The subreddit of the laurel and hardy appreciation club called the sons of the desert. Preserving the greatest comedy duo's legacy for 50+ years.
The subreddit of the laurel and hardy appreciation club called the sons of the desert. Preserving the greatest comedy duo's legacy for 50+ years. Please post only laurel and hardy related links, pictures, videos, and posts. If you want to discuss, flair as a discussion post.
Despite the officers of this tent having no authority whatsoever, rules have been changed to the Thirteen Articles of the Sons of the Desert constitution! We shall do out level best to live by these rules!
The Sons of the Desert Subreddit has been revived and will continue to exist, bringing the genius of Laurel and Hardy to new generations! As such, we will deem this, unofficially, the Atoll K Tent, to compliment Utopia Tent No 176, as a respite for all fans across the globe looking for a home.
Some changes to the rules:
We got rid of em!
We'll implement rules as we need them, but in the spirit of Atoll K, restrictive rules about content posting are hereby suspended.
Also, you can have flair now! We have flair for Tent Officers and look to allow people to make their own so we know from what tent you hail.
Let's have some fun online!
Covid has killed our meetings but the Cootie Avenue Courier is still going strong! How have your home tents dealt with the last year + ?