A space for women and their suction cup dildos. NSFW
Posts are limited to pictures, videos, and gifs of women using suction dildos. Nothing against dudes who like to peg themselves but this isn't the sub for it.
Submissions must show a suction dildo in use...either vaginally or anally
No spam, soliciting, or self-promotion
No overused, pandering, shitty, or unoriginal titles. Titles should be statements, not questions.
Top-mining and reposts are forbidden. Please don't repost something posted elsewhere many times, it's already been on everyone's front page. Top-mining, reposting and overposting are bannable offenses.
Don't be a dick. Seriously, it's not that hard.
No poor quality/low res/edited/Photoshopped/filtered/stickered images
No dudes. Nothing against dudes who like to peg themselves but this isn't the sub for it.
DO NOT submit another user's Original Content. Violating this rule will result in a permanent ban