
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance.

This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance.

This is an education subreddit. We are not medical doctors.

The Rules:

  1. Be respectful and civil in all posts and discussions.

  2. All posts must promote discussion and be specific to testosterone or testosterone replacement therapy.

  3. Do not ask for any specific medical recommendations. See a qualified physician instead.

  4. No links or posts for non-FDA approved testosterone-boosting supplements. Testosterone is a complex hormone and should only be prescribed and administered under the supervision of a physician.

  5. No source talk or discussions on street sources or UGLs (UnderGround Labs) of testosterone or other prescription drugs. Make sure you read the full definition of what this means because you will be banned for violating this rule on the first offense.


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Something strange happened when i took my medicine

I have been on trt for going over a year. I would say around 14 months and today something very strange i have never experienced before happened. I went to inject the 4cc’s that i routinely take twice a week. As soon as i pinned i pulled the needle out and it had an immediate strange sensation in my mouth. It felt like when your leg falls asleep but on the inside of my mouth. Like intense tingling on my tongue on the roof of my mouth. And then i started getting a metallic taste in my mouth. I sat down and then the feeling continued into my cheeks and around my eyes. I am so confused and wonder if i should go see a doctor.

1 Comment
01:59 UTC


450ng/d at 19 with low T symptoms. Is TRT bad?

Hi, I am 19 and have been facing low T symptoms for the past 3 years.

  • Low energy; My sleep is dialed, and after 9 hours of sleep, it's hard for me to get out of bed and I am sluggish the entire day
  • Sex drive has definitely decreased over the past few years, but is not non-existent by any means
  • Sexual function has decreased noticeably, particularly not being able to stay erect when pausing during intercourse
  • My dad (50) had levels the exact same as me before starting TRT a few months ago
  • Low motivation, I have been struggling to stay motivated and have motivation overall. I have diagnosed ADHD, and typically try to medicate my low-motivation with prescribed stimulants, but it doesn't work typically


  • Weightlifting 5 days/week for past 2 years
  • Sitting at 6'0 188 lbs ~12% BF, I figured the muscle would contribute to a boost in T
  • Drink alcohol 1x/week max

My naturopathic doctor put me on natural plant based T boosting supplements (helped slightly with sexual function, but not much else)

Additionally, I am taking Thyroid supplements which has helped fix my Thyroid levels on the tests.

I feel like an old man every day and I'm only 19. Lifts aren't as good as they used to. Little motivation to get stuff done and overall low energy. I know TRT is a life-long commitment, but I have no issue pinning 1-2x/week. Additionally, fertility is a concern, although to my understanding freezing sperm and HCG are viable solutions to that problem.

With this being said, is TRT at 19 too early? I want to feel like an actual 19 year old.

Test Results:

Cystatin C, Serum: 0.83 mg/L

Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy: 108ng/ml (I've since reduced my d3 intake from 15,000 iu to 10,000 iu daily)

Sed Rate: 8mm/hr

Free T4: 1.53ng/dL
T3 Total: 1.0ng/ml
TSH: 1.27 uIU/ml

Total Testosterone: 452 ng/dL
Free Testosterone: 2.2% or 101pg/ml

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 23nmol/L

Glyco Hgb (A1C): 5.1%

Cholesterol: 172mg/dL
LDL-Chol (Calc): 112 mg/dL
HDL-Cholesterol: 48mg/dL
non-HDL-Cholesterol: 124mg/dL
Triglycerides: 60mg/dL

1 Comment
01:54 UTC


Moving to urologist from TRT clinic

  1. M. 6’2” 205 lbs.

Went to a TRT clinic and my test was low. 230 total, free low, even estrogen was low.

I didn’t know the difference between a doctor and a clinic. I have health insurance and an appointment with a urologist this week.

Really the goal is to simply transfer what I was prescribed at the clinic to my doctor.

Anyone do something similar? will I need more bloodwork done? I simply want my insurance to pay for the medication rather than 200 dollars a month at a clinic. And also I’d like to be under the supervision of an MD and not a nurse practitioner.

