
Photograph via snooOG

Streetwear Meta - Feedback for /r/Streetwear

What is /r/StreetwearMeta?

We are a sub for providing ideas and feedback to /r/streetwear mods, and asking any questions about the sub/moderation. That's literally it.


1,793 Subscribers


What happened to the sub?

Is it closed?

1 Comment
12:14 UTC


Too many thirst posts

Some of the shit I see getting upvoted, man... what are the mods doing? Some of the shit I see is basically upvote farming, for something to be quote unquote streetware, it has to have an element of streetware, of course it's fine to have an overarching theme, but when you literally just wear cosplay or some shit that you'd never wear on the "street" should it be on the sub? I don't think so. I doubt this post will do anything, but it's so painful seeing the same crap on my feed everyday.

1 Comment
07:33 UTC


Upcoming Puff Print Drop and Concept - thoughts?

Upcoming Drop - ig: article.project . idea behind it was a camp for kids where they can learn how to print/design, kids would apply with a design/story and get accepted from that. each would get this as camp wear - this is just an idea but ill be releasing the hoodies and sweats in M-XXL(puff print).

here's image link https://ibb.co/hFHv7W5

17:35 UTC


Proposal to improve quality of submissions, and gauge subreddit opinion

Hey, been in and out of /r/streetwear since 2014. Honestly I've seen this place go through so many different phases as streetwear grew, with the startups, the WDYWT restrictions, etc.

I feel as if recently the overall quality of posts has been low, and the definition of the word, "streetwear" has been stretched to anything bought within the last 5 years.

I do like having WDYWT open to the whole sub. But most posts are just a single picture. I would encourage people to take multiple shots/angles - show off the clothes/fit - rather than try to pose.

Mainly though, I feel like anything and everything is being posted now. I'm not sure what the numbers are for you guys right now, but I'm guessing in the last year there's been an influx of new users in the sub, as well as new users who are new to reddit as well.

For content this has made it so that basically anything that's fashionable is upvoted, streetwear or not. I also think it's shifted the overall focus of the sub. Rather than discussions about new drops, designers, etc, the sub is basically an instagram feed of random redditors who decided to post here, along with 10 other fashion subs and their private social media accounts.

Then there are some older heads like me who comment "this isn't streetwear tho", and get accused of gatekeeping, being sexist, elitist, etc. But the thing i hear the most is:

#I see shit like this posted here all the time. Why is my post a problem?

And sadly I can't tell them they're wrong, I just have to tell them there's been a shift in quality, basically restating what I've mentioned above.

I think the best solution is we use a system that /r/insaneparents uses. Over there within the first 2 hours of a post, you can vote on a poll by the auto moderator stating if the post is insane, not insane (doesn't belong), or fake.

I feel like we should use a similar system, minus the time limit.

It would check for the username replying to the comment, as well as the vote to avoid duplicates.

The question would be "Is this post streetwear?" with the options streetwear, not streetwear, low effort

If the sum of votes for not streetwear and low effort reaches around 60-80% of the total, then the post is removed.

Let me know what you think, I know I've seen MrRikka here a lot, I feel as if the mods should see this and consider it. I think it's a good solution, and if majority of the sub has shifted to accepting anything and everything as streetwear, then so be it. I just want to give an equal voice to everyone so they can have a democratic say in the content of the sub.

21:47 UTC



please can someone know where can i buy some clasic grey baggy/oversized sweatpants for man??? I want them but i cant find any.....

17:25 UTC


Why no mirror pictures in WDYWT

If take pictures in front of my full length mirror which shows the whole outfit why can't I post it? Seems limiting to not allow pictures just because they are in front of a mirror, or am I missing something? Very new to the community so I might be missing something haha

19:29 UTC


How to post on WDYWT

I keep getting failed post for my post when posting to WDYWT. What are the steps to be able to post on there?

00:10 UTC


can we ban meme posts about Girls

they're all so bad, my god

10:07 UTC


why does there seem to be a disconnect from r/Streetwear and r/Streetwearstartup?

I've browsed both for a while now, and before they seemed to be well-paired(e.g. the styles, posts including clothes from startup, etc.). Now, whenever I browse either sub, they seem to be like two separate realms: r/streetwear seems to be mostly posts of expensive clothing which has moved onto newer fashion trends, whereas r/streetwearstartup seems to be more like what r/streetwear used to be in terms of style. Does anyone else notice something similar? If so, is there some underlying reason?

