Tatar language - Tatar tele
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Beztatarlar. ru
Which Tatar language is the guy using in the video? Crimean or the one from Tatarstan? It sounds very easy to understand.
I was wondering if we ever had our own script, something independent from Kiril, or Göktürk runes. If we never had our own, what would we base the script off?
Erkeklerniñ sünnetleri İslâmda keñ darqalğan ve bütün İslâm fiqh mektepleri tarafından yerleşken ameliyat olaraq qabul etilgen. Qırımtatarlarda sünnetni qayd etmek içün mahsus rituallar bar.
ingliz tilinde, Qırımtatar klubı aqqında:
Hi, does anybody of you know the Streak groups? There you commit yourself to write a small post in a language you learn and get corrected by a native speaker. You should always write as title "Streak 1" if it's your first post; and for the next post it's "Streak 2" and so on. If you miss a day you have to begin with "Streak 1" again. Many groups allow a day off without losing your strike. Such groups already exists for English, German and many other languages. Would be great if one could create a group for Tatar.
Here's an example for English:
There used to be a website with lessons on Tatar, seems to be no longer working, but I read somewhere in 2023 that it was going to resume operations soon-ish.
Website is https://anatele.ef.com/partner/anat/default.aspx but doesn't seem to recognize old users.
help plaseee
что-то на татарск what is the meaning , I understand the translation is something in Tatar but what is the context
Сәлам !
Мин татарча өйрәнәм ләкин хәзерге вакытта бу җырны бөтенләй аңларга өчен татар телем җитмий :,)
Интернетта сүзлерне таба аламадым, әгәр берсе аларны зинһар яза аласа мин бик рәхмәтле булырмын !
Hello! I'm 32 weeks pregnant and we don't know the gender. I need help finding some baby names for boys that are of arabic or Tatar origin that sound nice in English.
I am really looking for something very unique and not common so I want to stay away from the ( Zane, Zak, Iliyas, Idris, Amir, Sami, Adam...) I am half Jordanian and half Moroccan. My husband is Tatar. We are both muslim and love islamic names but know that people are very prejudiced and want to avoid something that is obviously muslim..
Just made a reddit account to ask this :)
Thank you all!!
Newspaper for Tatarstan 1911 or 1912. From what I've been told, printed in the middle East specifically for Tatarstan. You can see some Russian script as well. I have access to the whole newspaper if you're interested, let me know, I'll upload more.
Got a family photo from 1928. From a tatar side of the family. This is tatar in Cyrillic as well as I believe tatar in Arabic script. (and probably not Arab).
Юсуф and Нагиса are names. Help appreciated.
Тик Диләрәнең теләкләрен чынга ашыра-ашыра бу ремонтны тиз генә бетереп булмас дип уйлыйм әле.
I know, it means something along the lines:
But I still think that this repair can't be done quickly by fulfilling the dealer's wishes.
However, I still haven´t figure out how the different words are put together. I struggle particularly with the words чынга ашыра-ашыра. So a word for word translation would be welcomed. Thank you in advance.
i am working on a story with characters who speak tatar and was curious about pet names..........is there a tatar equivalent for things like sweetie, honey, sunshine, etc. like we have in english? romantic ones will probably work, but looking for more friendly/platonic nicknames. anything helps!
Is it Агач Урда (Google Translate)?
Because I think that the russia deserves to be called this term.
Need the Tatar language native for a small task. #urgent
I am a student at the University of Sunderland in North East England, and I am creating a crowdsourced project about Tatars.
I am not a Tatar (I am English), but my wife is a Tatar from Astrakhan, as are my children (but they all live back home in Russia), so I'm passionate about Tatar history, culture and language. For this reason, I want to create a project aimed at highlighting Tatars.
For the project, I am hoping to collect the views and opinions of Tatar people within and outside of the Russian Federation, about how they see themselves as Tatars. What does being Tatar mean to you? How do you express your cultural and ethnic identity? How do you see yourself within Tatar culture? Whatever you wish to talk about with regard to being Tatar, I would love to see your contribution.
This is about giving some voice to Tatars, not in a political sense but more about showing non-Tatars whom and what Tatars are, from the voices of Tatars themselves.
If you have any questions or contributions, please e-mail: tatarsspeakproject@proton.me or bh98gk@student.sunderland.ac.uk
Thank you very much for reading, and I hope to see your contributions.
Я студентка Университета Сандерленда на северо-востоке Англии и создаю краудсорсинговый проект о татарах.
Я не татарин (я англичанин), но моя жена татарка из Астрахани, как и мои дети (но они все живут дома, в России), поэтому я увлечен татарской историей, культурой и языком. По этой причине я хочу создать проект, направленный на освещение татар.
В рамках проекта я надеюсь собрать взгляды и мнения татар в Российской Федерации и за ее пределами о том, как они считают себя татарами. Что для вас значит быть татарином? Как вы выражаете свою культурную и этническую идентичность? Каким вы видите себя в татарской культуре? О чем бы вы ни говорили относительно того, что вы татарин, мне бы хотелось увидеть ваш вклад.
Речь идет о том, чтобы дать татарам некоторый голос, но не в политическом смысле, а скорее о том, чтобы показать нетатарам, кто и что такое татары, исходя из голосов самих татар.
Если у вас есть вопросы или предложения, пишите по электронной почте: tatarsspeakproject@proton.me или bh98gk@student.sunderland.ac.uk.
Большое спасибо за чтение, и я надеюсь увидеть ваш вклад.