
Photograph via snooOG

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Feeding sourdough twice a day, rises very slowly

I’m trying to feed my sourdough starter twice a day, once every 12 hours, but it takes about 8 to 10 hours to rise. So when I go to feed it it’s usually at its peak or has fallen back down only slightly. Is it okay to feed it before it’s completely fallen?

1 Comment
23:51 UTC


Am I doing it wrong?

I’ve been feeding my sourdough starter once a day with a 1:1:1 ratio (flour, water, starter) and keeping it at room temp. It bubbles on top but hasn’t been rising much. It’s day 11—am I doing something wrong or does it just need more time? Any tips?

1 Comment
23:46 UTC


My first sourdough!

I named my starter Boe, Boe the Sourdough.

This is my first bread-boe!

23:38 UTC


How does the crumb look?

This was my best loaf after 2 years. I’ve struggled with really dense loaves. This one was so much softer and fluffier than all the others!

125g starter 500g all purpose flour (King Arthur) 12g salt 350g water

I did a few s+f, total bf was about 11 hours in a 70/72f kitchen overnight. Baked at 450 for 25 then uncovered for 40 mins because the crust wasn’t as dark as I like. Usually I do bread flour but ran out and I usually bake from 500 down to 475. Does this seem overfermented? Thanks!

1 Comment
23:22 UTC


One week in and She Hath Risen! Now that she done her thing do I continue every 12 hour feedings or what?

This is the part I’m lost with. I don’t plan on trying to use her at least for another week or two(if she continues to do well). But do I continue 12 hour feeds or go to 24 hour until I want to use her?

I have been using about 110g AP flour + 4-6g whole wheat flour and around 113ml water. Not perfect but try to be around a to 1:1:1 ratio.

23:05 UTC


I am not good at making flatbread

Made using a potato flake starter, which honestly seems to be my problem. I’ve been trying to figure out some good non-loaf recipes- my family has a good recipe for that from the coworker we got the starter from, it just makes WAY more bread than my family actually eats.

Does anyone have any good, easy recipes that work with potato flake discard? I’ve also tried making crackers, which was also a recipe definitively made for flour-based starter, and thus didn’t go well. I’ve looked through all of Little Tennesee Home’s recipes and they’re mostly still more involved than I have time for on the weekends.

Also PLEASE advise on how to work with sticky dough. It is sensory hell and I cannot figure out how to not get sticky dough.

22:53 UTC


1st Loaf Feedback

Baked my first load this morning! Pretty proud of it, however I’d like the experts here to provide feedback! It tasted pretty good. My only complaint is the texture was a tad bit gummy.

Started mixing at 1 pm Recipe 150 g starter 350 g water 500 g KA bread flour

Let sit for an hour then did 4 sets of stretch and folds.

I let BF on counter until 9:30 pm and then pre shaped, let sit for 30 ish min, then final shape and into the fridge.

The next morning at 7:30, I preheat the oven to 450, baked for 25 min, then uncovered for another 20 at 400.

I was worried that the hydration might’ve been too much? Only because I had issues with the dough keeping its shape. But the oven spring was a lot better than expected.

22:41 UTC



Bulked for about 8 hours in 22 celcius

22:38 UTC


third loaf advice!

this is my third loaf and the flavor is good, i'm not that disappointed in the crumb, but i wish there was more crunch. there is a tiny bit of gumminess. any advice?

8 hour bulk ferment 16 hour fridge proof 32 minutes at 450 covered 15 minutes at 425 uncovered cut after 2.5 hours

recipe used - 100g starter 350g water 500g bread flour 10g of salt

4 rounds of stretch (2) and coil (2) folds

1 Comment
22:38 UTC


80% hydration help

Spelt experiment 80% hydration (see video of current dough situation). Looking for tips on how to make this 80% dough turn out well. I was inspired by another redditor’s post with the most beautiful photos of a goal loaf. The goal here is a nice round loaf, open crumb with a dark crust.

240g spelt flour 360g bread flour 480g water 120g starter 14g salt

I mixed everything, four sets of 8-10 stretch n folds at 30 min intervals. My S+Fs were higher reps than my typical 4 because of how goopy the dough was, I thought it would help tighten it. Currently been bulk fermenting for like eight hours and it’s still a bowl of slop. I’ve been reading other peoples 80% hydration recipes and most do an autolyse for a few hours which I skipped. Was this step important for the consistency of the dough? There is zero chance I can shape this unless it somehow firms up. Any tips?

22:38 UTC


I think I might have ruined my starter....

Guys, I messed up. I use water bottles to feed my starter so I usually use half one feed and the other half the next. I leave the bottle on the counter by my starter. Well today I discovered a bottle on the counter was not water. I had gotten a dye free strawberry watermelon water flavoring so it looked like water. I'm not 100% sure that it's the bottle I used to feed before I put it in the fridge. What would you do? Throw it out? Watch to see if it rises the next time I do a feed?

22:34 UTC


Handy little guide

22:29 UTC

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