For things that are a little bit more wild, crazy, scary, terrifying and incredible than the average. And for stuff that is generally insane!
Only "ThatsInsane" content. This subreddit is for things that are a little bit more wild, crazy, terrifying and incredible than the average. And for stuff that is generally insane! Fake content does not qualify as "Insane content". Think before submitting, would I find this post "ThatsInsane" if it would be someone else who posted it. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "ThatsInsane" from viewers.
No Racism and Hate speech. Racism and hate speech will be removed and the poster will be banned. No questions asked.
No pornography, overly gore, or disturbing material. Examples of what can count as "overly gore/disturbing material" include stabbing, shooting, rape, serious injuries, children getting hurt, animal abuse, nasty things, and other content that contains scenes with a lot of blood..
Moderator Discretion. Posts are at the discretion of the moderators. If we do not believe it fits the sub, or think it is spam, we will remove it.
Repost Guidelines. This is only for reposts that have been posted to /r/ThatsInsane recently, is in top of all time or have been posted so often on reddit that the majority of users have seen this content.
Claims must be sourced in comments. Posts with claims must have a linked and credible source that backs up the information. OP is the one responsible for this and it must be provided at time of posting. Also misleading information will be removed.
Use descriptive titles. Non-descripted titles will be removed. Titles must describe the content, not your feelings or reactions to the content. "insane" or "this is crazy" is not a proper description.
No death or violence. No videos containing scenes of people dying or being tortured. No images of human corpses laying around. Skeleton of human remains are allowed. Also no violence - so no fights or injuries that are not very very minor.
No serious crimes. No lootings, rape or other serious crimes. Don’t post something and say ”this person commited this crime” or showing someone committing a serious crime.
A place to post the most insane stuff on the web!