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Is it possible for Vulcans to see people's dreams through touch or a bond?

I can't find anything about it, so I'm assuming no, but I thought I would ask y'all, if you don't mind. Thank you so much!

21:56 UTC


Fun With Trekkie Customers

I work at a gas station and try to have fun with customers by making a name tag that says something funny. So far peoples favorites have been: Big Toad, Uncle Wizard, and Half Alien.

When I put on one that said Klingon, I didnā€™t get a peep. When I had Cardassian, one person mentioned it briefly saying it was awesome.

But the best interaction Iā€™ve had with a customer is when I put on Ferengi. It was this extremely tall man, like easily 6ā€™2ā€, older dad looking fellow. Looked like he loved mowing his lawn, throwing down a mean dawg on the grill, generally a nice and friendly guy. He leans in and asks what I think of ST Prodigy and when I said I havenā€™t gotten that far he let out a huge gasp! Iā€™m trying to work my way through ST in order and Iā€™ve been dragging my feet on TNG because I canā€™t bare to part with my favorite characters. Dw, Iā€™ve started DS9 and slowly Iā€™m getting into it.

He starts gushing about STP and tells me exactly what order I need to watch in, and how much Iā€™m going to love every show Iā€™m about to watch. This was the joy I was looking forward to sharing! My only regret was not telling him about how excited I am for ST Starfleet Academy. I just wanted to share this joy with yā€™all.

My next ST race Iā€™m going to sport is Bajoran, and Iā€™m so excited to see what Trekkies cross my path. Any niche ideas for Star Trek name badges I should try?

Bonus question cause I really want to know: Whatā€™s been an interaction with a Trekkie yā€™all have had thatā€™s stuck with you? LLAP šŸ––

21:27 UTC


Where to go from here? Newbie looking for next suggestions


So Iā€™ve always loved sci fi, but never got into Star Trek till recently cause I found the amount of stuff daunting. But I thankfully started and love it. I started with TNG, loved it so much. Then DS9, also loved it. Then started Lower decks, but a lot of the jokes require knowledge of the original series so I stopped. But I started the original series, and couldnā€™t get past the 2nd episode. Please donā€™t hate me for this, but I just couldnā€™t get into it. The reasons would require a lengthier post I donā€™t feel like getting into. Got into Voyager, almost done. Love it. Looking for suggestions for next things to watch. Thinking the movies first, maybe itā€™d make me appreciate the original series first. Try again for original series? Or try one of the newer ones like strange new worlds? Thoughts?

21:16 UTC


Question about Equinix epiodes and hiw this would have been a good watch

Let's say the Equinox ship survived, do you think Voyager would be a more interesting show if the the final seasons were Janeway trying to get too ships home safely. Maybe chakota became captain of Equinox, bringing more side characters in, the maquie, star fleet and star fleet officers awaiting north marshal all coming together to work together, showing the inner conflicts of three crews trying to become one

21:16 UTC


What if two Federation Akira class star ship end up in the Delta Quadrant with USS Voyager

If two Akira class Federation Star ship were looking for the USS Voyager, USS EquinoxĀ and find the caretaker's array and got catch in it and were transportedĀ them to the Delta Quadrant right before Voyager destroys the array stranded 4 ships in the Delta Quadrant how would things change now that USS Voyager is not stranded alone

Now with USS Equinox join them that means the episode What You Leave Behind never happened.

How would the timeline change in the Star trek universe.

20:25 UTC


Were Admiral Leyton, Captain Maxwell and Lt. Riker all vindicated ?

I haven't seen this topic come up in a while so let's talk about it. Based on everything that happened during the Dominion War and specifically the battle of the Omarion nebula were these men correct but used bad methods or were they right all along ?

19:54 UTC


Blind Spock

What do you think how the story would have developed if Spock remained blind after ā€žOperation annihilateā€œ?

18:56 UTC


Building laptops for work...

All the laptops are going to go into our nursing care coordinator's training room so all the hostnames will begin with NCC-

You think I'm done? I checked what room number it is. You guess it, it's (Building)-17

Yeah, I could have gone with NCC-1701, NCC-1702, etc.. or NCC-1701A, NCC-1701B, etc..

