Relevance - Posts must be related to Kanan or Suwa-chan; in context not just title. No shitposts. Keep it on r/Otonokizaka
SOURCE IMAGES/FANART - Give credit where credit is due. If you don't source your posts, Mari will grope you - and not in a fun way.
No Hentai Use your own judgement. I heard /r/LewdLive needs some love.
No Downloads/Link sharing - Let's continue to support our girls at Love Live.
Be nice Or else.
Link flair your posts
No memes unless they're utterly dank. Otherwise, /r/Otonokizaka. Dankness is at the mods discretion.
Aquors Subreddits
Chika - /r/BakaChika
Riko - /r/SakurauchiRiko
Mari - /r/OharaSyndicate
Dia - /r/MoleisMoney
You-chan - /r/Yousoro So let it be written, so shall it be done
Yoshiko - /r/Yohane
Zura - /r/Hanamaru
Ruby - /r/GanbaRuby