1 Comment
22:14 UTC


Banned for rule 3! (?)

I've recently been issued a ban, I can only assume that it is from 13ae thinking he is god.


i told him "fuck you" and i get a message saying "r3". which is "Don't be an asshole. This includes creepshots." Im fine with being banned for being an asshole (although ive said "fuck you" before with no punishment) but 13ae should be issued a ban and kicked from the mod team.

i dont know how saying "fuck you" is being assholeish while saying "your parents didn't put food on your table for 14 years for you to parade the fact that you have 20 operational brain cells on the internet." is not. along with the whole entire ban.

really "this ain't it chief" is banned? than he writes "u sure got me chief". i know its not the same thing but im sure if i were to post "this is it chief" i would be banned because of this rule

Mods playing gods smh, ive been in this community for a long and its a sad sight to see. if you agree with 13ae fine and ban me but i dont like the flex of power when nothing is wrong and 13ae is being a hypocrite. odd behaviour especially since he is one of the newer mods.

1 Comment
23:43 UTC


Rules for posting art?

I want to try drawing some streetwear looks! I read through the community info, but couldn’t find any rules/guidelines for posting original art.

01:23 UTC


Can we have a dedicated sub or thread for major city meetups?

It could be volunteer coordinated or just casual.

21:00 UTC


Comments about stuff not being streetwear?

So what have yall been thinking about all the comments on WDYWT posts saying an outfit isn't streetwear? Seems like there's been a ton of them recently and they've been a bit negative, just wanted to know what your guy's thoughts on them were.

20:00 UTC


ID Threads?

Need a piece ID'd but don't want it to be removed. Where's the thread?

20:15 UTC


When will the thread of the top wdywt's of the week be posted?


08:59 UTC


Looking for obscure clothing brands

Stuff like Riot Society or clothing similar to Ikigaisoul (but not them because they are reselling shit). Any good websites please post :)

02:19 UTC


Is it possible to search posts only with the ADVERT flair?

If not, is it possible to add?

00:08 UTC


Karma requirement to post?

Don't really post much, I just read stuff so I don't have much karma. Some of the other subs give an automod and says how much I need to post there. I've tried to start a couple topics on streetwear but they don't show up. Don't get any automod or anything about karma reqs, so just wondering if there was one.

03:20 UTC


How do you get whitelisted?

Just wondering...and how do you know who is whitelisted?

21:49 UTC


Really have gotten into Japanese street fashion were do I go for that.

So I really have gotten into Japanese/Korean street style/fashion recently. I just really like what it means, with all styles there are and the fits, it really resonates with me. The only issue is I don't know were to look for inspiration or for a community. In addition Asian street style is often overlooked or misrepresented by people due to stereotypes; I just want to find a place where nothing is misrepresented.

05:57 UTC


Why are so many post not shown on the subreddit?

https://www.reddit.com/r/streetwear/comments/7axshc/assassins_creed_origins_limited_edition_custom/ I posted this and somehow it didnt make the cut and appear in the "new" tab. Is there an explanation for this issue?

1 Comment
15:43 UTC


Nobody answers the general question thread

I post in the general questions thread, especially when I think its a simple question. The problem is, most posts are ignored in that thread. Even when I post something that I definitely wouldn't consider easily answered, it gets removed. Yet, when I have a question or thought that is not easily answered, I do a normal text post. But, it gets removed :/

And its not as if people are answering this in one sentence. It has multiple people answering with paragraphs and I can't find a good source on google or in the sidebar. The post will have good engagement and receive many long answers, yet it gets removed. And its always the same mod as well.

1 Comment
00:00 UTC


Weekly challenge wdywt

Would be interested to see if there is support for a weekly/monthly ‘challenge’ WDYWT’ where a theme is set and people have to submit fits based on that theme.

Could be simple like all black, denim jackets etc.

Would be good to see what everyone’s interpretations of a theme are as ‘streetwear’ is quite a wide genre.

Also, sounds like fun.


22:12 UTC

17:52 UTC


Request to ban supreme question threads.

Now that supremeclothing is whitelisted, streetwear is just turning into the overflow supreme noob question sub. 2 - 3 a day about payments, shipping, etc.

