
Photograph via snooOG


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12,074 Subscribers


Can someone give the recipe for Java chip frap for a grande size? I forgot since I haven’t been working for the past 1 month and 1/2

Java chip frap and chocolate cookie crumble *

20:20 UTC


Someone brought their CALF through the drive through today!!!

23:06 UTC


Staffing Model

Hey there. Curious to hear what Starbucks model is for staffing. Is there a formula or specific guidance, or is it more subjective?

14:49 UTC


John Oliver on essential workers

19:38 UTC


Tips and tricks

Hey y’all! I’m a new partner at Starbucks (barista) I was wondering if you could give me any tips for all positions Some comments: DTO - have a little bit of trouble listening and remembering all the little things people ask for! Since I’m not so fast yet I usually forget by the time I find the button!! Bars cold & hot - I know everyone might say it’ll come with practice but any tips or tricks to be faster? Or any other tips like I know some people use Monday instead for the cold foams CS - anything you can add Restock - anything you can add

21:15 UTC


Spotify isnt actually free for us..?

So on my 2 week paycheck I noticed an $8 fee labeled

"Spotify imputed"

I hate to sit here nickel and diming, but in the month Ive had it activated they've taken $16 from me. A sub only costs $10.

22:27 UTC


Quarantine Art...since I have time, why not.

23:28 UTC


ASU question

So I’m not sure I’m 100% understanding everything about the ASU benefit. Is it free? What I understand is is have to pay for a % but they’ll refund that???

18:04 UTC


Crossed from another group. This seems invaluable right now

1 Comment
23:22 UTC


Opting out

Pretty much everyone at my store is opting out after this week except a few people so they are bringing in a new store manager and combining three stores to keep our store open because we are getting a lot of business. I’ve decided to opt out to because honestly I just can’t wear a mask for the next month and bar! If i didn’t have to wear a mask I might have stayed but walking around in a store wearing a mask for 30 mins while I shop is totally different than wearing on while I bar for hrs straight. I can’t breath!

21:02 UTC


Rumor has it...

Is it true that SMs get a bonus if their store remains open or they bring partners back to re-open?

08:17 UTC


Cold brew masks...

Anyone else confused at the masks made out of coffee filters we are being required to wear? The filters are most definitely not going to keep anything in or out 🤦‍♀️🤬

01:18 UTC


Can I refuse service to a specific customer?

We all know that first responders can get a free tall hot/iced coffee or $2.15 off their drink. Well we have a situation with a hospital staff that gets two tall white mochas with an extra shot. Every time she comes through our drive-thru, she says our store manager says she gets it for free. However, when we talked to our store manager, she said she gave that drink free at the moment which created a misunderstanding because now this customer thinks she entitled to a free drink every time. Not only that she thinks her friend’s drink (the second white mocha) should be free as well even though she’s not present in the car. Today the customer argued with us that it was supposed to be free. We tried to compromise with her saying her drink can be free but not her friend’s drink and she immediately started cussing at us. Unfortunately our store manager wasn’t in the store to talk to her so I ended up charging her for the one drink with the discount. But now my store manager is saying she basically won’t deal with it. How is this fair to the rest of the nurses, doctors, or other first responders that actually pay for their drink and are just grateful for even having a discount? Can I refuse service or somehow convince my store manager to stop enabling bad behavior for this customer? It sucks because it feels like she’s not sticking up for us

17:32 UTC


Getting to my job takes half my paycheck

For the last 3 years, I've mostly worked at a store that was close enough that I could walk. If I ended up working at a store that was further away, there was a bus that I could take and I would get a ride home from my family. For the last few months I've been working at a store that's 4 miles or so away from my dorm. It's too far away and there's no bus so I've been taking an uber or a Lyft which would take between $10-14 each way. One of my superiors told me I don't qualify for reimbursement but it's really expensive and I don't know what to do about it. It's gotten slightly more expensive now that most of the stores are shut down and the $3 pay increase is probably not worth it. I don't want to just drop suddenly but its starting to stress me out. Who can I talk to about this?

02:31 UTC


Question about CAT pay.

Hey y’all 7 year partner and supervisor down in the SoCal area. As things continue to get worse was wondering as most of us are about taking the CAT pay. I’m scared/curious about how it will effect my standing at my store. My store has remained open and already lost 20 or so employees who have chosen to stop working but I’m scared if I stop when I come back things may be different. Honestly it’s the only thing keeping me working. Any one know any policies or laws to help me out or who I should reach out to talk about these concerns ?

