This is the American Political Sub. The Leftist Vermin doesn’t negotiate with MAGATs terrorists. 💙💙💙VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙
I‘ve never seen or heard of any modern western democracy, where a new leader grabbed that much power in this short amount of time, breaking laws, attacking political opponents directly, bending every moral rule and trying to purge the entire government, agencies, military, media, social media, courts and co. of anyone who isn’t 100% in line with his view and command.
The US isn’t moving into a fascist direction, it has become a fascist state now. It‘s done and you all just don’t realize it - yet.
Who wants to stop him? He controls the police, the military, the FBI, the CIA, every other agency that is involved in security or law, all three pillars of your democracy, the supreme court, the agencies for finances, education and so on. And he not just only controls them, but also installs his loyalists in hundreds of thousands of positions.
You guys are done and everyone who voted for him will have to live with that now. I highly doubt that Trump will leave in 4 years and you‘re all delusional to think so. He is the most obvious fascist I‘ve ever seen and heard, he even told you.
The opposition needs to learn from John Boyd and get inside the opponents OODA loop. We've gotta use some of the points from the William Lind/Paul Weyrich inspired New Traditionalist strategy (designed for the modern GOP) against the GOP.
If you know where to find MAGA schilling publicly (like in a church or at a college campus) ask them impolite/out of left-field questions that are hard for them to unpack and reorient themselves to. Learn how to load the language.
Use thought-terminating cliches liberally (no pun intended). Force them to have to reorient all of the time and trip them up, but in ways that are designed to delegitimize them to their own base or delegitimize their ideas. Try to inundate your opponent with with arguments at a faster rate than they formulate new counterarguments fast enough to keep up with the flow: one way is the Gish gallop.
Most importantly, what we think changes how we act....
Try to arrive at sane conclusions from MAGA premises and sell them those talking points rather than trying to reason with them. You have to account for the opponents initial orientation (orient is the focal point of the OODA loop). Seed those talking points everywhere you go and seep them into discussions you have with conservatives in subtle ways.
Start drafting arguments for any policies you want them to support/oppose but only in terms of isolationism and nationalism that they can understand. Make arguments against spending cuts that hurt families which are crafted to appeal to "pro-family" religious conservatives.
I'll try to give an example: If I am in an open debate with a MAGA grifter and I want to sell their audience on some kind of alternative energy, how am I going to do that? Having observed my opponent I will have to orient to how they do epistemology (their epistemic orientation) and decide.
I could say "because global warming" but that only appeals to someone in what Karl Rove famously called the "reality-based community." The person/audience is not in the reality-based community; they won't buy it because their orientation is to deny global warming.
I make an isolationist argument that is rooted in mistrust of the Saudis and oil producing nations. I'll clutch my pearls and blast them for wanting to keep us dependent on terrorist funding countries like Saudi Arabia and being "globalists" (loading the language). I could also attack Saudi investment in Trump's oil initiatives as treating America the beautiful as a "Saudi economic zone." The opponent's position can now be framed as an insult to national pride.
I may also use the Gish gallop or any number of bullshit rhetorical strategies (fallacies work really well). If they push back on the costs of implementing what I want, I will accuse them of "putting a price on national security." I have used their own premises to get them to go along with what I want. I didn't need to change their orientation right away, that can happen incrementally.
The man is such a liar, he can’t even keep his statements straight from day to day. I do agree that he is dumping so much onto the citizenry, hoping that we will just stop paying attention, and we need to remain attentive, now more than ever. We must call our senators, and any other representative we can to ensure we are being heard. That is the only way we will have any chance of not becoming N. Korea, bc that’s djt’s ultimate fantasy.
What I find most absurd is, he told voters exactly what he would do, and now that he’s doing it, red hat cult voters are shocked that he’s doing what he said he would do ( except lowering prices at the grocery store), they voted to “ stick it to the libs, and to destroy the rights of groups they hate “, but THEY belong to some of those groups, like Hispanic immigrants and Muslims immigrants, whining that he wasn’t supposed to hurt “ their families “!
I for one am completely exhausted from all the drama, lying, and gaslighting, but I try to read about what he’s doing everyday, bc I don’t want to be blindsided by his ultimate goal of destroying the constitution, and giving himself unprecedented power over the people in this country.