and other outlets. His coauthored book on cannabis legalization was published by Oxford University Press and his coauthored book on the future of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids was published by RAND.

Kilmer received a NHTSA Public Service Award for his "leadership and innovation in the areas of alcohol and drug-impaired driving program and policy research" and his coauthored work on 24/7 Sobriety received honourable mention for the Behavioural Exchange Award for Outstanding Research. He received his Ph.D. in public policy from Harvard University, M.P.P. from UC Berkeley, and B.A. in international relations from Michigan State University.

16:28 UTC


The Coming Anti-Drug Backlash

The past couple decades have seen one victory after another in scaling back the destructive War on Drugs. Marijuana is now legal or decriminalized across most of the US. But there has been a pervasive failure among activists, lawmakers, and law enforcement to differentiate private legality from public use. As a result, drug use in public has surged, and has become a growing cause for concern. The data indicates that the public is primed for a backlash that could potentially roll back decades of progress.


19:23 UTC


What are your US 2024 presidential predictions?


Hey everyone!

Founder and creator of a site called Politarian.com. A free website for people who like to make political predictions; letting people post who they think will win in a future election.

  • Complete Anonymity: Make predictions with full anonymity – your account details stay private.
  • Predict the Future: Dive into predicting federal and state elections for 2023-2024. Decode the paths to victory.
  • Public or Private: Share your predictions publicly or keep them all to yourself – it's your call.
  • Candidate Insights: Access comprehensive candidate info – news, endorsements, bios – everything to make sharp predictions.

Politarian is nonpartisan regarding any political party; rather focusing on transparency, holistic information, accountability, and a simple-to-use interface as to navigate the complex political landscape.

I would appreciate any feedback and look forward to seeing your predictions on Politarian.com!

Update: 1.1: Hey y’all! We just made an update to Politarian.com!! We added Social Media to the candidate profiles. Hope you guys can join us in making a primary prediction for the 2024 election :)

00:30 UTC


Seattle Hempfest - Join us in the fight against America's longest war, the Drug War (2002)

19:59 UTC


War, on drugs!

10:33 UTC


A Positive Drug Story - Drug People Are Good People

I spent the last week on the darknet talking to Dread, the markets and drug vendors: basically asking them to inject harm reduction information at the point of drug purchase. Imagine the potential impact of this in reducing misery and death.

So how did it go? This is my story:



On visiting a doctor and being prescribed medication it is taken for granted that you will be provisioned with the requisite information to proceed in a safe and sensible manner. This will perhaps include the dose, the required frequency of administration, potential side effects, and so on. A small-print sheet with details might also be forthcoming.

With respect to recreational drugs and medicines, this is not the case, despite the myriad of additional risks largely created via prohibition (such as the potential for substance impurity and mis-identification). You are usually on your own, with input limited to whatever ad hoc advice is given by your peers or anything you research for yourself (assuming that you make the effort).

However, if you purchase drugs from the darknet this may no longer be the case. There is now a decent chance that at some point in the process you will be offered free harm reduction information in the form of a PDF copy of my book: The Drug Users Bible.

This scenario is developing quickly but consider for a moment the concept; of harm reduction information being provided to consumers at the point of drug purchase. Imagine the potential for injecting safety awareness where and when it matters most. Imagine the impact in terms of mitigating risk and reducing misery.

The unfortunate reality is that there is presently no official engagement from any formal authority. The government patently does not care about the welfare of drug consumers; the mainstream media don’t care; law enforcement agencies don’t care. If there is to be a safety net at this particular juncture, it has to be furnished by the community itself. It has to be provided by ourselves: we all have to look after each other.

This is precisely what is unfolding on the darknet.


On a much smaller scale this has occurred before. Allow me to paint the picture as it existed in the UK some 10 years ago. This was with respect to a forum (the UK Chemical Research Forum) which operated during the legal high years. As described in the book itself:

"The sophistication of the market developed equally quickly, with internet forums becoming a hive of often detailed discussion. These communities became increasingly important vehicles, and not only through the dissemination of safety information. They were central in framing vendor reputation, which in turn would positively influence the conduct of suppliers."

"An astonishing scenario of market/public self-regulation flourished, no doubt saving many lives, until the Cameron Government introduced the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, under the blinkered stewardship of Theresa Mary May. This free to access source of developing and life critical information, and of self-sustaining consumer protection, was instantly destroyed, with the inevitable tragic consequences."

In the UK at least this scenario was real, and it was effective. The main players in the drug eco-system were self-regulating and protecting the consumer, despite the hostility of the usual culprits: the government, the media and law enforcement.


Zoom forward to 2023. Dread is the major social media platform on the darknet, and has long picked up the mantle of consumer protection: a place for those who choose to use drugs to learn how to avoid many of the more common pitfalls. It is the equivalent of the UKCRF in the above scenario, but on a massive global scale.

Here it has supported the above initiative from the outset; announcing the launch of the PDF and encouraging the markets to involve themselves.

Established markets, such as Kingdom Market, Incognito Market and Cypher Market, have quickly stepped forward. Drug vendors too have embraced the project, including some of the largest. All are offering links to, or hosting, The Drug Users Bible, or making the material available in some form to all visitors and consumers.

All these parties understand the magnitude of the issues, and the importance of education and awareness. It is about people: user and consumer protection. It’s about the safety of real human beings: the well being of the community. It is ultimately about saving lives.


We thus have a situation in which the community itself is doing for itself what governments refuse to do: self-regulate to voluntarily provide a framework of consumer protection and risk mitigation, inclusive of the free of charge provision of safety data.

This demonstrates again that the biggest problem in the entire scenario, in its widest sense, isn’t users, vendors or facilitators; it is prohibition. It is politicians, law enforcement agencies and the mainstream propagandistic media.

This ultimately, is a hugely positive drug story: but it is the sort of news that you won’t be reading on the front pages of the Daily Mail, the Telegraph or the Sun.



From Amazon: “Over a 12 year period the author of this book self-administered over 180 psychoactive substances; both chemicals and plants. For each he recorded the life-sensitive safety data, including the anticipated onset times, the common threshold doses, the routes of administration, and the expected duration of the experience. In addition, for every compound he also produced a trip report, detailing the qualitative experience itself. This delivered another invaluable insight, enabling, for example, an objective assessment of the extent of any loss of judgement and self-control.”

1 Comment
16:42 UTC


New member

Hey everyone, just wanted to get a sense of the group, here. I was looking for a sub that gathers and posts resources about the ineffective and harmful nature of the War On DrugsTM. Is this the correct sub?

I'd like to have a sub for information gathering and make it a public resource for anyone who needs referenced. Be it: lawmakers, media, or just arguing with conservatives.

Is there something like this?

16:48 UTC


ACADEMIC SURVEY: Public Health, Criminal Justice, and Drug Policy (Americans 18 and older)

14:42 UTC

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