Set in Wisconsin in 1995, That ’90s Show follows Leia Forman, daughter of Eric (Topher Grace) and Donna (Laura Prepon), who is visiting her grandparents for the summer and bonds with a new generation of Point Place kids under the watchful eye of Kitty and the stern glare of Red. Sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll never dies, it just changes clothes.
Now that 90s show was not perfect. But it seemed to finally be finding its footing when Netflix canceled it due to “low viewership” when it was in the top 5. I enjoyed every part although it seemed like they ended to short, and now that its canceled im extremely bummed. I waited for every part because the show offered some good laughs. I hope that peacock can get the rights to the show or sum because 2 seasons was not nearly enough. The story didnt have time to blossom and it sucks that it just got chopped.
Get fucked, Netflix
I FINALLY WATCHED THE WHOLE SHOW FOR IT TO END LIKE THAT... with Leia's fate undecided, her leaving mad with Jay, Nate getting Nikki back, the show was getting funnier and better.
Also, Donna living in one place, while Eric and Leia live in another one feels kinda weird.
I'll admit, season 1 was a bit cringe, but then it got awesome. Streaming services never let shows grow, i hate it here😭
Thank you for reading my rant.
I hope everyone can watch it and not just USA like we in europe dont have peacock...people say this show feels like a disney show so why not put it there 😆 but serious I hope whoever picks it up it will be available everywhere and they better hurry because the cast arent getting younger (looks at red and kitty) am just stressing over how long it may take before we get up and running again sort of speak
Okay so I’m rewatching the pilot after rewatching that 70s show and my thoughts have changed on it
It’s actually not as bad as I remember (I watched it when it first came out and I found it real cringe) but it’s better than I remember.
I like how leia is a good mix between Eric and Donna, she’s super gangly and awkward like Eric was, the actress holds herself similarly to how he did and she’s a bit of a nerd. But when she was trying to buy the tap from the liquor store, Donna’s fiery personality came out in her.
Seeing Red and Kitty and Eric and Donna older is cool, even though I know they’re only in the first episode but it’s fun watching them be parents and grandparents.
The younger gen aren’t actually that bad, they’re a bit more Disney esq than the previous gen but they have so much potential, I’m gonna watch it through this time.
Shame Netflix cancelled it. especially since I heard reviews of people saying it had finally found its groove by the last season.
Hopefully another streaming platform picks it up!
Also, I dunno about other countries but it would help the show if that 70s show was streaming on Netflix
I mean there's nothing else to do, the show is dead and the last big article about the show was written like 2 weeks ago...
Unless you count popculture which released one today (10/19)
Other than that .... yeah I see no activity
Anyways farewell to yall!!! It was nice while it lasted ...
I guess see ya till it gets renewed or it picks up again
Till then ...
So I am a pretty hardcore That 70’s Show fan. I was thrilled about That 90’s Show. I know it’s canceled, but didn’t the last part end on a cliffhanger? Do we at least get something to tie that end up? If not, I’m tempted to cancel my fucking Netflix subscription. They’ve done this with way too many shows that I love.
Before I was mocked for saying the end is near. Sad truth is the show is over for now. It can come back they're shopping it but someone needs to back this up on archive and google drive. If netflix removes the show the momentum of fans supporting it dies down. Also make a petition
I wanted to see more of Nate and Nikki back together. Definitely my favorite coupling.
Becky returning, adding more chaos.
Gwen just being Gwen.
I really haven’t thought about it much because I didn’t want set up expectations. But now I want to give them all endings through high school.
Oh, and I would’ve liked Red to have a chance to really put his foot in someone’s ass. Maybe kick Jay out like Jazz from Fresh Prince.
A long time ago Netflix didn't do this. And idk what changed or when it changed. They have even saved shows and resurrected them from networks. And yet they always seem to drop their own productions after 2 seasons to much push back from the audience these days. I genuinely don't understand a TV production company that refuses to invest in their productions.
I personally feel it would’ve.
Wow.. I'm kinda shocked. I know there's other threads with the news but I just want to kinda console and commiserate. I am genuinely surprised how much I grew attached to the characters. Sure, did they have the same level of heights at T7S? No...but this was a really fun, and great way to continue the story. ANd I really like Leia! What sad turn of events...screw you netflix!