1 Comment
18:08 UTC


Second part of my chronology order (As of July 2024) Includes TNG/TNG Films/DS9/VOY/LD/PRO/Short Treks/Kelvin Films/PIC

(TNG S:1)

  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:1-4)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:13)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:7-8)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:6)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:11)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:16)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:15)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:5)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:19)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:18)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:20)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:17)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:10)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:14)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:9)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:21)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:12)
  • The Next Generation (S:1, Ep:22-26)

(TNG S:2)

  • The Next Generation (S:2, Ep:1-4)
  • The Next Generation (S:2, Ep:6)
  • The Next Generation (S:2, Ep:5)
  • The Next Generation (S:2, Ep:7)

(TNG S:2-6, DS9 S:1)

  • The Next Generation (S:2-6, Ep:8-11)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:1-5)
  • The Next Generation (S:6, Ep:12-13)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:6)
  • The Next Generation (S:6, Ep:14-15)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:7)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:9-13)
  • The Next Generation (S:6, Ep:16-19)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:14)
  • The Next Generation (S:6, Ep:20-22)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:15)
  • The Next Generation (S:6, Ep:23)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:16)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:8)
  • The Next Generation (S:6, Ep:24)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:18)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:17)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:1, Ep:19-20)
  • The Next Generation (S:6, Ep:25-26)

(TNG S:7, DS9 S:2)

  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:1-2)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:4-5)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:1-5)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:3)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:6)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:6-7)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:7)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:8)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:8-9)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:9)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:11)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:10-13)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:10)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:13)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:12)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:14-15)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:15)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:14)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:16)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:16-17)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:17-18)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:18-19)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:19-21)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:20-21)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:22)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:22-23)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:23-24)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:24)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:2, Ep:25-26)
  • The Next Generation (S:7, Ep:25-26)

(DS9 S:3, VOY S:1)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:1-7)
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:1-2)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:8)
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:3-4)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:9-14)
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:5)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:15)
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:6)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:16-17)
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:7-8)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:18-19)
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:9)
  • Generations
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:10)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:20-21)
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:11-12)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:22-23)
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:13-14)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:24-25)
  • Voyager (S:1, Ep:15-16)

(DS9 S:3-4, VOY S:2)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:3-4)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:3, Ep:26)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:1-2)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:5)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:1-2)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:6-7)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:3)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:8-9)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:4)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:10)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:5-6)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:11-12)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:7-13)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:13-16)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:14)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:17-21)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:15-16)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:22)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:17)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:23-24)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:18-20)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:25)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:4, Ep:21-26)

  • Voyager (S:2, Ep:26)

(DS9 S:5, VOY S:3)

  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:1)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:5)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:7)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:1-3)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:2-3)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:6)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:6-7)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:4)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:8-9)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:8-10)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:10)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:11)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:11)
  • First Contact
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:12)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:12-14)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:13)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:15-16)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:14-15)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:17)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:16-18)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:18)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:19-21)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:19-20)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:22)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:21-23)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:23-24)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:24)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:25)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:25)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:5, Ep:26)
  • Voyager (S:3, Ep:26)

(DS9 S:6, VOY S:4)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:1-2)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:1-2)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:3-4)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:3-4)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:5-6)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:5-6)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:7)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:7-8)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:8-9)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:9-10)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:10-11)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:11-12)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:12)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:14)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:13-14)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:13)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:15)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:15-16)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:16-17)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:17-18)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:18-19)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:19-20)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:20-21)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:21)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:22-23)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:22-23)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:24-25)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:24-25)

  • Voyager (S:4, Ep:26)

  • Deep Space Nine (S:6, Ep:26)

(DS9 S:7, VOY S:5)

  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:1-4)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:1-3)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:9)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:5-6)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:4-8)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:7-8)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:9-10)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:10)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:11-13)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:11-13)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:14-15)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:14)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:18)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:16-17)
  • Insurrection
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:18)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:15-16)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:19-20)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:17)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:19-21)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:22-23)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:22)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:21)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:23-24)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:24)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:25)
  • Deep Space Nine (S:7, Ep:25-26)
  • Voyager (S:5, Ep:26)

(VOY S:6-7)

  • Voyager (S:6, Ep:1-5)
  • Voyager (S:6, Ep:7)
  • Voyager (S:6, Ep:6)
  • Voyager (S:6, Ep:8)
  • Voyager (S:6, Ep:9-11)
  • Voyager (S:6, Ep:15)
  • Voyager (S:6, Ep:12-14)
  • Voyager (S:6, Ep:16-26)
  • Voyager (S:7, Ep:1)
  • Voyager (S:7, Ep:3-4)
  • Voyager (S:7, Ep:2)
  • Voyager (S:7, Ep:5-26)
  • Nemesis

(LD, PRO, ST S:2, Ep:6)

  • Lower Decks
  • Prodigy
  • Children of Mars (Short Treks)


  • Star Trek (2009)
  • Into Darkness
  • Beyond


  • Picard
17:16 UTC


Prodigy Lip Synching Bad.. is it only me?

No one else seems to ever talk about this so I feel like it's somehow just me. The lip syncing of the voices to the animation feels off to me in this show. Like delayed by 1/4 or half a second. It really pulls me out of the show, which is a bummer because i'm otherwise really enjoying it.

I don't have audio synch problems on any other show, so I don't think it's my setup.

