A collection of the most gritty, dramatic, and awe-inspiring moments from history.
Here, we post the most sobering, tragic, heroic - and often violent - accounts from history. History of any culture and era is welcome here.
Ultimately, the purpose of TheGrittyPast is to humble and inspire, but we encourage any academic discussion that may be the result of a submission. We heavily encourage other fans of history to post their own content - the more the better!
Rule 1: All submitted content must be historical.
Submissions should always be historical - be they anecdotal, recordings, or published accounts. By our definition of history, we insist that content refer to events taking place 20 years ago or more. If you are confused as to whether or not your submission would qualify, feel free to contact the mods and we will be happy to weigh in on the issue.
Rule 2: Submissions must be verifiable.
Either link directly to a reliable source that supports every claim in your submission, or cite your sources in the text post. Citations do not necessarily have to follow a specific format, but they should include a title for the source-material, author, page, and year published, when available. If your content is another type of media (video/audio, etc), please leave a comment below your submission that explains it or lists any source material available.
Rule 3: Don't break Reddit's rules.
Violations of the global user agreement will not be tolerated.
Rule 4: Be civil.
Spamming, personal attacks upon, or harassment of a user will not be tolerated.
Rule 5: Factually inaccurate content may be removed.
Factually inaccurate submissions & comments are subject to removal. The user will be notified of this in the event of a submission/comment removal, and is encouraged to resubmit with any necessary corrections.
Rule 6: No pseudo-history or holocaust denial.
The merits of these things are best discussed elsewhere and are inappropriate material for the sub. This is not the place to "wake up the sheeple."
Rule 7: No politics or soap-boxing will be tolerated.
Submissions & comments that are overtly political will be removed; political topics are only acceptable if discussed in a historical context. Comments should discuss a historical topic, not advocate an agenda. This is entirely at the moderators' discretion.
Rule 8: Please post one or more submission highlights if posting links to articles or videos.
If submitting a link, we ask that you provide, in the comments, one or more particularly appropriate lines or passages that showcase the tragic or moving aspects of the event.
If submitting a video link, we ask that you provide selected, transcribed passages in the same manner. Timestamps to said material are required for video links that are more than 3 minutes in length (and encouraged in general).
That the expression I had so often heard in the early part of the movement, that "there were plenty of sensible and respectable people in the country to overrule the ravings of the unprincipled demagogues", was no doubt true; but why they failed to do it, and why a nation of intelligent people should allow themselves to be goaded to destruction over a shibboleth [...] was a question for reflection, which seem to impress me with the idea that for a government to be controlled successfully by the direct voice of the people it is imperatively necessary that the people must be honest, intelligent, and possess a high tone of moral principle and be impervious to flattery; that every person must take an enlightened and independent interest in the government of the country and be ever vigilant and guarded against the insidious wiles of self-seeking agitators and demagogues, who live by agitation and prey upon the credulity of the masses.
From... "The Observations & Experiences of an Alien in the South During The American Civil War" by William Watson