Welcome to the Soviet Union comrades. We here enjoy basking under the Sun of Communism instead of shivering in the Capitalist Cold.
Please refrain from any posts and comments which can put our community at risk. "Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned". Please report any such posts or comments. This is a Reddit rule, not a sub rule.
Posts containing racist, sexist or homophobic content will be removed and result in a ban.
Be kind and courteous. No racist, religious, ethnic or sexist attacks. No attempts to divide the proletariat by race, religion or gender.
Advocating, sympathizing with, or otherwise holding the view of any fascist tendency is strictly prohibited.
No Liberalism or Social Democracy. No promotion of liberal or social democratic candidates, ironic or otherwise.
Bans are at moderator discretion.
No calling for violence.
China, Cuba, Vietnam and Belarus are critically upheld in this place. Any derogatory comment/slander will be met with a ban-hammer.
Countries experiencing the Pink Wave 2.0 in Latin America are considered allies of the international communist movement and, as such, any comments/posts slandering them are considered as "toxic" and will be removed ASAP.
Warsaw Pact countries were allied to the Soviet Union, and as so no slander against them will be tolerated in this space.