I started taking 6mg of enclomiphene EOD, and have been apprehensive about starting TRT injections. I am wanting to slowly try everything and see how my body reacts, rather than starting to take enclomiphene, TRT and AI.

Any advice would be appreciated.

01:24 UTC


How much water weight?

Howdy I take a relatively normal dose for trt and have even done a bit of a higher dose, for awhile as an experiment (300) But never more than that a week.

Anyway what's the correlation between injecting T and water weight? I've seen that some take AI for that.

How much water can you go up to without ai?

I ask because my face is so puffy and my weight has consistently gone up and up ever since I started about a year and a half ago. Sure maybe a decent amount of muscle but it's not really visible. When I started I was at 150 and 1.5 years later I'm now 185. I'm just wondering if I have put on like 20 lbs of water. I look like a balloon now. 5'8" 33. 23%ish BF.

And yes I've tried a tiny amount of AI, but a lot of Dr's seem to think it's totally unnecessary bc you get rid of waste estradiol.

00:57 UTC


M22, Everything says its in the green but low libido?

1 Comment
00:40 UTC


QUESTIONS PLEASE - TRT cyp or Andro Gels? ALSO Other Questions - Thanks

QUESTIONS PLEASE - NEW considering TRT. I am a upper middle aged man. Had blood work last week T is 294 ng/DL and Free T is 12.5 pg/ml. Feeling weaker, low energy, muscle recovery stinks, LIBIDO is GONE lol it sucks getting older. Will be seeing PCP tomorrow.

  1. TRT - needles with cyp Rx or Andro gel Rx? Which is better? I read Atrevis Hydrogel is best? Suggestions?

  2. Need urologist to approve, correct? Can a regular PCP prescribe? I should be able to get PCP to authorize a Rx. Heck, guys are getting TRT in their 20s, 30s, 40s. I read somewhere here there is also TRT Nation.

  3. At this point all natural OTC are falling flat inluding DHEA, boron, hyped up T boosters on Amazon etc.

I walk alot and lift some weights. Thanks for input!

1 Comment
00:29 UTC


This okay levels for 30 yr old?

I work out pretty regularly, 3-4 times a week mixture of orange theory, ice hockey, and 5-7 mile walks.

Doc said completely normal number, but idk for 30 year old that seems low

23:29 UTC


Testosterone and feet

Why does it feel so good to wiggle my toes when my test is high

1 Comment
23:05 UTC


32yo blood test came back at 252ng. Any suggestions? Enclomid, clomid, Ex-T?

Went to get my testosterone levels as I have had a ankle injury that has taken quite some time to heal and stacked up alot of fat and mood issues so just wanted to see where I was at.
My levels are at 252 and the clinic offered 200mg weekly of testoserone $160 a month injections in office or clomid for $170 a month but asked if I wanted to have kids and explained the fertility issue with testosterone injections.
How valid are the fertility concernes of going with exogenous T. Are they reversible?
Also how valid are the concerns about optic eye nerve damage with clomid and enclomid and gyno with both testosterone injections and clomid or enclomiphene?
What are your guys suggestions on how to proceed. ?
I was able to source some enclomiphene from alpha star labs

More details
I have level 1 gyno since I was 12-13yo.
At 18 I experimented with 1 cycle of test c, some dbol cant remember exactly how much I did but I remember not being much to be on the safe side. Being a dumbass I didnt do any blood work.
Got up to 220lb at 18-20% body fat
Now I am not sure if I fucked up my levels 13 years ago or if I was always low on T since my gyno never went away and have had it since very young.

Gyno is not that concerning as it is level 1 so it might actually just be extra adipose tissue stored there I never got rid of. I've never been able to get under 16-20% body fat and have noticed it go down when I cut down on body fat so it might actually be psudogyno but my testosterone levels are currently at 252. Maybe my eating over the last 4 years?
I had a horrible diet for last 4 years and gained alot of weight and fat. Got up to 31% body fat 213lbs I've dropped about 8-10% in the last 2 month of getting back on diet and lifting. currently at about 200lbs at 21% body fat. Test was taken 3 weeks into this diet phase Im currently on.

