A place to post all the spoons you create.
Spoon spoon spoons spoon
A decorative pocket spoon I carved a few years ago from a fallen branch of a cypress tree. It was in need of a bit of care. A little linseed oil and beeswax and it will be as good as new.
Hello fellow Spooners!
Anyone used Odie's oil to finish their spoonies? I'm looking at the Odie's super duper oil as it's thinner.
I'm not sure how well it holds up. To repeated use etc.
Right now, I usually apply 5-7 coats of 100% pure tung oil. Only downside is the cure time and there's still that nutty smell even after 6 months. Its more bothersome on eating spoons.
Spalted maple wood.
After a bunch of input and ideas from folks here, I put together a first pass on a handle for the hook knife blade I picked up last week. Tapered toe to heel in both axes, faceted on all edges, variable front to rear. The blade (iron?) is burned in, but not epoxied yet, until finishing is done (mental note: use MAPP gas next time, propane not nearly hot enough…). The points behind the blade feel reasonable for different grips (near as I can tell - needs proving out). Rounded over the facets a bit in sanding intentionally, they felt sharp in my hand. Pretty sure they’re going to meet my handle makers rasp in the near term anyway. First coat of tung oil applied; second, then waterlox, forthcoming. Need to start the handle for the Sloyd knife, but that may be a weekend project.
Finished this morning. My first actual cooking spoon I’ve made, very happy with how it turned out
My GF had an olive tree fall, so i cur some of it. This is my first attempt at carving green wood. Any pointers, and or constructive criticism is welcome.
Ehh not to shabby for my first spoon
Hi, all -
Fixing to start in on handles for the two knife blades I’ve recently received (hook and Sloyd). I have the shape of the handles cyphered out, at least for a first pass. I’m curious, though: I see tools with faceted handles and those that have been completely rounded on the edges. All the hand tools I’ve used or made have had rounded handles (chisels, planes, saws, spokeshaves). So I’m inexperienced as to the alternate. Which do y’all use and/or prefer?