This is the American Political Sub. The Leftist Vermin doesn’t negotiate with MAGATs terrorists. 💙💙💙VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙
Since not everyone here in the US votes, only about 29% of eligible voters actually voted for him.
“Repeat after me: there was no “landslide”. There was no “blowout”. There was no “sweeping” mandate given to Trump by the electorate. The numbers don’t lie.”
So.....I voted for Kamala, and had a deep sense of dread when Trump won the election. I kept my hopes up, thinking we'd see some fight from the Democrats, not on election integrity and a stolen narrative, but at least doing SOMETHING in order to follow through on all of the doomsday messaging we were given during the campaign. I held out hope Jack Smith would release his findings, or even Biden would take advantage of his "official" duties as president and release them, or order background checks on incoming cabinet picks that Trump seems to be against.
Theres a lot of shit we screwed up in the campaign. Kamala I think did an okay job considering the timing she was given. There were some weak points in interviews, and a reluctance to really address the economy, and the Israel/Palestine conflict. I know those are both really divisive issues amongst all of us, and everyone has passionate feelings on both. Biden......I think was also a good president, but he kind of fucked us telling us he was going to be a 1 term president, and then dropping out after scrutiny of his mental health THREE MONTHS before we have to vote, this was a huge mistake. I would have loved to see a female president. As a father of two daughters, I was thrilled at the idea of them growing up in a world where sex/gender in leadership just wasn't really something anyone thought about anymore.
With all of that considered, I think it's why I'm even angrier now about it feeling like most Democrats are just throwing in the towel and letting someone they've warned us for 10 years about, the media has shown us evidence of how awful he is, and we've seen it in his public speeches, his actions, and his handling of opposition. Campaigning AGAINST Trump to win an election worked once, but in tough economic times, war, and misinformation? I honestly can't blame some folks for looking back at the past and thinking "things were better". I don't think Trump was a good president, and a lot of the problems we are facing now, have culminated from his efforts. No one ever even mentioned how much he was responsible for heightened tensions in Israel. We had completely ineffective messaging on all of that. To win an election again Democrats are going to have to start running a campaign on how and what they're going to do to help, and we need to see follow through on those things in office.
I'm a borderline Socialist, and honestly have been pretty disgusted with the Democratic party going back to Hillary's run. We keep trying to put forth "safe" candidates in order to try to grab as many centrist voters as possible, and Democrats just assume the Black, Latino, LGBTQ+ community all just owe it to them to swallow their pride and vote for them regardless of past messaging or voting from the candidates. I honestly think we need a wild card candidate to win a presidential election again. Bernie Sanders was always my pick, but his chance at doing so has regrettably passed IMO with his age. I know AOC is young, female, and a minority.....and people always tell me that she'd also be a bad pick due to those things splitting our votes, but the one thing I did notice was she and Bernie seemed to be the only people doing anything to figure out how and why this happened. I think we'll probably end up with Newsome, who I honestly haven't really formed an opinion on. He seems like he's done some great things in CA, but I just don't see the same passion in speaking I get from Bernie or AOC. We are in a really weird timeline, because I'll say people just don't really trust rich politicians anymore, especially conservative folks. Which is weird since they've elected one that surrounds himself with more of them. When did we lose the crown of being the counter-culture party?