06:41 UTC


i haven’t really mastered latte art but did this the other day and was proud. the lady at drivethru loved it (:

1 Comment
22:53 UTC


A little art for the flat white

1 Comment
13:55 UTC


What inconsiderate human would order a pour over 2 till close during a rush? Thank you for thinking of your local barista

02:24 UTC


we are essential :)

1 Comment
16:50 UTC


Partner markout on Uber eats?

Can I use my partner markouts on Uber eats orders?

16:46 UTC


Catastrophe Pay and Unemployment


I'm getting catastrophe pay for Starbucks but the amount I earn is below the benefit amount for unemployment. I'm trying to figure out how in the world to report catastrophe pay to the unemployment people, even though it's not actually worked wages? I'm not trying to commit fraud, it's just that Starbucks is my side job and my other job went completely under and I'm not making enough money from catastrophe to get by.

23:51 UTC


Ma'am we haven't had that drink in years

06:53 UTC


Stay at home order?

My state just got the official "stay at home" order until June 10th and my home store is currently closed because we are a cafe store, has the "stay at home" order effected anyone's home store from reopening at the original date? My store is supposed to reopen April 6th. Thanks in advance for your input & please stay safe 💚

22:14 UTC


Question from a returning barista

Hi, this is my first post here. I am a seasonal barista, and I just went back to work since my college shut down and I’m back in my home town. The Starbucks I work at is in a grocery store, so it is very busy right now. Our store manager got fired for trying to close the store along with the other Starbucks in the country, so our store is being run by high schoolers basically, and they have no plan for a replacement yet. I was thrown into a closing shift yesterday with no information on any new protocol. My main question is, are there new sanitation rules for the pandemic? I understand obviously washing hands regularly and definitely after handling cash or the register, but should I wash hands between every single drink I make? Or is there anything else new that I should know about? No one at my store has a clue right now. Thank you in advance!

18:33 UTC



Honestly I just need to rant. I know I’ll get downvoted. But f*** it.

I’m over everything. I’m over the people who aren’t really scared but taking this time as a vacation. I’ve worked 55 hours this week. I’m not salary, i am a sm, i haven’t gone on the 30 days even though I’m fucking terrified because my team is still working. I’m not gonna abandon them. But fucking sucks that I’m working my ass off and I’m exhausted. I worked SEVEN DAYS this week. SEVEN. Have some mercy on me. I’m here for my partners, but let me know in advance if you’re taking this time. Jesus Christ. I’m not super woman. I have a 3 month old at home. I’m here because I love my partners, and Im not gonna leave them hanging. But fuck I’m tired. Public service announcement : I’m just as terrified and scared and shit but I’m lucky to have a job. All of my siblings got laid off.

💔 Edit: in California sms are NOT salary. We are HOURLY

01:50 UTC


After the 30 days?

TL/DR: Will we be given benefits and/or pay AFTER the 30 days if home store is closed and most others have no open shifts?

Hello all, I’m an SSV at a store that closed down the same day we were allowed to take the 30 day leave in California.

I love working with Starbucks, and have been for almost 3 years, but every single person I ask gives me the same answer: I don’t know or just no answer at all. The partner hub just gives a generic bot answer to call partner relations. All I would like to know is whether or not people in my situation will be paid after these 30 days if my store is still shut down and if we will still receive benefits like my health insurance and my free schooling.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not expecting to be paid to do nothing at my house and I've already taken steps for unemployment, job searches, and will tell SMs I’m willing to take shifts, but the not knowing for a lot of my team is really hard and because of what’s going on, there’s a lot more that’s unknown than what’s actually known.

Thank you for your answers in advance, stay safe and clean y’all.

01:34 UTC


Cat pay / LOA??

I requested an LOA about a week before they started offering cat pay. I was sent home from college and literally had no way that I could work. I haven’t submitted the LOA form yet and honestly I might just not submit it and quit whenever they follow up with me because I don’t have the energy to handle this right now (and there’s not really a benefit to staying on leave for me since I was planning to leave at the beginning of summer anyways). Is there any way for me to get Cat Pay though? I was just going to live on savings for a few months before my summer job started but the Cat Pay would be nice given that I was forced to leave because of Corona.

What should my next steps be? Right now the plan is to just not worry about Starbucks and handle everything else in my life, and when someone follows up with me I’ll just say I need to step down...?

1 Comment
16:55 UTC



1 Comment
06:52 UTC

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