1 Comment
22:08 UTC


We Need To Lower The White-list Karma

It’s time to reconsider the whitelist criteria. It’s been months since the new WDYWT rule and the whitelist is growing far too slow, making r/streetwear very stagnant. The popularity of the sub just didn’t carry over to the mega thread like how it was expected to. 50 upvotes on an outfit 9 months ago wasn’t difficult but it is somewhat rare in the megathread. When I look at the current thread (For 9/4) it is 17 hours old and only 1 out of 45 posts has reached 50 upvotes. I also went through the first 100 hot posts (9/5 1:00am EST) and only 4% of posts were WDWYT. An overwhelming 84% are discussions. Ideally we’d probably like to see more even numbers all around but you can’t force people to make more art or find more news. However we can adjust the karma criteria to grow the whitelist and balance out WDYWT posts. This will make more content and help keep the low quality posts which are causing a lot of frustration in this sub further down. We need to use the mega thread and karma to find a balance so that the subreddit isn’t flooded like it used to be but also so it isn’t standing still like now.

Feel free to check my counting, sorry about the quality. I also re-categorized a couple if they weren't flared or if they were ID posts.

05:39 UTC


R/streetwear needs an overhaul

R/streetwear is incredibly boring. I wish I didnt have to rely on the sub to get my fashion fix, but I dont browse anywhere else, so im stuck there for now.

I tried figuring out why the subreddit isnt working-why our traffic has decreased tenfold over the course of about a year and a half, why I personally only go on the sub/submit something every week or two now (and that number is decreasing).

I have some possible explanations.

The moderators concentrate so ridiculously hard on removing all "low quality" posts, but don't realize this in itself is lowering the quality of the subreddit more than the posts themselves! When the only post that even makes it to the front page (because everything else is deemed "low effort" and gets deleted) is some dude saying "hey guys how do you get on Travis Scott's new website", it really turns me off to the subreddit and I stop going on for a while.

The nitpicking identity the moderators have taken on only allows extremely boring, drab posts to make it to the front page; this is because actively only one or two posts will happen to get the upvotes needed to be on the front page in the first place. This also discourages people to even try and post in the subreddit due of fear of their post getting deleted.

I hope you guys see how low our traffic has gotten... please realize, this isn't due to random chance. Something is NOT going right here.

Some suggestions:

-Stop deleting "low effort" posts, unless you want to literally run the subreddit into the ground. Regardless of your own personal opinion. Let the subreddit filter these posts for you with upvotes and downvotes. That's what they're for.

-Implement a day of the week (Streetwear Sunday?) Where posting these low effort, low quality posts is acceptable, at the very least this will draw more people on one day of the week. This includes and emphasizes memes.

-Encourage people to post and upvote; it just is amazing that we have almost 400k subs and only a very very small fraction of them take the time to even come on the subreddit anymore.

This debacle on what quality is or not is ridiculous. Firstly, quality is extremely subjective. Secondly, I for one would love to see funny or interesting posts reach the front page over the lifeless dribble that reaches the front page now. YES this includes a picture of a sink. If the community has upvoted it, then it has been deemed quality by the community. This is the point of Reddit's clever upvoting and downvoting features, and is a part of why Reddit is in the social media powerhouse position it's in; users submit digestible content to which gets upvoted or downvoted based on mass-user discretion. Whether you agree with me or not on this, you are destroying the community because of these pointless hangups on quality.

I've been thinking about these ideas for awhile, but what spurred this is my own post actually getting deleted when I finally gave the subreddit an earnest chance (tonight). It went bad, and I think it's just the perfect analogy for the subreddit's trajectory and I'd love to see it improve as much as you guys.

Thanks for reading. Written on mobile.

1 Comment
06:49 UTC


Why do so many new shady accounts post here?

It seems like lots of spammers trying to whitelist themselves with the reddit filter posting nonsense pics here.

Is there lots of scam sales?

20:54 UTC



Could you post r/FearofGod in recommended subreddits? it would really help boost the community, and I'm sure many are interested in it as it is streetwear.

15:27 UTC


Can we get a weekly "I painted____ or I made _____" thread.

Tired of seeing people post what they made, any one can buy a denim jacket from the thrift and paint on it. Lets make a thread so that they can all post in one place.

16:58 UTC

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