I noticed it in season one on Paramount Plus originally, and I assumed "well paramount plus just sucks" - but with season 2 on netflix.. I am still seeing the the same issue. We don't have any sound synch issues on any other shows on netflix either.

Am I crazy? Has anyone else noticed this?

16:45 UTC


Which Star Trek TNG character would you most want to be friends with?

Iā€™d pick Data. Easy choice. Heā€™s wholesome, kind, and funny in a pure way, and likes cats. Heā€™s very knowledgeable and heā€™d be super fun to hang out with (despite what he might say) and wouldnā€™t be judgmental the way other people can be.

16:21 UTC


Star Trekā€™s Perspective on Humanity is Bumming Me Out These Days

I'm watching "Dear Doctor" from ENT. During the episode Phlox is repeatedly struck by the raw compassion and empathy that humans have as he records letters to his pen pal. It's been over 20 years since the first season of ENT and it's hard to watch. The human situation worldwide is rapidly deteriorating. Where it matters there is almost no compassion, just hatred. I'm starting to believe that humanity ever evolving is just simply not possible. It's just not in our nature to be rational, kind, selfless and compassionate, at least for the type of human who ends up in a leadership role. Thoughts?

15:37 UTC


New Trek Fan Here

Finished TOS and working my way through the movies now and I just need to say how absolutely wonderful Wrath of Khan is. I know I'm definitely beating a dead horse but this movie just completely encapsulated me in a world I already love to the absolute maximum. I cannot wait to check out what the rest of this franchise has to offer. Star Trek is so cool, man.

05:46 UTC


Saving Lower Decks

Recently, the entire first season of LD was posted to the Paramount Plus YT channel. I feel if more of us watched it, the view time and watch count would show the decision makers that we want the show to continue. Just an idea.

13:47 UTC


I'm watching Star Trek Enterprise and...

I'm havging a real hard time to connect to Jonathan Archer.. I don't know if this is bad writing or I'm just having trouble because I keep comparing him with other captains, but I fail to let him have some credit.
And the show bible seems to have some nice ideas about the character, but I strggle to see them portrayed on the screen. Archer iss supposed to have a background in engineering, but don't demonstrate that, he don't seems to have any particular set of skills and I'm kinda annoyed of how he's so antagonizing with other crew members.

So I'm asking: Why Archer? Besides the point of his father being important in the procces of developping warp travel. What makes him a good captain and a good character for you?

[p.s.: Currently I'm pass mid 3rd season]

10:33 UTC


Tuvok to Paris (with indignant love):

ā€œmy wifeā€™s ears are 4 cm shorter than the facsimileā€ - post pon far

06:06 UTC


Video of how fans react to the different music pieces of Star Trek

I need help finding a meme I remember which is a video compilation of how fans might react to the different themes and music pieces.

I only remember that for Undiscovered Country's sign off music it showed a guy saluting and then jumping in a pool

04:48 UTC


Help finding a TNG meme!

I suddenly just remembered a meme I saw a few years ago on YouTube. Forgot what it was called, but it involved a guy taking a mini Enterprise-D, smashing it, throwing it into the toilet, and giving it the finger while singing the TNG theme. I cant find it on YouTube. Does anyone else remember this video?

04:22 UTC


Rank all the main characters of TNG from your favorite to least favorite

Hereā€™s mine: 1) Data 2) Worf 3) Picard 4) Geordi 5) Riker 6) Troi 7) Beverly 8) Wesley

02:57 UTC


My new desktop setup at work

Canā€™t post an image or link to Imgur, so Iā€™m putting it in the comments.

01:48 UTC


Captain Kirk Fight Scene Music

Anywhere I can find it? Apple Music, YouTube, other resource?

I need intro music for my next event

01:37 UTC



Is anyone else annoyed that the New York Times Spelling Bee puzzle for today didnā€™t allow the word THOLIAN as a pangram? I mean, WTF?!

01:18 UTC


Odoā€™s going to the dark side arc at the beginning of season 6

Whatā€™s your take on Odo when he gets manipulated by the Female Founder in season 6? Was he even manipulated? Kira thought so.

I always hated this because the Female Founder walks into Odoā€™s life once again and thinks she can be with Odo. I always felt Odo should have stood his ground by saying several things to her:

1.) what would have happened to him if the Defiant blew up in the events of ā€œThe Adversaryā€. He would have died too.

2.) If the Jem Hadar would have blown up him and Garak in ā€œThe Die is Castā€, and if the Female Changeling found out, what would her reaction be?

If Odo would have pointed that out to her and then told her to basically get lost, I think that could be interesting because now he has turned in back on her and the rest of the Founders.

23:00 UTC


Challenge: say something nice about Spock

I saw a few challenges on here asking people to something nice about X so I thought Iā€™ll ask you all do it for Spock.

22:56 UTC

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