Zoë's face subreddit
Welcome to Teddit
The all-splinking, all-sbarging synod of cute and funny bears.
No pants.
On /r/Tedbear, every post is considered a shitpost.
Prejudice towards other users' race, religion, sexual or gender identity will not be tolerated.
Use np.reddit.com for x-shitposts.
No politics. Posts with (poorly) hidden political agendas are not allowed and will be removed. However, posts with well-hidden agendas will not be removed - as the political messages embedded within would be subtle enough to evade detection.
It is not permitted to post actual TED talks unless it's about bears.
Official Instagram: @tedheads
Ted Bear
If you make Ted turn a head, you've done something REALLY crazy or REALLY stupid. In this case, I think it's fear. I mean, the teacher is screaming at his own penis.