Should I go get another blood test before starting anything, maybe my diet or lower body fat helped?

1 Comment
23:04 UTC


M8trix health opinion

Thinking of going with m8trix health can anyone give info on pricing or stuff they offer after dialed in. I see a lot of good post about them. Thanks

21:30 UTC


AI or Serms and what’s the difference

I have been developing some gyno and have a procedure already scheduled. Question is, is my e2 too high? My doctor wasn’t educated on gyno or why so I went and had a full lab done and I’ll get the ai or serms on my own.

I have been taking the 200 every other week like doc said but going to go to 100 a week or even split that up because I heard that helps.

Should I also take ai or serm to lower e2? My estradiol was 42.4 seven days after my jab. What’s the difference between ai and serms

21:04 UTC


Heart palpitations from TRT? caffeine related?

Anyone feel their heart palpitating? I think it may be increased caffeine intake too. My bloodwork looked great but my RBC was 5.95 in 11/2023 up from last year 5.68 around 11/2022. It’s been 6 months since then so I assuming it probably went up more since then. I’m 30 years old 5’8” 170 lbs extremely active and fit. It does worry me a bit and I am going to see a doctor but I’m just curious if anyone else has experienced this? I’ve been on TRT for 3 years now 140mg a week sitting at around 1050ng/dL. I have recently been consuming more caffeine than normal but still not an outrageous amount, probably 150-200mg daily. I can randomly feel my heart beat and sort of a squeezing feeling it’s only like once a day sometimes a few times per day. again I know I should see a doctor and get an EKG and probably donate blood to lower my RBC. Hematacrit and hemoglobin are within the normal ranges 50.5 and 15.9 respectively. Anyone ever experience anything similar? Never really felt something like this before recently started and been noticing it happen daily recently.


20:42 UTC


High testosterone, low everything else.

I’m timid, weak, constantly exhausted, I have no energy to do any activity, and I’ve struggled in the gym for half a decade. I have bad gyno despite never taking PEDs and being in my 20s.

I eat clean, do cardio and resistance training with plenty of rest (between 7-10h consistently) a few times a week, only recently slowing down because I’ve barely made progress. I’ve taken various supplements and discarded the ones that I responded negatively to.

So, I took a blood sample testosterone test. The results say I have well above average testosterone.

I have no drive, no ambition, no energy, lackluster physical results despite years of gym knowledge and correct execution.

Is there any possible reason as to why this might be the case? Is it depression (caused by half a decade of weakness and lack of virility despite my efforts), some hormone imbalance, maybe even some horrible disease that’s fucked my life because I’m unlucky?

I’m not trying to whine, I’m just hoping this is the right place to get some sort of answer. Fire away

20:32 UTC


Test and estrogen lvls at 17

Are my estrogen levels too high for a 17 year old? How can I lower them i want them in the 20-50 range. (I have a bit of gyno)

20:05 UTC


BS right? False reading?

Yeah my readings were 199-300 ON TRT until I started using moisturizer on top of 1.62% gel. I expected a jump but this just seems ridiculous. Everlywell -Molecular labs in WA. I feel like it may have jumped to 1000-1200, I certainly don’t have symptoms I would expect from this high a reading. Maybe a little more aggressive, anyone seen anything this high before?

19:54 UTC


At home blood test conundrum

Hello everyone. So I live in New York State, on e of the few that apparently doesn’t allow at home bloodwork. My insurance covers total testosterone, estradiol, cortisol etc, but not free testosterone or shbg as far as I know. I go to quest labs for my bloodwork. Does anyone else live in one of these states and what do you do to get around it? I believe my only option is to pay for free testosterone tests at quest, but it gets pricey.

