Squirrel Girl is a light-hearted and friendly superhero in the Marvel Universe. She has the powers of a Girl and the powers of a Squirrel! She loves hanging out with her friends, doing computer progamming, fighting crime, meeting new squirrel friends and KICKIN' BUTTS and EATING NUTS!
Was bored after finishing the exercises so I got three of my pens and tried drawing Doreen from memory!
Would you like to see the character introduced in Marvel Phase 6?
Try to think about basic things like the game genre, the villain, game mechanics or whatever you want!
Was she born in canada or los angeles? Google gives me 2 answers, can’t decide if shes canadian or American…
I haven’t gotten far into it, but it’s been in my list. Worth it?
Ever since I even knew that Squirrel Girl existed, I've been waiting for a movie. Maybe a TV show, or even an appearance in another show. I got one episode of "Meet Spidey and his amazing friends", called "Meet Squirrel Girl" and she got added to a few marvel mobile games, but that's just not enough for me! We need a whole show, and movie, and more merchandise, that revolves around SG and her friends! She was in a show called "Rising" about Ms. Marvel, Miles, Ghost Spider, Squirrel Girl, and other small characters. I think we need a movie, but what do you think?
I've been re-reading The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl lately and Issue #31, the hypertime issue, piqued my interest. It's always been my favourite issue in terms of the story, but I was wondering what speed Doreen and Nancy were actually travelling at, and if this was accurate with the times written in the issue itself. So I made a few measurements but realised that this was basically an impossible task. So instead I went on to Desmos and made basically a calculator for how many hours would pass in real time for how many years pass in hypertime, and vice versa. I made all my calculations pretty much based off of three panels, which I will attach pictures of below. The slider variables are how fast the bullet is travelling through those panels, and how long Doreen and Nancy's conversation lasts when they are looking at the bullet.
Real time to hypertime calculator: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/txa1kj2scv
Hypertime to real time calculator: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/kvrpv3ub7q
I have a 2 yr old daughter who LOVES squirrel girl and tippy toe. I’ve had a really hard time finding toys or books for her age group. She is such a fun and wholesome character and I feel like she is terribly underutilized. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated l, thanks!
I'm looking for comics that take the character at least somewhat seriously. I'm enjoying this run, but it's very short. I've tried the recent solo stuff and it's just not my cup of tea. Teams, solo runs, brief team ups, I'm desperate for that doesn't treat her entirely as comedy.