And call it a day.
These streaming executives are complete dumbasses and I just don't see them doing right by viewers anytime soon. I'm sick of it.
So, in the meantime, I'm giving MitM a re-watch (first ever since its original run).
And I gotta say: it hits all the notes for what you'd want in a "That [decade] Show", which is basically showing era-appropriate adolescent growing pains in a comedic light. The music, the fashion, the cars in the background. It's all there.
Anyways, fuck Netflix.
Seriously! What were they thinking?! It’s been cancelled and we’ll never know what happens now! I’m not at all surprised that it was cancelled but it’s still sad.
all the streaming services right now are struggling and because of this every show that gets renewed has to be a mega hit. T90s sadly doesn’t fit that criteria, not even close. I think this show was doomed after Part 1. once the news broke of its cancellation so many people came forward saying they watched Part 1, thought it sucked and never returned. thats sad because Part 2 and especially Part 3 were so good. also the writers strikes putting this season on indefinite hold between Part 1 and 2 killed any momentum the show had to bounce back properly. sad T90s show had to end this way but I saw this coming from a mile away
"To steal Red Forman's words...we aren't going to be dumbasses...we will shop the show, because grandparents would try hard to get these kids graduated from high school"
IF there was any hope, am just glad they will be trying to get some other streaming service to pick the show up instead...but I will just see this show as dead and gone....because I don't want to get any hopes up...but if at anytime we see That '90s show picked up by "whatever streaming there is" I will be happy
But for now I'm so happy we got that classic intro song from these kids! I'll be replaying that tune for sure!
(Unless by Shop the show, he actually mean CHOP CHOP killing it off...LOL then damn...)
In part 2 episode 7 Nate is saying that he learned on Ducktales that gold melts faster then flesh. I think he means Ducktales Season 1 epsiode 5 because it's implied but I'm kinda unsure. Any thoughts?
someone said in the comments it was renewed upfront for four parts but not five for some reason so they reckon part 4 could be a single part
That's some Google AI shade right there 🤣
No seriously though, does Leia have friends in Chicago? She never seems to talk about them, but does seem to miss her Point Place friends when she goes back home.
I have a theory that Bruce met Red and the Formans in life at this point (90s). When he died, he became an angel and went back to Eric because, in life, he saw the outcome of his and Donna's relationship and it's effect on everyone else. Thoughts?
Speaking with The Wrap, That '90s Show star and director Laura Preppon said that the ending is intended to be "open-ended" by the writers due to the uncertainty surrounding its potential Part 4 (Season 3) renewal, admitting that she doesn't know "if the show is going to go longer" with a possible release of a Part 4:
"I don’t know if the show is going to go longer — I really hope it does, because the cast is wonderful … and crew is just phenomenal."
Preppon, who directed all eight episodes of Part 3, also said that she would love to "direct more [episodes]" and "be a part of [a potential] Part 4:"
"I’d love to direct more … and be a part of it, but I just don’t know what’s going to happen."
The That '70s Show alum also echoed the same sentiment when talking to The Hollywood Reporter, saying, “I really hope we get to do more.”
He was in the season 2 episode “Just a Friend” with Cole.
if you think about it Part 2 did well and Part 3 did worse, yet they are the same season, if they had released Part 2 and 3, all 16 episodes at once, Part 3 would do as good as Part 2, so if we think that way, I don't think it's that bad? Most people didn't even know a Part 3 was coming or was expecting to come in October and haven't even released a new one is back until they check netflix
So I got a little bit of hope, since Part 2 did well, Part 1 and 2 did well and I think netflix should see their mistake by looking at the lower viewer count of Part 3 compare to Part 1 and 2 and release the whole season instead of dividing it
I'm not saying it's going to go away but it's likely right now
I just hope they don’t take it off the app and tax write it off if it’s not renewed. Let it find a new audience that saves shows later on. Also lost media is bad for art community. So hopefully someone backs up these before they go bye bye ( it garenteed but we’ve seen it plenty of times especially during this economic plague atm)
Maybe put it up on archive dot org idk. Better safe then sorry. 😢 you know how companies are