1 Comment
16:46 UTC


Is TRT a good idea for me

I am 20 years old and have always had low testosterone while I was growing up. At 16 my levels were at 169 ng/dL and I didn’t experience much physical and genital growth until I was about 17. I recently got tested and my levels were at 409 ng/dL so not horrible but not satisfactory either. I do have symptoms of low testosterone such as low libido, erectile dysfunction, low/no appetite, trouble concentrating, and minimal muscle growth (I’ve been working out for 4 years and haven’t seen progress in 3 years). I’m miserable and my self image and confidence is shot because of this but I’m hopeful that trt might turn things around. What do you guys think

19:05 UTC


Low T is ruining my life at 20

Back in the day i used to be an energetic person when i was in my teens but i can’t find joy in doing the simple things in life such as having fun etc or family gatherings anymore. Low T is affecting my family relationships as i have low energy and have bad anxiety also and i can’t make an effort to have fun or communicate. Overall im just low on energy, low libido, low everything. i have attached my blood work i did a week ago.

19:04 UTC


Help dosing arimidex

So for my labs done, got high estradiol and I’m having trouble finding a guide on proper dosing and how to base that dosing off of the lab results.

18:51 UTC


Androgel no significant improvement almost a year? Baseline 4.7 nmol/L (135 ng/dl).

Overall I think my mood, libido, etc improved a bit (pseudo??) and I told my physician, they told me to keep monitoring for a bit more. Note: started TRT on 16 Sep. 19 Aug jump due to SARM intake.

18:21 UTC


I traveled to Russia with 2 vials of test, it was confiscated and now I’m going to be 2-3 weeks without hormones. How bad will it be?

Will my arms shrink like crazy? I plan to go back to Istanbul in a few weeks to at least inject sustanon for some time before re acquiring real test back in the states.

18:17 UTC


International travel and TRT injections

I recently started TRT. I'm 53 and me tested at 273 prior to starting this.

I travel quite a bit internationally, particularly SouthEast Asia and have concerns about trying to bring it with me.

Does anyone have experience going through customs in Asia or had problems with something like that?

This is my dose

PLAN:Start IM Testosterone (200mg/mL) 0.30mL Q3.5 days. (120mg/wk)

Start: HCG or Gonadorelin 25units once weekly subq on Testosterone injection day. 

17:54 UTC


Five months into TRT 40m

Good afternoon, I'm posting my blood results after some dose adjusting. I started out with 100mg a week and blood tests came back at 330TT, 31.9 Free, Bioavailable 71.2, SHBG 45. After talking to my doctor we raised it to 150 a week, i am doing 1 injection on Wednesdays. The result of last weeks bloods are posted. They were taken on the 6th day before injection.

I feel pretty good with plenty of energy and my mood is stable. I could definitely use more sleep but my life and career get in the way of that. I eat fairly balanced whole food diet, and I don't drink, My biggest concern here is the estradiol. I workout very consistently and have for most of the last 6 years. I DO NOT want gyno. What are your thoughts? I have an appointment with the doc in 3 weeks to discuss blood work.



1 Comment
17:29 UTC


Question about fertility

How long will it take to get back my fertility levels after being on only 60 mg of androgel a week? Thank you

17:10 UTC


Confusing blood test on higher dose

Confused by my blood work after a 13 week “blast” at 300mg/week.

Here is a dosing timeline to go along with the image. Listed total dose per week but always split across three doses M/W/F:

May 2023: results after 150mg/week TRT dose

Oct 2023: results after reducing to 120mg/week (thought levels from May could come down a bit)

Feb 2024: results after 4weeks of increasing to 300mg/week for “blast”

May 20214: results after ~13 weeks at 300mg/week (still pending results on E level)

So I am really confused why I saw such a small increase in my test levels when doubling my typical TRT dose for 13 weeks In fact, the only noticeable increase was my estrogen level. In fact, my free test was higher and estrogen considerably lower when on the lower TRT dose. Anyone have insight as to why?

The only difference I made in my injection schedule is that I typically hit my Left VG on Monday, Right VG on Wed, and rotate Delts on Friday. All shallow IM. On my blast dose I ONLY pinned my VG as my delts didn’t like the larger volume of oil. I am almost positive I’m hitting muscle on my VG injections but only thing I can think is that maybe I’m not and they are more SubQ and me not hitting my delts (which are definitely IM) made a difference

Any insight is much appreciated. Thanks!

16:50 UTC

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